Nba: Divine Grade Talent

【580】The Decisive Moment Is Coming (Kneeling To Subscribe)

It is also because the opponent is too afraid of Lin Mo's midfield three-pointer.

That's why the defenders are pulling outwards now.

The result of this is that the middle door is wide open.

A breakthrough that can make Lin Mo very comfortable.

Lin Mo's breakthrough is not a complete shortcoming.

It can even be said that it is number 1 and number 2 in the league.

Lin Mo found an opportunity and broke through directly.

Now it can be said that the middle door is wide open.

Lin Mo's breakthrough was very fast.

The Thunder didn't even react.

Their Adams was still watching Durant on the inside.

He is utterly ignorant of unknown risks.

By the time Lin Mo reached the reasonable collision zone, it was already too late.

I saw Lin Mo coming up with an overlord to force his bow.

You must know that this is a choice that Lin Mo rarely makes.

Lin Mo has always played in a more reasonable and scientific way.

This is also because he has suffered very serious injuries before.

So now he chooses a more reasonable style of play to avoid getting hurt again.

Injury is very painful for athletes.

Frequent injuries will directly reduce sports life.

How many athletes are finally ruined by injuries.

I really answered that sentence, God is jealous of talents.

Now Lin 373 Mo really wants to win this game.

That's why he chose this way of attack.

He said that now he can't care about the injury.

Because this method of attack is the safest.

Although Adams is very huge.

But in fact, the core strength is not as strong as Lin Qiang.

Lin Mo is very sure that he can put the ball in through the Adam wire.

The final result is also the same as Lin Mo thought.

Although Adams even used foul tactics, she still didn't stop Lin Yu from putting the ball in.

However, referees rarely call fouls at the last moment.

So now the Thunder are only two points behind.

Give them 4 seconds left on the timeline.

The Thunder requested their team's final timeout.

This 4 seconds is crucial to them.

You must know that in terms of their strength, they can play at a super level now.

If you can't score a goal in the last 4 seconds today, it is very likely that the whole effort will be in vain.

If this is the case, it is actually unacceptable to Lei Ting.

Especially (ajaa) Westbrook.

Because he has put in a lot of hard work for this team, especially for this game, he can be said to have really tried his best.

If you regard it as an ancient Warrior, it can be said that it is for this battle to shed blood.

I exhausted my last little bit of strength, but I saw that my city wall was about to collapse.

This kind of feeling actually gives everyone a feeling of collapse. It is not easy for him to stand firmly on the court now.

Of course, some people will say that playing basketball is his profession, and playing every game well is what he should do.

But not all basketball players are as conscientious as he is.

The short pause of 20 seconds is actually very short.

Because Westbrook has been adjusting his mentality, he didn't actually participate in everyone's tactical discussions.

By the time he came to his senses, the referee had already blown his whistle.

The game is about to start.

Also the last 4.4 seconds.

Because I just came to the summit platform, through the playback of the technical platform, I stopped the watch at 4.4 seconds precisely.

There is actually not much time left for the Thunder.

You must know that the league actually recognizes shots over 0.4 seconds.

And Lao Yu took a lot of trouble, but he killed the opponent in 0.4 seconds back then.

On this court, there is actually no inevitable loss or inevitable win.

Unless it is already too much ahead.

Otherwise everything is possible.

This is also the charm of basketball.

Now the Thunder's main offensive personnel must still be Westbrook.

But it's not that much of a priority.

Because after all, time is running out now. If you force the ball to Westbrook, it is very likely that you will not be able to serve it.

The Thunder team's timeout has been used up. If the ball is really unable to be served by then, the five-second violation will be given to the Warriors for nothing.

And in this case, the Thunder can only adopt foul tactics.

The opponent will definitely pass the ball to a person who is more accurate in free throws.

And in the last minute, it is actually impossible to foul someone without the ball.

Even if a referee fouls someone without the ball, the referee will not blow the whistle to let the other team go to the free throw line.

This is actually because when O'Neill was very powerful, everyone was too afraid of his deterrent power.

But it is precisely because of fear of him that he has been studying him and developing some tactics around him.

However, because his technical movements around the basket are too skilled, and he is not too flexible at his weight, he is simply a wizard, so other tactics are of no use to him.

Just when everyone felt that as long as O'Neal was there, there was no way to win the championship.

Suddenly a coach played a magical tactic.

When everyone first saw it, they still felt disapproval, and felt that this team must be crazy.

Because at that time, the head coach sent a role player, and then as long as O'Neal got the ball, he would foul other players.

In this case, the referee will blow the whistle immediately.

After using up the opportunities for 4 fouls, as soon as O'Neill enters the paint, immediately hug him.

In this case, because the 4 foul opportunities have been used up, no matter what the foul is, it will go to the free throw line.

For O'Neal, the free throw line could be his lifelong enemy.

A statistician once said that if O'Neal was a little more accurate in free throws, he would be the player with the most points in the league.

O'Neal's free throw opportunities in each game can be said to be countless.

But O'Neal's free-throw percentage was terribly low.

In the eyes of ordinary people, 50% free throw percentage may be said to be quite good.

But you must know that they are professional athletes, and for them, free throws are part of their daily training.

So in fact, most of their free throw percentages are above 80%.

And O'Neal's free throw percentage was even below 50% early in his career.

Later, with more and more experience in the league, the free throw percentage is also gradually increasing.

However, it did not reach 60% in the end.

In other words, it is basically the level of two free throws and one goal. .

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