Nba: Divine Grade Talent

【545】Try The Tactics We Carefully Prepared For You (Kneeling To Subscribe)

Generally speaking, a goal like this is called an unreasonable goal in everyone's eyes.

This kind of goal is the most damaging to the opponent's self-confidence.

Because if you can always score such a goal, no matter what the opponent's current offensive momentum is.

In short, the difference will never catch up.

Lin Mo now, after these few goals, James' fighting spirit has been somewhat wiped out.

After all, Lebron James is also a person, and as a person, he will have weaknesses. Everyone will feel a little slack when they see things that are completely impossible for them.

It's the same no matter who it is.

It's just that LeBron James has played in this league for so long after all, and his psychological quality must be much better than that of ordinary athletes.

In addition, he has never seen any big storms, so now he is still the one with the best mentality in the Lakers.

On the other side, Lin Mo knows that this battle is not over yet, and Lin Mo understands Lebron James' resilience very well.

A person with such a strong will will not lose his fighting spirit because of these few goals.

So after Lin Mo returned to his own half, he did not show any slack, but continued to devote himself to defense.

This is why Lin Mo can become the top athlete in this league.

When you put your heart and soul into doing something, it is very difficult not to succeed.

That's what Lin Mo is now.

On the other side, the Lakers requested a timeout.

Although the Warriors have been in the upper hand before, the Lakers have actually called many timeouts to arrange tactics and adjust their mental state.

Logically speaking, some pauses should be saved.

Because the number of timeouts that each team can use in a game is actually regulated.

If it is used too much in the early stage, it is very likely that it will not be suspended at the critical moment of the last section.

At the critical moment of the last quarter, the timeout is actually very important.

Because if there is no timeout, the serve will be served in the backcourt, and if there is a timeout, it will be served in the frontcourt. The two tactics are completely different.

Now Lin Mo is actually a bit confused, why the opponent started to let Lebron James play without the ball.

Lebron, as the most excellent player in this league, outside of the league, is of course perfectly fine to attack without the ball.

However, it seems a bit overkill for a player like this to play off-ball offense, and the cannon hits mosquitoes.

On the other side, Lin Mo began to strictly guard against LeBron James.

In fact, Lin Mo's idea is very simple, because in the current situation, in fact, if many role players or other main players do not have excellent quality, it is difficult to attack.

They first need to pass this barrier in their hearts.

They will start to hesitate whether they can make the ball, and if they don't make it, will it have a bad impact on the team.

If you think this way during the game, it will actually lead to mistakes.

So Lin Mo is just focusing on LeBron James now.

He didn't think much about other things now.

Sure enough, what Lin Mo thought was the same. Although LeBron James is now playing off the ball, the ball still went to LeBron James in the end.

In fact, Lebron James doesn't want to play like this, because if he plays like this now, it means that the entire team is on him.

Although a team's All-Star players must stand up at critical times to restore the team's decline.

But not as it is now.

In this case, a team will appear very deformed, but if the opponent strictly defends the All-Star players, it will fall into a very passive situation.

Fortunately, their All-Star player is LeBron James.

I saw that the Lakers used a few more conventional tactics.

Among them are pick-and-rolls and interpenetration.

While these tactics are taught while learning basketball, they will be taught in Chapter 1.

However, these tactics can be said to support the skills and tactics of the entire basketball. (ajbj) If the pick-and-roll is used well, it can become a killer.

Now Lebron James is commanding his players on the court.

He's always going to be the head coach.

It's not that he wants to take charge of the entire game, or to specialize in the team.

It's because LeBron James' golf quotient is really high, so he will actually make the best choice on the court.

Lin Mo actually has nothing to do with the pick-and-roll of LeBron James and Davis.

Because the attacks of the two people are actually threatening, it is very dangerous to let go of any one of them.

And generally speaking, if the opponent performs a pick-and-roll, when the two sides are at the same level, in fact, in most cases, the defense will be replaced.

But the defensive ability of Lin Mo and other players is obviously not at the same level.

This also led to, although he did not lose his position in the pick-and-roll, LeBron James still scored in the hands of Lin Mo's players very easily.

And this is used several times.

The Warriors head coach isn't coaching from the sidelines right now.

In fact, most coaches are more emotional during the game, except for the coach of the Warriors who seems to be an exception.

Now that the head coach is silent, Lin Mo, as the most excellent athlete on the field, of course needs to play his role.

I saw Lebron James repeating his old trick.

But this time Lin Mo didn't go out to substitute for defense, but held back the players around him.

It seems that he wants to say a few words to this team member.

And Lin Mo thinks that these few words or that LeBron James scored two points is not worth changing a timeout.

So now it is tantamount to sending Lebron James into the inside and getting these two points.

"Listen to me for a while, no matter how the opponent changes players, you can always defend your own people, and you don't need to worry about other things, but there is one thing you need to do.

That is, when they broke down at the beginning, we first replaced people. Then you are responsible for the delay, just stick to him, I will find a time to come, after I come, you go back to defend your original people. "

Now the tactic that Lin Mo mentioned is actually a more commonly used tactic in contemporary basketball.

It can be said to be a relatively advanced tactic for breaking the pick-and-roll.

The name of this tactic is the big delay tactic.

It is specially prepared for the small lineup.

Because generally speaking, in the lineup of small men, there will be a taller athlete with better skills. .

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