Nba: Divine Grade Talent

【561】Four To Two At Halftime? (Kneeling To Subscribe)

Now the ball has come to the Bulls' side again.

At this time, the Bulls' offense is a triangle offense.

It is the three players of the Bulls who are now launching a fast break together.

This fast break method is actually very powerful.

First of all, Lin Mo is the only defensive player for the Warriors now.

What we can know is that if you are a very experienced defensive player, you can defend against the attack of two people.

Because you only need to put pressure on one person, and then the other person will definitely receive the pass, and at this time will definitely choose to score.

But when facing three people, no matter how powerful the defensive player is, they may be deflated at this time.

The main reason for this is because the situation of the triangle offense is really too strong~.

The situation is still the same as before. The defensive player puts pressure on the first person to defend, and then the first person will pass it to the second person. At this time, the defending player will definitely go to the second person's side at the fastest speed.

But at this time, because he is very anxious, the center of gravity has not changed at all. The second person will pass the ball to the third person. At this time, the protective athlete has no way to return to the zone.

Therefore, as long as the triangle offense appears in the league, it is basically a score.

The Bulls fans are also very calm now.

Because they know their home team, they will definitely seize this opportunity and narrow the score to only two points.

Now the man defending this triangle offense is Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's defense against the triangle offense is actually untrained.

The reason for this is actually because its own positioning is a scoring player.

Of course, now he is a player who combines offense and defense.

But from a training point of view, he will train his scoring ability more than his defensive ability.

The defensive ability is generally performed by 3D players.

So Lin is actually not particularly aware of the defensive methods of the triangle offense.

But Lin Mo knows how to defend against two-man attacks.

I saw the three Bulls began to pass the ball around.

Although the other players of the Warriors are trying their best to rush to their own half.

But in fact, they knew very well in their hearts that basically they couldn't defend without this age.

So now if they actually score again, they should choose to quickly return to the Bulls' half.

In this case, Lin Mo throws the ball to the first half immediately after kickoff, and he can still grab an attack.

Because in the current situation, the frontcourt is a 4-on-2 situation.

But Lin Mo doesn't want to give up now.

He feels that although the triangle offense is very powerful, it is not completely unsolvable.

Lin Mo started to defend according to his previous defensive strategy.

When the third person received the ball, he started to jump and score.

You should know that at this time, Lin Mo is actually facing the second passer.

A situation that most people are on guard against.

But this time the Bulls obviously didn't get the score this time.

Because Lin Mo came to the front of the third person almost immediately after the third person's take-off, and reached the highest point first under the condition of jumping back.

This is actually a manifestation of physical talent.

Lin Mo's bullets are very fast.

Although bullet speed is something that people don't often talk about.

But in fact, he also exists.

Everyone's bullet speed is different.

One of the most common manifestations is that a person needs a certain interval between continuous jumps.

But you can also find in your daily life that some people have shorter intervals, while others have longer intervals.

This is actually because of the bullet speed.

The other is that it affects how quickly a person can reach the top.

Because when we take off, it actually takes a little time to reach our highest point.

The factor that affects this time is the bullet speed.

Now Lin Mo is obviously much faster than the attacking athlete in front of him.

So when the offensive player has not reached the highest point to make an offensive move, Lin Mo has already arrived.

Even at this time, he was already waiting for the opponent to make an action in the air.

At this time, the other party actually did not expect Lin Mo to react so quickly.

So now the technical action is actually somewhat deformed.

Because what he wanted to do was shoot straight.

But judging from the current height, if he wants to shoot directly, he will definitely get a block.

0......seeking flowers...

So now the other party's idea is to make a tie rod.

But the strength of the opponent's waist and abdomen is not enough to support him to make such a difficult movement.

So he simply threw some random shots at the moment of landing.

Lin Mo now puts his hand back very smartly.

Because if you touch the ball at this time, it is an interference ball.

No matter when the interference ball is generated, as long as the interference ball is generated, it will directly give the opponent points.

And what Lin Mo has to do now is to protect this rebound.

Because now the opponent has three players and is trying to grab a rebound.

And there is only one person here.

Although Lin Mo's jumping height is much higher than these three people.


But after all, the three people will give him more physical contact.

So now Lin Mo is actually afraid to take the ball directly.

All he wants to do now is to shoot the ball as hard as he can.

Because now there are Warriors players in the frontcourt.

And the second half was full of Bulls players.

Even if he shot the ball, the Warriors players did not receive it.

At least it can be suspended for a while, and the offensive momentum of the Bulls players around him is now.

If you don't do this, it is very likely that you will lose both sides.

Lin Mo slapped the ball vigorously in the air.

Stephen Curry, who is now in the first half, is actually aware of what Lin Li wants to do now.

So it's good to wait near the midfield very early.

Sure enough, Lin Mo's ball landed near the midfield.

After Curry received the ball, he immediately began to dribble.

Because now the first half is 4v2.

In this case, in fact, there are many offensive options for the Warriors.

The experience and talent of the Bulls' two defensive players are not particularly good.

So it can be said that it is impossible to defend the Warriors' offense now.

In the end, after Li Yanxu passed the ball, Curry was given to Kevin Durant, who was already stuck inside.

Kevin Durant directly chose to take off and dunk after receiving the ball.

He didn't make any fancy moves, because what he experienced today was too aggrieved. .

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