Nba: Divine Grade Talent

【1064】You Are Wasting Talent (Kneeling To Subscribe)

After Lin Mo handed the ball to David West inside, he also ran outward first.

David West received the ball near the free throw line, just transitioned, and then threw the ball to Anderson.

Everyone thought that Anderson was going to attack inside, but An's body passed the ball directly to Kevin Durant on the outside.

Vin Durant is still one step away from James in this position and also directly jumps and shoots.

But it was a pity that the shot was missed, and when the rebound was caught by Cascap, Lin Mo took the opportunity to grab it.

No one expected Lin Mo to be so fast. When he reached the backboard from close to the three-point line, everyone felt that Lin Mo was there.

Now Lin Mo completes the steal and hands the ball to Kevin Durant on the outside.

Now Kevin Durant adjusted and threw the ball into the basket. Kevin Durant was also very excited after throwing the ball.

After all, for him, this has already completed the task assigned by Lin Mo. The Bulls' offense this time is obviously on the inside, trying to pass the ball out.

Andre Guedala tried his best to catch the pass, but couldn't find a chance to shoot a three-pointer.

Lin Mo's defense is so tight that Andre Iguodala found that if he dribbles 893 to break inside, he is likely to be intercepted by Lin Mo.

So he can only wait for his teammates to step forward to cover again, and when he breaks through to the inside, he hands the ball to Cascap.

This also means that the Bulls have failed to find outside shooting opportunities this time.

Cascap still used his tough ability to throw the ball into the basket under the double-team defense of Kevin Durant and Anderson.

And this time, if Anderson hadn't cleverly retracted his outstretched hand quickly, Cascap might have created a two-plus-one opportunity.

So now it can be seen that there is indeed a big gap between Anderson and Cascap.

This gap refers to the gap in strength alone, but how to crack this power, Anderson has not yet found a good way.

And now Lin Mo thought of a method that might be useful when he and Steve Curry were running towards the opponent's half, Lin Mo said to Anderson.

"You try it in a while, if when Kascap hits you with a post-up single, you put your arms against him, then suddenly withdraw the force, and then suddenly apply force.

"What you need to pay attention to is that if you take back the strength and Kap's center of gravity becomes unstable, it means that your move has worked."

"If Cascarp turns around quickly while you withdraw your strength, you will quickly plug this loophole. As long as he faces you head-on, there will be no problem."

"After all, if Cascap attacks head-on, it means that his advantage of strength will not be used, but your advantage of footsteps can be brought into play."

"You try, through this method, to see if you can restrain Cascap, if not, just like what I just said, take a few more rounds.

"But you must remember that you need to feel the strength of your opponent. When you are receiving force, you must suddenly make him feel uncomfortable when you exert force and continue to push up."

"As long as you can get him to turn around and face you, but pay attention to the distance between you and him and the distance between you and the basket."

"When the distance from the basket is too close, using this method, the effect is already much worse, because when he turns around, he can already shoot directly.

"Even if Cascap doesn't turn around, he can directly score with a sideways hook or a sideways throw.

"So you should first find a way to push Cascap as far as possible from the three-second zone, and then use this method to combine it to see (baca) what happens.

Seeing that Lin Mo had reached the opponent's half, he didn't say any more. When Lin Mo received a pass from Steve Curry, Lin Mo went straight to the inside this round.

When it came to the inside, it was obvious that the inside players wanted to close the door to block Lin Mo.

Lin Mo directly threw the ball back and handed it to Wen Durant.

Kevin Durant just dribbled the ball after receiving the ball this time and felt that he had a little less protection of the ball.

It was okay for James to touch the ball. It was Kevin Durant who caught the ball at a critical moment and threw it to Steve Curry on the outside to make the second offensive organization.

Steve Curry observed the attacking time, and when he broke through inside, he handed the ball to Lin Mo, and Lin Mo just took advantage of the opportunity of turning around, and already got rid of Andre Iguodala.

When he broke through to the inside, he saw David West, and he had already started running to the inside against Osman.

Lin Mo also transferred the ball through one side and handed it to David West. David West was very comfortable.

This made Osman really helpless, Lin Mo also said to David West when he ran back.

"When you defend this time, you must pay attention to defending Osman. As for defending Cascap, I have already explained to him a little trick."

"For a while, you just need to see if it works. If it doesn't work, you can see if you need to help him defend."

"Remember that when you want to defend Osman, you can use your own strength, after all, the strength of the two of you is about the same."

"If you don't use your strength well, it's a pity, after all, you are a person who can appear on the center line, and you must be more skilled than him in terms of exerting strength.

David West nodded and ran back with Lin Mo, and when the Bulls attacked this time, they once again handed the ball into Cascap's hands.

Anderson followed Lin Mo's method, first pushing Cascap who was holding the ball to the outside line as much as possible, but he didn't push Cascap at all.

Cascap still uses the post-up singles method to get closer to the basket.

Although it is already in the three-second zone, it is clear that Cascap wants to make his hit rate higher.

Now, under Anderson's sudden yield, Cascap was caught off guard, and he slapped the ball directly on his feet, and the basketball went out of the sideline. .

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