Nba: Divine Grade Talent

【595】The Authorities Are Obsessed, The Bystanders Are Clear (Kneeling To Subscribe)

Now the opponent's offense has reached the front of Kevin Durant.

Kevin Durant didn't dare to defend too strictly because of the number of fouls he committed.

This is also equivalent to giving the other party a chance.

Under the basket, Kevin Durant didn't defend the opponent very strictly, and it was very easy to score.

Sure enough, one of the opponent's inside players tiptoed slightly and put the basketball in.

This is also the disadvantage of Kevin Durant on the court now.

But on the offensive end, he can contribute more to the team.

Although now because of the number of fouls, his current breakthrough is also affected.

Because if you break through here now, it is very likely that the opponent will find an offensive foul, and you will still end up at that time.

But it doesn't matter, because Kevin Durant's shooting ability is also very strong.

So in fact, you can still create space for your team on the court.

On the other hand, Lin Mo actually feels the fatigue now.

In fact, if you play on such a plateau course, you may feel out of breath.

This is not because you are very tired now 407, or other reasons.

It is because it is actually very difficult for Common people to breathe under the environment of this plateau.

What's more, like professional basketball players, they go to very violent sports like this.

Such exercise must have caused them very serious physical exertion.

And the more intense the exercise, the greater the oxygen content in the blood.

But in the plateau, in fact, the oxygen content in the air is very thin, which leads them to need more air intake to maintain the previous oxygen demand

So Lin Mo's condition is not particularly good now.

After all, when Durant hadn't gone to bed after watching Durant, Lin Mo had always been responsible for helping the team survive the game.

Now that Kevin Durant is on the court, I very much hope that he can give the team a lot of space.

But things are not as easy as everyone thinks.

When the opponent saw Durant holding the ball, he immediately started man-to-man defense.

In fact, man-to-man defense is not common when the Philadelphia 76ers play the Warriors.

This is because man-to-man defense is actually at a very big disadvantage when playing against the Warriors.

The offensive abilities of the Warriors players are very powerful. Under such circumstances, the Philadelphia 76ers players are actually not particularly good defensive players. They must be unable to defend against the opponent's star alone.

At this time, joint defense is actually a better choice. Even if the first line of defense is breached, the second line of defense can keep up.

So now Kevin Durant is actually very excited at this time. It's too easy for him to break through with the opponent's current man-to-man defense.

So at this time, Kevin Durant has even forgotten that he has already committed 5 fouls.

Now that he saw an opportunity, and was very sure that he could break through, Kevin Durant still chose to break through directly.

This time, he fell into the opponent's scheme.

In fact, the opponent, adopting a man-to-man defense at this time, is to tempt Kevin Durant to attack.

I saw Kevin Du, a defensive player, and a man suddenly appeared behind him

You must know that on this earth, everything or everyone has inertia.

That is, if you stop suddenly while exercising, there will be inertia to keep you moving forward.

It is because of this inertia that Durant knocked down the person in front of him after driving.

And this person has already stood by others because he has already stood by others.

So now an offensive foul can be said to be impossible to run.

Kevin Durant (ajah) immediately realized that he had been tricked, but it didn't help.

Now the referee's whistle has sounded.

Kevin Durant's 6-foul gesture to leave the field was also made.

There was no way, Kevin Durant shook his head, and then went straight off to the lounge.

The opponent is obviously prepared now.

The Philadelphia 76ers got to the free throw line again.

The fans at the scene are afraid to make a sound now.

They are afraid that their encouragement or cheering may affect the players at the free throw line.

If this is the case, if the goal is not scored, the responsibility of oneself may be too great.

So now they actually haven't given any reply to their team at all.

Just quietly watching the player prepare for the free throw above the free throw line.

This athlete still has a lot of preparations before serving.

First, I slapped the ball a few times on the floor, and then turned it on my hand a few times.

When he talked about this free throw posture, in fact, everyone has different points.

For example, like Kevin Durant, he prefers to shrug his shoulders and shake twice when he makes free throws.

Another example is that James Harden likes to hold it in his hand for a while.

There is the most famous Steve Nash.

Nash's free throw action, like licking his heels.

In fact, everyone's free throw action is produced by them to relieve the pressure on the free throw line.

Generally speaking, free throws are very important in the game.

Maybe the free throws in previous games can be relaxed a bit.

But at the end of the game, serving is very important.

This can be seen from the performance on the spot.

Now the player has sent the ball in steadily.

This is the first penalty.

Soon she adjusted her state again, and immediately sent out the second round.

It is very powerful, that is, under the tremendous pressure, he made two free throws.

Now for the Warriors, the leading points are getting less and less, from the previous 6 points to 4 points now.

And Kevin Durant has no chance of coming back.

This has a great impact on the Warriors.

Originally, everyone's physical fitness in the team has fallen into a limit.

I originally thought about Kevin Durant, because he has been sitting off the court and resting, so he can come out to replace everyone at that time.

But this last trump card actually left the field today with 6 fouls.

It can be said that the current situation is very bad.

Don't even know how to express it in words.

On the other side, the Warriors are now communicating with Lin Mo.

Lin Mo is still very clear about the situation on the field.

Although generally speaking, the head coach knows best.

Because the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear. .

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