Nba: Divine Grade Talent

[609] A Three-Pointer, Detonating The Audience (Kneeling To Subscribe)

The opponent's lineup was too perfect.

After the mainstream players leave the court, it can be said that the Warriors' substitute players have fully grasped the momentum on the court.

And played a very beautiful offense.

This style of play actually has no chance of winning for the Thunder.

The two teams can be said to fight to the end.

And most importantly, even under such circumstances, the Thunder still lead most of the time.

It can be seen how good Kevin Durant was in this series at that time.

But then he also deeply realized how important a team's lineup is.

Especially the depth of the lineup.

Because it is impossible for the main players to play on the court forever.

And coupled with the insults against Kevin Durant by Oklahoma fans.

It is even more equivalent to accelerating his determination to leave the team.

He joined the team that beat him.

I just hope that I can spread my basketball philosophy.

Now that Kevin Durant is in this game, it can be said that he also showed his strength in the finals at that time.

But there is no way, the scolding against him is still not over.

Plus he's already used to it by now.

In fact, the strong will always attract criticism.

Now Lin Mo can actually see that Kevin Durant is in very good condition today.

So after he played a ball, he actually hoped to hand over the ball to Kevin Durant more.

He also knows that this season is actually very important to Kevin Durant.

After Kevin Durant joined the Warriors last season, he did not win a championship, and there was no way to prove that his choice was correct.

And he was injured.

This injury is still a very serious injury.

It can be said that if it happened to other athletes, this career would have been ruined long ago.

So it can be seen that Kevin Durant's mental state is very bad this season.

He was so desperate to prove himself.

This idea is actually very easy to understand.

But if you take this idea to play every day, the effect of the game will not be particularly good.

Although in fact, the team has helped Kevin Durant's psychology.

But such help is actually not as good as breaking his own demons by himself.

Kevin Durant's current demon is very simple, that is, as long as he wins the championship or completes this goal this season, one of them can be liberated.

Now the idea of ​​the entire team is actually to help Kevin Durant.

The opponent's offense is still very sharp.

Under the leadership of Teacher Yue, they blossomed everywhere.

Even two-pointers and three-pointers.

Now the Warriors are already behind, with a full 5 points.

This is almost unbelievable for the Warriors' opening.

You must know that the Warriors have always been a team that plays with the wind.

Of course, this does not mean that they will not fight headwinds.

It's just that their strength prevented him from going against the wind.

Few teams can get an advantage over the Warriors.

Now Lin Mo dribbled the ball directly to the first half.

In the first half, everyone's defense was actually very attentive.

As for Lin Mo, they now have a little bit of control.

They have gradually seen through Lin Mo's offensive methods.

There is no way that superstars will always be targeted first.

But what Lin Mo wants now is to help Kevin Durant score.

After seeing him break through, he didn't choose to go directly.

As a result, the appointment with the teacher was actually because of inertia and rushed out at this time.

It happened that Kevin Durant was under the basket at this time.

Lin Mo handed the ball to Kevin Durant.

Kevin Durant has no one under the basket now.

So it can be said that it is very easy to score.

Such scoring is now very much needed for the Warriors.

A simple score can calm everyone's minds.

Soon Lin Mo threw himself into defense again.

When defending the appointment with the teacher, Lin Mo actually summed up a set of methods.

Lin Mo can see that he dribbles with his right hand all the time.

This is actually a very taboo point among basketball players.

It may be because the training time for the appointment of the teacher is not particularly long.

Because if you have a particularly pronounced handedness.

It will directly steal like Lin Mo now.

Lin Mo first forced Teacher Yue's left hand.

Then force the teacher to dribble with his left hand.

In this case, his dribbling effect will actually be much lower.

Moreover, the control ability of his left hand is obviously not as good as that of his right hand.

So it was very easy to be intercepted by Lin Mo.

After Lin Mo steals the ball, he sees that Kevin Durant has already run to the frontcourt at this time.

In fact, Kevin Durant's advancement speed can be said to be very fast.

This is all due to the fact that he was very focused today.

All his attention is on the court.

If it is normal, it is very likely that he is still staying in his own half.

Now his scoring can be said to be very easy.

But Kevin Durant did not choose a two-pointer.

Instead, he chose a three-pointer.

After he shot the three-pointer, he turned around and left.

It can be seen that he is very confident.

This confidence comes from his strength.

And it also comes from his very hard training every day.

The training intensity is also very high.

It can be said that he has maintained a muscle memory of his current shooting.

Under such circumstances, every time his attack is actually very sure.

Lin Mo has now started applauding in his own half.

Most of the shots, in fact, Lin Mo can know whether the ball will be scored before it hits the ground.

Now the rotation of this shot, his strength, and his angle are all perfect.

It is impossible not to score this goal.

This three-pointer can be said to directly detonate (Nuoma Zhao) the audience.

And it also allowed the Warriors to narrow the point difference to two points.

You must know how excited the Nuggets were when they launched this wave of offense.

It's like a new year.

But now the Warriors are chasing back so lightly.

This made the Nuggets feel even more sad.

It is for this reason that the Nuggets' offense seems to be in trouble now.

This dilemma does not come from the scene, but from the heart of each player.

Now apart from asking the teacher to organize their attack.

It seems that no one else can stand up.

And the problem with their team has always been that they rely too much on Teacher Yue.

Once Teacher Yue doesn't organize their offense, their offense will have a particularly big problem.

It is actually very good that this kind of problem is exposed during the regular season.

Because if it is discovered in the playoffs, it will be too late.

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