Nba: Divine Grade Talent

【1061】Wanting At The Beginning? (Kneeling To Subscribe)

Lin Mo and all his teammates have arrived at the field and are waiting for the game to start.

Now all the players of the Bulls are training on the field, and it will be the turn of the Warriors players to train in a while.

By the time Coach Steve Kerr gave everyone some tactical analysis and instructions, all the players had already gone to the field for training.

But now Lin Mo is actually a little tangled in his heart, that is, which of these two tactics to use, Lin Mo is not sure now.

As for which one will be effective, Lin Mo also doesn't know, but he believes that an answer can be found as the competition begins.

After everyone finished training, the first quarter of the game had already begun. Anderson performed pretty well and hit the ball into Lin Mo's hands smoothly. "Four Three Seven" Lin Mo stabilized the situation and handed the ball to Steve Curry.

When Steve Curry dribbled the ball across the half court, Lin Mo also took a look at Anderson and they really didn't forcefully ask for a position with the Bulls players.

Instead, he was looking for the Bulls' loopholes through his own movement. When Steve Curry handed the ball to Lin Mo, Andre Iguodala was already closely staring at Lin Mo

Lin Mo didn't care about such a bungalow, and he didn't use his speed to break through Andre Iguodala immediately.

Instead, it waited until Robin Lopez stepped forward to screen, and then bypassed Andre Iguodala to the inside and handed the ball to Kevin Durant.

When Kevin Durant faced James' defense and handed the ball to Robin Lopez who had just entered the inside, Lin Mo had already circled Kevin Durant to the other corner up.

And Kevin Durant also set an off-ball screen for Lin Mo, blocking his opponent.

When James turned around to keep up with Lin Mo, Lin Mo was already at least three or four meters away from James.

In this position, Lin Mo receives the ball, turns and jumps, and throws the ball into the basket.

Lin Mo opened the offense with a 3-pointer first, and the Bulls' Martney dribbled the ball down half court to Andre Iguodala.

Andre Iguodala was about to break through Lin Mo, but found that Lin Mo's sliding step was always in front of him, which did not give him any chance to break through quickly.

Because Andre has discovered that Lin Mo's moving speed is indeed very fast, and there is no gap for him to create a breakthrough.

He could only wait until Osman stepped forward to cover and break through to the inside, and then handed the ball to Osman who cut in.

Osman didn't hesitate at all, and gave the ball directly to James.

James stared at Kevin Durant going in from this position.

But Kevin Durant has been harassing James with his other hand, not giving him an easy chance to break through the inside of the emperor.

When James could only press near the inside line, he handed the ball to Cascap.

The first moment Cascap took the ball, he had already shown his strength against Anderson.

When Anderson's body was about to shift and tried to withstand Cascap from the side, Cascap had turned around and threw the ball into the basket.

Only this attack shows that Cascap is not just crushing Anderson in strength.

And it is also possible to find Anderson's weakness at any time according to the defense. In the next attack, Lin Mo dribbled the ball to the inside and gave the ball to Anderson.

Anderson wanted to try to use his feet to move and attack, but found that the cooperation between James and Cascap was very subtle.

Anderson didn't dare to try again easily, and could only pass the ball to Steve Curry again.

When Steve Curry passed the ball to Lin Mo, Lin Mo saw the position where Kevin Durant ran out and threw the ball directly to Kevin Durant.

Kevin Durant contradicted Osman, using a turnaround to pass Cascap's defense and "picked the ball into the basket.

Although it is said that the offense this time is more beautiful, it is true that Kevin Durant played more difficult this round.

Seeing this situation, Lin Mo also felt that he should find a way to see how to mobilize the Bulls' inside line.

When the 2nd offense handed the ball to Cascafor again, Kevin Durant wanted to double-team the defense of Cascap.

As a result, James got a point from Cascap when he went outside. 0

He shot a large two-pointer from beyond the three-point line, and when the basketball hit the basket, Cascap gave Anderson a meaningful look.

Lin Mo also said to everyone when Steve Curry dribbled the ball to the opponent's half.

"We played fast in and fast out this round. Now that the coach has not decided to use a small ball lineup, we will play this relative speed ourselves."

"If it can be achieved with our current lineup, there is no need to bring Klay Thompson and Della Mondgreen up, which is also very worry-free."

"Whether we can succeed now is equivalent to providing the coach with the basis for the next tactics. As long as we can succeed, the coach will be more confident.

After a while, Steve Curry, Kevin Durant and I quickly broke through as arrows. David West, you have the ability to shoot a large two-pointer, so you can win in this position. "

"Anderson, you just need to rush all the way down. You can run as fast as you can. When you reach the opponent's half, it is very likely that you will get the ball directly while moving."

"If you don't have a chance to get the pass, then you're going to the hoop for the rebound, so you can break the defense."

"I'm actually not too worried about the success rate of our 4.7 offense now, because as long as the opponent's speed is not as fast as ours, our offense can achieve results."

"My main consideration is the issue of our back defense. This time we come back to defend, we must remember to use the joint defense to squeeze the opponent's inside space."

"Let's also try to see if we can successfully cut off the connection between the opponent's inside line and outside line and outside line in this kind of defense.'

"If we can cut off the connection between the inside and outside of the opponent, then we won't have any problems in offense and defense.

"Remember that when defending, if you can defend around the front, you can defend quickly around the front. If you can't defend around the front, you should defend in a small area and don't give the opponent any chance to catch the ball.

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