NBA: Copy Daiki Aomine At The Start

Chapter 53 Crazy! Big Deal! (410 For The First Order)

Chapter 53 Crazy! Big deal! (4/10 for the first order)

"Wow!! "

.:,Resources.Resources?.Group.!:;,.,!中.?Turn;!Group.!! "Big deal?"

"God, it's crazy!"

"This year's draft is so exciting!"

"The top three picks are all involved in the trade?"

"Can't wait to hear the results of the deal!"

Hearing the news suddenly announced by David Sint, there was a lot of discussion at the scene.

Many audience members even stood up and craned their necks to look at the stage.

They are waiting for the result of the trade, and one by one they want to know what will happen to the three talented rookies in the top three picks this year.

And the 60 rookies standing on the stage exclaimed in shock at this moment.

Except for Lin Feng!

He is only angry now, and then quietly waits for the result.

Incompetent fury can not solve the problem, only practical action!

Neither he, Rose nor Beasley can decide their own destiny now.


"Lin, are you involved in the transaction?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"We've just been picked, are we going to be traded?"

Westbrook, who was standing on Lin Feng's left, suddenly swears in anger.

He felt that his friend had just become the No. 1 draft pick, and it was very shocking that he would be traded when he turned around.

Just like maintaining Lin Feng in the UCLA Bruins, even if he is so close to NBA commissioner David Sent.

Westbrook is still unscrupulous, dissatisfied and scolded.

"Yeah, what the hell?"

"Alas, we are the items on the shelves now!"

"You can't control your own destiny at all, damn deal!"

Le Fu, who was standing behind Lin Feng, also cursed in a low voice.

He and Westbrook were still envious of Lin Feng being the No. 1 pick, but they didn't expect their friends to be involved in the transaction.

And as the number one draft pick, it really hits people.

"Hey Russell, Kevin, it's alright!"

Lin Feng turned around and smiled and reassured: "It's not a problem, let's just wait for the result."

Then he said to Rose on the right: "Derrick, did you know this news ahead of time? Is the three of us involved in the transaction?"

"No, the agent probably hasn't had time to inform me yet!"

"I hate trades, we are the best players!"

"You shouldn't be treated like this, you'll be traded if you choose, Fake!"

Ross shook his head expressionlessly, and then cursed with anger in his eyes.

The other rookies who were selected as 24 standing on the stage were also surprised and talked a lot at the moment.

In particular, Michael Beasley, who was selected by the Knicks with the third overall pick, had a wonderful change of expression on his face and kept swearing in his mouth.

He had just been complacent about being drafted by the Knicks, fantasizing about his future money-making plans and what he would be like when he became the team's leader.

There was a big change in this special turn, and he was involved in a blockbuster deal.

The little white-haired old man David Sent took note of the expressions of the audience and the rookies.


He understands the resentment of Lin Feng, Ross and Beasley, Westbrook and others, but waits indifferently for the result, and he needs to confirm the most accurate result.

It is not easy for him to interfere in such transactions between teams.

It wasn't until 2012 that he intervened to prevent Paul from joining the Lakers.

It also made countless fans have a much worse impression of him.

"what? ! "

"Big deal?"

"Lin Feng was also involved?"

"Just now, NBA President David Sint suddenly announced the big news that the Bulls, Heat and Knicks, the three teams that selected the top three rookies, reached a trade agreement."

In the studio of Tianchao TV's 5th set, host Sun Zhenping and commentator Zhang Heligui heard the exciting news announced by David Sent.

The two exclaimed and shouted again, ignoring their appearance at all.

However, Zhang Leigui, who has been thicker-skinned for many years, quickly changed the subject and praised Lin Feng.

Just now the two of them praised Lin Feng to the sky, and they turned around and got involved in the transaction.

Too blunt!

That was the first time in the 21st century that the NBA became the No. 1 overall pick to be involved in a trade.

This may be a big blow to Lin Feng.

From their own thinking, the two of them felt that Lin Feng, a young and energetic genius, would not be able to accept it.

However, he didn't know at all that Lin Feng's mentality was calm at the moment.

Lin Feng just wanted to end this damn draft quickly, and then play more games to accumulate experience points.

Continue to improve your strength and lead the team to kill the Quartet on the court.

Whether it's the Olympics or the NBA stage!

"Lin Feng has already become the No. 1 draft pick, it doesn't really matter which team he goes to."

"Whether it was the Bulls who drafted him or the Knicks, that was absolutely core."

"Even if I go to the Heat, I can play alongside Wade and grow up very quickly."

"And these three teams are all in the metropolis, with a huge market behind them."

"Lin Feng will not lack exposure and attention, I believe he will soon be able to play his champion level!"

Zhang Ligui quickly changed his angle and continued to tout Lin Feng in a fancy way.

At this moment, the fans watching the live broadcast of the NBA draft in China have a clear attitude after hearing the news.

Most of them support Lin Feng, and believe that Lin Feng can play no matter which team he goes to.

Of course.

There are also a small number of lemon essences who are envious and hateful, and they spray sourly.

They felt that Lin Feng was traded by the Bulls as soon as he was selected with the No. 1 pick, which means that the Bulls did not recognize his strength at all and selected him only to pursue greater interests. There are different opinions, and they want to squirt at each other, which is very lively.

David Sent asked the staff to go to the draft boxes of the three teams.

He needs to confirm the news again, and then announce the transaction content.

After all, today is the NBA draft, so you can't be screwed up by this blockbuster deal.

at the same time.

In the draft room of the NBA teams on the scene, it is also a busy scene at the moment.

In the Lakers box.

General manager Mitch Kupchak rubbed his sore eyes, then shook his head helplessly at Kobe and the team controller Jim Buss.

"The Bulls asked for too much, they wanted Kobe Bryant at first!"

"God, they are crazy!"

"After being rejected by me, they proposed that we use All-Star insider Paul Gasol and our potential rookie Bynum to replace Lin Feng, the No. 1 pick."

"We lost to the Celtics in the finals this year, and I think it's mainly the team's running-in problem. Pau Gasol only came to the team in early February, and Bynum has been injured."

"But even so, we still got to Game 6."

"I think if the team can use the current lineup to work more, and then try to avoid injuries, we will definitely be able to enter the finals again next year.

Our championship trophy!

"We have the most balanced inside and outside lineup in the entire league, as well as the inside twin towers that make other teams have a headache inside, not to mention Kobe you!

"Based on this consideration, I finally withdrew from the fight for Lin Feng!

"Jim, Kobe, I hope you can understand!"

Kobe, who has been following and appreciated Lin Feng for a long time, has always suggested that the team trade Lin Feng. However, to pay such a high price, even shake the winning lineup to get a rookie. Even with the No. 1 overall pick, the Lakers still don't think it's worth it.

Knicks box.

The boss, Dolan, had a beard, and his hair was messed up by himself.

The floor was littered with papers, squatted stools, and even broken teacups.


This crazy boss just broke out in a thunderous rage.

"Donnie, the two of them have agreed?"

Dolan asked with red eyes when he saw Donnie Walsh, the team's general manager, who came in through the door. Donnie Walsh avoided the broken glass on the ground and came to Dolan with a heavy nod.

"Yes, boss, according to your instructions, the agreement has been reached!"

"And they've informed President David that he just announced the big news at the draft."

Donnie Walsh put the document in his hand on the table in front of Dolan.

As the general manager of the team, today he saw the madness of the boss.

In order to get Lin Feng, Dolan endured the nausea and humiliation of swallowing flies, allowing the shrewd Bulls and Heat to take advantage of the fire and slaughter them wantonly.

"Boss, will we pay too much to get Lin Feng?"

Donnie Walsh still felt that he was losing money, and couldn't help but said softly: "It is undeniable that Lin Feng is indeed very good, and his performance in the NCAA playoffs is worthy of the No. 1 pick.

"But we're paying Zach Randolph and Jamal Crawford, two potential All-Stars at their peak, and taking two of their junk contracts.

"The worst thing to lose is next year's first-round pick. You must know that next year will be a big year for the draft. There are many outstanding hot rookies. Are we just missing out?"

The owner of the Knicks patted the agreement on the table, and then said unwillingly: "The agreement has been reached, don't think about so many useless things."

"I hope I made the right bet this time. Lin Feng, the No. 1 draft pick, can bring us a big surprise!"

"If Lin can lead us to a great record in the new season, that first-round pick will be useless."

Immediately thinking of the cost of paying so much, Knicks boss Dolan still couldn't contain his anger.

"If we can get the No. 1 overall pick, who the hell wants to pay that price?"

"Damn Pat Riley and John Paxson, they are greedy and cunning vampires!"

"They don't know where they got it, we will definitely take Lin Feng!"

"These two bastards really dare to reach a cooperation in private and join forces to pit us together!"

"Especially the Bulls are crazy not to choose Rose as the No. 1 pick."

"They've followed Ross for so long before, and Ross is a Chicago native."

"Damn John Paxson even said that he wanted to choose Ross, but in the end, there was a shocking reversal, which caught us by surprise."

"He's doing this to get Rose and get Jamal Crawford, a quasi-All-Star, from us."

Dolan also recovered from his previous anger, and quickly cleared the pits.

"The shrewd old guy Pat Riley has always wanted to get a small forward who can play well, and they have long identified Michael Beasley."

"They have Wade on the team who is similar to Rose, how could they want a rookie Rose who hasn't played yet?"

"Since Shaquille O'Neal was traded to the Suns, the Heat's interior strength has declined."

"They must have already targeted Zach, who is excellent on offense and defense in our team, so they deliberately chose Rose who the Bulls needed, and then pulled us in for a three-way trade."

"The purpose is to get Michael Beasley and Zach Randolph from us and our first-round pick, damn Pat Riley."

"I bet Lin Feng can play now, I believe he can become the second Kobe Bryant or Iverson!

"Then it's all worth it!

In the Heat's box.

Pat Riley, who was well-dressed and had a big back, drank red wine leisurely.

He put the agreement down gently and toasted with the rest of the management.

It is like a general who has won a victory and led his team to return to the DPRK.

"Everyone, everything is as we wish!"

"Getting Michael Beasley, the talented small forward we've been dreaming of, and Zach Randolph, a potential All-Star insider at his peak."

"At the same time we got rid of Mark Bronte's rubbish contract, which is what we want!"

"Presumably Donnie Walsh and his boss, Dolan, are raging in the box right now."

"But they had to reluctantly give away two of the team's strongest prospective All-Stars, and they had to eat the two big garbage contracts we and the Bulls gave him.

"Hahaha, shopping malls are like battlefields!"

"This time we teamed up with the Bulls and easily defeated the arrogant Knicks!"

"The arrogant Dolan paid a heavy price for his arrogance and madness!"

At this time, a senior team official shook the red wine glass and asked suspiciously: "Pat, why do you think Dolan and Downey value that Celestial guard so much?"

"Just because he played 6 NCAA games? Or do you really think that rookie is the No. 1 pick?"

The savvy Pat Riley sneered indifferently: "Maybe they are stupid, isn't this what the Knicks have always done?"

"They are in the largest city in the world, but they manage the team into a super bad team!"

"The Dolan and Knicks front office also has an honorable job of developing and delivering ready-to-play, peak-state players for our 623 teams!


There was a long burst of laughter in the box.

In the Bulls box.

At this moment, it is also laughter and laughter, and the sound of clinking glasses is frequently heard.

They got the coveted talented point guard Rose, a talent they've been investigating for a long time, and Rose is a Chicago native.

They believe that Ross will be loyal enough in the future because of his hometown.

Even if they didn't pick Rose with the No. 1 overall pick, Rose returned to the Bulls in the end, isn't it crazy?

And Bulls general manager John Paxson teamed up with Heat general manager Pat Riley's move, which not only allowed them to get the coveted Rose.

And Jamal Crawford, who has outstanding offensive scoring ability from the Knicks, is a prospective All-Star who averages more than 20 points per game and can completely replace Ben Gordon, who complains all day long.

And they also got next year's first-round pick from the Knicks, which is value+foot.

At the same time, Tyrus Thomas' bad contract was also sent to the Knicks.

John Paxson believes that after he teamed up with Riley to short the Knicks, the Knicks will have a worse record next year, maybe the bottom of the league.

Then he holds this first-round pick and is likely to select the top three picks.

Maybe luck is good enough, and another top pick is also possible.

The Bulls and Heat are comfortable now, while the Knicks are suffocating to the extreme.

The staff of the NBA league office came out of the boxes of the three teams and got the exact news.

After the final confirmation.

NBA President David Sent solemnly announced the blockbuster deal to the microphone.

"After repeated confirmation, the Bulls, Heat and Knicks have reached a trade agreement."

"Chicago Bulls sent freshly drafted No. 1 overall pick Lin Feng, Tyrus Thomas and Aaron Gray, Miami Heat's No. 2 overall pick Derrick Rose and New York Knicks shooting guard Jamaal K. Lawford, and the Knicks' first-round pick in 2009."

"The Miami Heat sent Derrick Rose and Mark Blunt, the second overall pick, to the New York Knicks' No. 3 overall pick Michael Beasley and the New York Knicks' Zach Randolph."

"The New York Knicks sent Michael Beasley, the third overall pick, Jamal Crawford, Zach Randolph, and 2009 first-round picks to the Chicago Bulls' No. 1 overall pick Lin Feng and Zach Randolph. Tyrus Thomas and Aaron Gray and Mark Blunt from the Miami Heat."

"This is a blockbuster deal involving three teams and 8 players. It is destined to affect the pattern of the Eastern and Western Conference. As for the result, we will wait and see in the new season!"

The 2008 NBA draft came to an end as David Sint announced a blockbuster trade.

However, the sensation brought by the draft and this blockbuster transaction could not be subsided for a long time.

[The new book is looking for the first order, the follow-up order, the automatic subscription, the 30,000-word update on the first day, the draft has come to an end, and the more exciting and exciting plot will start immediately, the pace will be faster later, the first order is very important to the old black, kneel and beg support! ]?

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