Chapter 34

The game is over. The Ohio State University Buckeyes defeated the UCLA Bruins and successfully advanced to the semifinals!

Coach Holtmann almost cried with joy.

This should be the most exciting battle he has won in all these years.

Moreover, no UCLA player could successfully score in double digits.

Anyone who dared to enter the inside would be blocked by Su Pan.

On the contrary, Russell scored 15 points, 2 rebounds and 18 assists for the Buckeyes, and once again got a double-double with super high assist data.

Su Pan scored 50 points, 30 rebounds and 8 blocks.

However, after he scored 50 points and 30 rebounds, the coach replaced him, otherwise he would have a high chance of hitting higher data.

But after all, it is better to leave a way for others to see each other in the future.

Su Pan did not strongly ask the coach to let him continue to improve his data.

In the stands not far away.

Kobe looked at Su Pan's data on the scoreboard and fell into deep thought.

The gold content of the NCAA game is not that low. As NBA reserve forces, most of the players here are moving towards their professional goals.

Even if many people didn't make it to the NBA, they would have joined high-intensity leagues like the European League and the Australian League.

To be honest, it would have been difficult for me to score 50 points in college when I was a rookie.

But Su Pan scored 50+30, as easy as drinking cold water.

Kobe knew it.

Su Pan is even more awesome and stronger than when he first entered the league!

""Let's go, we have something to do next!"

Kobe sighed:"It's not an easy task to win over Su Pan."

Kupchak, who had just finished a phone call, called Kobe.

As soon as the game ended, he notified the team management and asked them to do whatever it takes to win over Su Pan.

Kupchak had the same idea at the moment.

If he didn't pursue Kobe now, it would be like not choosing Jordan back then.

Kobe nodded. It has to be admitted that after this game, it was not easy to win over Su Pan.

But he didn't leave, but walked into the player tunnel to look for Su Pan.

As soon as Kobe appeared in public, he immediately caused a sensation

"Gift crab! What is Kobe going to do?"

"Wait! He's going to the Buckeyes' lounge?"

"seems like it!"

"Kobe is going to find that rookie!"

Fortunately, the staff around reacted quickly and evacuated the crowd immediately, not giving too many media the opportunity to see Kobe.

When he arrived at the door of the Buckeye Tree, Kobe adjusted his mood and knocked on the door gently.

"Who is it?"

"Come in!"

Su Pan's lazy voice came from the room.

When Kobe pushed open the door and entered the room, everyone's eyes were immediately focused on him.

The entire locker room was silent.

The Buckeye players were stunned.

Obviously, everyone did not expect that the Los Angeles Lakers' superstar would come to their locker room.

Kobe smiled and waved to everyone.

"Hi, how are you guys?"

After saying this, the whole locker room went crazy.

Everyone was jumping, dancing, and throwing clothes.

"Kobe! Kobe! Can I shake your hand?"

"Kobe! Oh my god!"

"OMG! Mom! Look behind me, who is that?!"

""Kobi Buwaien!"

Even many Buckeye players in the room began to call their families and asked them to meet Kobe.

After all, not everyone is like Su Pan and Russell, who have the opportunity to enter the NBA in the future.

The future of most players has nothing to do with basketball careers.

Kobe is indeed a god-like figure in their lives.

Su Pan also respects Kobe.

But when he saw Kobe, he was not crazy about him like many little fans. Instead, he had a calm expression and smiled slightly to welcome him.

On the contrary, Russell next to him, his eyes were almost shining, and he stretched out his hand to shake hands with Kobe.

However, Kobe had no mind to pay attention to others at this moment.

He walked straight to Su Pan and didn't see Russell's handshake at all. He went straight to Su Pan to shake hands with him.

Haha -

Russell felt that there were several crows flying over his head.

However, compared with Russell's licking dog.

Su Pan just smiled and shook hands.

Seeing that Su Pan showed a calmness beyond his peers, Kobe also raised his eyebrows

"Boy, you played well!"

Kobe smiled and said,"You have won the MVP cheers here, you are more popular than me"

"I haven't entered the NBA yet."

Su Pan smiled and said,"You have been called MVP here for almost 20 years."

"Su Pan played the game very well.

Mature, steady, modest, and strong.

Looking at Su Pan in front of him, Kobe's face was full of smiles.

He liked Su Pan even more in his heart.

However, he came to meet Su Pan this time out of selfishness. After all, it was someone else's carnival, and he couldn't stay here for a long time.

Kobe took the initiative to pull Su Pan to his side and whispered in his ear

"Do you want to come to the Lakers to play? I believe you will like the prosperity and fans here in Los Angeles."

"Of course, you know"

"The beauties in Los Angeles also like you very much!"

Su Pan doesn't care which NBA team he will play for in the future.

As long as it's not a too poor city.

Los Angeles is of course OK, especially Kobe's last sentence.

The beauties in Los Angeles.

Su Pan said I want to hit ten of them!

Kobe raised his eyebrows at Su Pan.

The two looked at each other and smiled brightly at the same time.

Before Su Pan could answer this question, Kobe took the initiative to reach out and patted Su Pan on the back.

"Go back and think about it carefully."

"The door of LA is always open to you."

After the two finished chatting,

Kupchak chased to the locker room and urged Kobe to leave quickly.

Su Pan turned around and found that Russell was still holding out his hand. The smile on his face froze.

Su Pan helped Russell put down his arm.

"Don't mention it, isn't it sour?"

"Your body is almost as stiff as a zombie."

And the pain at this moment was only known to Russell himself.

The Lakers had contacted him privately before, and the two sides were very interested in each other.

But... why did they ignore me this time?

Now he just felt like crying but had no tears.

Didn't you Lakers think highly of me before?

It was fake! It was all fake!!

After cleaning up a bit, the Buckeyes were ready to attend the post-match interview.

But coincidentally, the UCLA team was also walking out.

The two teams bumped into each other in the narrow passage, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.


What was unexpected was that Kevin Looney called Su Pan, but walked to Su Pan and asked in a low voice:"Are you really going to participate in the NBA draft this year?"

""Yes, what's wrong?"

Kevin Looney almost cried when he heard this.

He was originally in the second round of the draft, and was ranked around 50th. He was very lucky to be ranked 40th.

After being beaten by Su Pan, it was uncertain whether he could enter the NBA.

Looney even thought about playing one more year in college.

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