Nba: Divine Grade Talent

【140】Wife And Daughter, Ma Yunlai To Watch The Battle, The Battle Of Talents (7/8 Begging For Subscr

Among Madison Square Garden arena, fans are packed.

The fans are wearing orange T-shirts, like a sea of ​​orange and red, with a rainbow-like momentum, very scary.

Knicks fans have not felt this playoff atmosphere for a long time.

So, now that the team is back on the stage of the playoffs, of course they will show the craziest enthusiasm, the most terrifying energy, and the most violent momentum!


New York is the largest city in the world. In terms of momentum, it must not be too weak, and it must conform to the temperament of the team.

The representative figure among them is naturally Spike Lee.

He has been a die-hard Knicks fan since he was a child, and he has not changed until now.

No matter whether the team wins the championship or becomes a fish belly, Spike Lee's loyalty is really as stable as an old dog.

Now, after waiting for so many years, he finally waited until the time for the Knicks to hit the championship.

Because the Knicks are too hot and the market explodes, the ticket price for the season has doubled.

Even so, the tickets for the second and third rounds have already been sold out.

It's just that the finals are not sure, and there is no pre-sale of tickets.

But no matter whether you can play in the finals or not, as long as the pre-sale tickets are open for purchase, you can grab them all in a few seconds.

This kind of huge home court momentum bonus also made Lin Yu's blood boil.

This is the scary thing about home field advantage.

It doesn't mean that sitting on the home court will ensure a sure win, but it will definitely occupy a huge psychological advantage, and the probability of winning is much greater than that of the away game.

"come on! Come on!"

The Knicks fans on the sidelines collectively burst into cheers, waiting for their King of New York, "Dark King" Lin Mo, to lead the Orange Knights and continue to sweep the league.

Lin Mo stood in the middle of the court, raised his right arm, stretched out his fingertips and circled the court, and the fans responded even more enthusiastically.

At this time, James, who was also warming up on the sidelines, was really shivering a little.

Although the regular season has been played for a season, James has never seen the playoffs.

Especially the attitude of the New York fans is so terrifying. For James, who is still young, the psychological pressure is very huge.

"Isn't this too scary~"?"

James swallowed, feeling a little trembling.

At this time, TNT reporters began to interview James.

"LeBron, are you sure you can win this game?"

James smiled: "Maybe? The opponent is very strong, including my good brother Lin Mo, I know how crazy he is. But we will win this game..."

When James said this, he felt guilty, so his voice trembled a little.

He is still just a little young James, not the historical superstar version of James ten years later, and he is not that mature yet.

He doesn't have Lin's ability to resist pressure and a strong mentality that only adults have.

"Coach Paul, what plan will you have for this match against Lin Mo?"

Paul Silas certainly didn't say tactics directly, but responded vaguely.

"Fingering, we will flank Lin Mo in the game, and at the same time strengthen the defensive rotation, make the defense airtight, and prevent him from attacking the basket. Lin Mo is a historical scorer. If he can't guard him, he will be defeated. .”

According to the usual practice, Paul Silas fed Lin Mo two more bowls of tainted milk.

But he didn't know that Lin had the attribute of non-stop Bailei.

If this poisonous milk is poured down, not only will it not work, but it will stimulate Lin Mo to play even more hotly.

Knicks coach Don Cheney said in an interview from the sidelines.

"The Cavaliers are a very excellent team, but we are not vegetarian, and we look forward to playing a wonderful performance with the Cavaliers. What I have to do is to believe in Lin Mo, and he will lead us to victory.

Between the lines, there is some meaning of flattering Lin Mo.

Apex stars are worth far more than head coaches.

There are many people who can be the head coach, but there are very few superstars.

Lin Mo's current status in the team is far from what Don Cheney can compare.

To be honest, if it weren't for Lin Mo's strong performance this season, he led the Knicks to a historic record.

With the virtues of Dolan and the Knicks management, Don Cheney has already packed up and left.

It's different now. Not only has he retained his coaching position, but he may even win the honor of the best head coach of the season while hugging Lin's thigh.

Lin Mo is simply his food and clothing parents, isn't that bragging?

"Mr. Lin Mo, what do you predict the final score of the Knicks vs. Cavaliers will be?"

Lin Mo smiled: "`||Of course it is 4:0, a complete sweep! There is no such thing as a gentleman sweeping this kind of thing. LeBron is very Excellent. He will become a superstar at the historical level in the future, and the future belongs to He, but now belongs to me."

"The future? When will the future be? You are only one year older than LeBron!"

Lin Mo smiled: "I may retire at the age of 35. At that time, I may have won 8 or more championship rings. It will be meaningless to continue playing."


"Maybe the league after I retire will belong to James?"

T, NT reporter: "

What the hell, this hatred...

What about brothers?

Don't you bring such slanderous people?

In this game, many big names came to watch the game from the sidelines.

Although the Knicks were unstoppable in the regular season, the playoffs are the real heavyweight matchup.

As Knicks diehards, of course they will not miss this historic game.

Scarlett Yue (Wang's) Han Xun had a big belly, so she sat on the sidelines with her girlfriends to help out.

In addition, there are also many die-hard fans of Lin Mo, including boxing champion Ali, Tyson and the like.

There are also Knicks stars Walter Fraser, Patrick Ewing, and Hollywood stars such as Tom Cruise and Will Smith.

There are also Chinese stars such as Cheng Long and Li Lianjie, and even Ma Yun came to New York to sit on the sidelines and watch the battle.

Although Ma Yun has a lot of things to do every day, she still squeezed out some time to watch the game specially.

The main reason is that he just came to New York during this period to discuss cooperation with some companies in the United States, which can be regarded as a side event.

Beside Ma Yun, sat a few Americans in suits, who were Ma's clients.

It is very common to negotiate a contract while watching a game.

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