Chapter 110

The game is over.

The Lakers finally won the game.

Su Pan's statistics were fixed at 37 points, 17 rebounds and 9 blocks.

If it weren't for the farce of Cousins in the middle of the game, Su Pan would definitely have achieved a triple-double tonight.

This also made many fans complain about the Kings, thinking that Cousins was unable to beat the opponent and started a fight.

On Cousins' side, the statistics were very bleak.

He only scored 5 points and 3 rebounds in the whole game.

The added statistics are not as high as Su Pan's block statistics.

Commentator Mike Breen also sighed with a wry smile.

"What else is there to say?"

"Let's put aside the fight."

"The matchup between Supan and Cousins was actually clear."

After feeling the louder cheers from the fans, Mike Breen continued to speak more boldly.

"Facts have proved that Su Pan is a better center than Cousins"

"If Cousins was the league's top center before, then Su Pan has undoubtedly changed the owner of this position!"

"Now the throne of the No. 1 center belongs to Su Pan! No one can question this!" The cheers of the fans at the scene became louder.

After the game, the whole network reported crazily.

Almost all NBA media in the world were praising Su Pan.

The core topic, of course, cannot be avoided. Su Pan is the No. 1 center in the league.

And he is the undisputed No. 1 center in active service!

There were many people arguing about this before.

But now no experts are publicly refuting it.

Strength has proved everything.

Su Pan is a whole level stronger than other center players in the league.

And on the night of the game, the league officials also announced the results of the new week's best player of the week.

Although Su Pan was ejected from the last game, he still won the Western Conference Player of the Week and Rookie of the Week.

Su Pan also became the first player in NBA history to win three consecutive Player of the Week awards in his rookie season.

At TNT's evening symposium.

Charles Barkley tonight can be said to be proud.

Many people had previously grasped his high opinion of Su Pan and kept talking about it in the media.

Now Su Pan has shut everyone up.

This guy even shouted on the show

"There is no doubt that Su Pan will win the Player of the Month award this month."

"In NBA history, there are rookies who won the Player of the Week award in their first week of their career."

"But no rookie has ever won the Player of the Month award in the first month of his career.

Kenny Smith saw Barkley's arrogance and poured cold water on him.

"Don't be too happy too soon, Su Pan is likely to be suspended by the league tonight"

"If the suspension exceeds 5 games, his Player of the Month award this month is likely to be scrapped."

"Over the years in the NBA, I have never seen a light sentence for fighting. The minimum is three games."

"And he was so ruthless, there is a high probability that he will be penalized for five games."

"PJ·Tucker might be better, his situation is not too serious."

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room fell into silence.

Barkley, who was just happy, froze his smile.

While celebrating, they also ignored the most critical issue.

Many people also began to worry about the official penalty of the league.

Because this is likely to affect Su Pan's personal honor in the new season.

On the second day, the official quickly announced the result of the penalty.

【Punishment for the fight between the Lakers and the Kings】

【Kings player DeMarcus Cousins took the initiative to hit someone and caused a fight. The circumstances were serious and he will be punished personally, suspended for 5 games and fined $50,000.】

【Kings player Cauley-Stein participated in a fight, the circumstances were serious, and the punishment was a three-game suspension and a fine of $30,000】

【Lakers player PJ Tucker participated in a fight, the circumstances were serious, and the punishment was a 3-game suspension and a fine of $30,000】

【Lakers player Su Pan participated in a fight and was suspended for one game and fined $20,000.

After the news was announced, the entire network was in an uproar

"What the hell?! 1 game?!"

"Holy shit! Thank god, it was just a one-game suspension!"

"It's so scary. I saw many media predicted before the game that there would be at least five games."

"I thought it was five games too, after all, he knocked Cousins' front teeth out!"

"Fortunately, it was only one game, and the impact was not big."

The fans of the Lakers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The most confused one was Cousins.

He looked at the penalty notice sent by the team in the email, and he was dumbfounded.

I was beaten, and two of my front teeth were knocked out by Su Pan.

And you told me that I was punished the most severely?

Suspended for five games? Fined me fifty thousand?

And the team also stated that he was required to pay the fine personally.

For example, on the Lakers side, Su Pan and PJ Tucker, the team took the initiative to help pay the fines.

The most important thing is.

In this fight, Su Pan hit the hardest.

And you told me that he was only suspended for one game.

Is he really the father of the league?

Can Cousins be mentally balanced?

Definitely not!

He called the NBA officials directly that day and asked for an appeal.

The result was that it was rejected by the officials at the speed of light.

Cousins was furious Cousins complained to the media about the penalty.

That night, the referee immediately appeared in front of the official camera, took the referee report, and explained the penalty to the fans.

The reason is very simple.

This fight was caused by Cousins himself.

He was the first to hit someone, and Su Pan was acting in self-defense.

The reason why Cousins was beaten the most was because Su Pan avoided it perfectly, and everyone underestimated his counterattack ability.

Su Pan was a passive defensive shot, so he received the lightest punishment.

After the referee finished speaking, the official also came forward directly.

Remind all active players in the NBA to take this as a warning.

He will never tolerate this malpractice and guarantees a zero-tolerance attitude.

The official said it in a high-sounding manner, but the actual situation is.

Last night, the league officials held a meeting regarding the punishment given to Su Pan.

"I think it's okay to punish them! But it can't be too severe."

"Give me five games? Who the hell said that I should be banned from playing in Supan for five games! Stand up for me!"

"No! Who said three games! How dare you do three games?"

"Yes, why don't we look at the number of games played by Su Pan and see how much our turnover is?"

"Who proposed the three-game and five-game punishment? Are you trying to cut off our cash cow?"

At the meeting, many senior officials were furious.

When they saw that someone below reported that the players on both sides should be strictly dealt with, they cursed in the meeting room.

Many people also realized that Su Pan is now the traffic code of the NBA.

In the long meeting, the league's top management reached a consensus.

Su Pan must not be suspended for too long.

The economic loss of banning Su Pan is too serious!

In other words,

Su Pan is the father of the league!!


(Damn, yesterday’s predictions were all wrong. So embarrassing.)

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