Chapter 112

Los Angeles.

After buying three cars, Su Pan drove his new car home and suddenly realized something.

There was no parking space under his apartment.

Fortunately, he could park in a public place nearby.

But he couldn't just leave it there forever. That would be embarrassing.

So Su Pan made up his mind.

"Looks like I have to buy a house quickly."

But buying a house can't be done rashly.

Los Angeles is a place I'm not familiar with. Buying a house is a big deal. If the other party sets a trap, I'll lose a lot of money. It's not difficult to say it's difficult.

Just find someone who knows about it and ask.

The next day, before the game.

In the Lakers' locker room.

After Su Pan put on his jersey, he looked at Kobe who was also changing his jersey next to him.

"Hey, Kobe"

"What's up?"

"I have been in Los Angeles for quite a long time."

Su Pan got straight to the point:"I think I will be here for a long time in the future, so I will definitely stay."

"I want to buy a house to live in. Do you have any good recommendations?"

Kobe's eyes lit up when he heard this.

I don't know if Kobe heard the other words.

But Kobe must have heard the three words"stay" clearly.

Seeing that Su Pan was so eager to stay, Kobe suddenly became energetic.

"Of course there is"

"Just a few days ago, I was chatting with friends and they said"

"There are several houses for sale in Beverly Hills."

Beverly Hills!?"

Su Pan was also interested when he heard the name.

There is no doubt that this is definitely the top luxury residential area in Los Angeles.

However, the house is not cheap, and the entry-level one costs 10 million US dollars.

One of Kobe's luxury houses is in Beverly Hills.

If you buy Beverly Hills, you will be neighbors with world celebrities such as Beckham, Madonna, Taylor Swift, Jackie Chan, Sicong, etc.

Su Pan also felt that Beverly Hills is indeed suitable for him. It is big enough and good enough, and it also fits his status.

So he decided to contact his agent first and ask him to help him research and buy a house there to live in.

But before buying a house, Su Pan still has a task.

That is to finish the game tonight.


Tonight's game is even more popular than the finals.

Los Angeles derby.

Lakers vs. Clippers!

There is no need to introduce too much about one side, the Los Angeles Lakers, the Los Angeles powerhouse.

The other side has been enjoying extremely high attention since 2011 and is known as the"Alley-Oop City" with the most entertaining games in active service, the Los Angeles Clippers.

The heat of the matchup between these two teams has never been low since 2011.

With the highly entertaining games in the Alley-Oop City and the extremely violent dunk shows, the Clippers have a lot of fans in the league.

Especially since the two sides are playing in the same venue and in the same area.

Before the game started, the cheers of the fans on both sides were resounding.

Moreover, the personnel configuration and overall strength of the two teams this year can be described as tit-for-tat.

Before the game started, the TNT commentator Charles Barkley was very excited.

"Tonight, we will see a real focus matchup"

"This may be the strongest opponent that Su Pan has faced in his career."

What Barkley said is correct.

Since 2011, the Clippers have been a regular in the playoffs, and they almost made it to the Western Conference Finals. They were also considered by fans to be one of the teams most likely to win the championship.

It's just that they are unlucky and encounter tough opponents in the playoffs every year.

Either the Grizzlies who overturned the Spurs to complete the black eight, or the Spurs at the end of their peak, or they ran into the peak Thunder who were in full swing.

It's not that there was no chance to play in the next round. The key is that every year someone gets injured, either Paul or Griffin, or both of them get injured.

It's like being cursed.

But in general, the Clippers are definitely one of the strong opponents in the West. The

Clippers are currently ranked third in the West, higher than the Rockets, who the Lakers played before.

And in terms of the strength of the inside line, the Clippers are above the Rockets. The Rockets only have one Howard, while the Clippers have the league's best inside defense. The Clippers have three main players, including DeAndre Jordan and Griffin, who is one of the top three power forwards in the league.

There is also the organizing master Chris Paul on the back line.

The presence of Paul can make Griffin and DeAndre Jordan even stronger.

In other words, the inside combination of Griffin and DeAndre Jordan is 1+1=2.

But if Paul is added, the two will have the effect of 1+1=3.

If the starting lineup is strong, it is nothing.

The Clippers' role lineup is equally luxurious.

Redick, who ranks first in the league in three-point shooting percentage, and Crawford, the best sixth man.

There are also high-quality blue-collar workers such as Jeff Green and Wesley Johnson.

It can be said that the Clippers are tough from the starting lineup to the bench.

Pre-match interview.

Griffin's reaction surprised Su Pan.

Su Pan didn't understand why Griffin was so hostile to him.


Griffin in front of the camera didn't care about the eyes of the people around him at all, and spoke loudly.

"Stop talking about the best center in the league."

"He's only in his rookie season and hasn't even played in the playoffs."

""You want to be the best center in the league? Dream on!"

Griffin was really unhappy.

He and Su Pan were both No. 1 picks, and both were high-flying players.

They both peaked as soon as they debuted.

The year he debuted, he averaged a double-double, and even created a record of averaging 22.5 points and a double-double in his rookie season.

When the media praised him, at most they praised him for his violent aesthetics and promising future.

How come Su Pan was going to be the best center in the league in his rookie season?

And until now, no one has said that he is the best power forward in the league!


The reporters also noticed the hostility in Griffin's tone and wiped the sweat off their foreheads.

Facing such a player, they did not dare to ask more questions for fear of causing some accidents.

Everyone turned their attention to DeAndre Jordan, who was on the same team.

Compared with Griffin, DeAndre Jordan tonight was a little more normal.

He looked very calm and composed, less unstable than before.

Facing the camera, DeAndre Jordan's answers were also very rational.

"I don't know if he will be the best center in the league in the future."

"But at least now, he is not"

"I will let him see what the league's top interior defense is."

The reporters nodded with satisfaction.

Jordan's answer without personal emotion was exactly what they wanted.

But just looking at Griffin's condition, many fans began to look forward to whether Griffin would vent his anger in the Lakers' restricted area tonight.

After all, since he joined the league, there have been countless famous scenes of humiliating dunks.

The two heroes in the restricted area of Los Angeles pointed their spearheads at Su Pan.

This also made the fans look forward to tonight's game even more.

When Su Pan was interviewed, the reporter also asked him this question

"You will face the double siege of Griffin and Jordan, what do you want to say to them?"

Facing the camera, Su Pan smiled

"Come on, I, Su Pan, have nothing to fear!!"

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