Chapter 55 The NBA draft lottery ceremony finally arrived on July 15, US time. The three teams that ranked the worst last season, the Minnesota Timberwolves, the New York Knicks and the Los Angeles Lakers, have the highest probability of drawing the No. 1 pick. But other teams are not without chances. Many team managers are pinning their hopes on the people they send out to draw the lottery, and they can come up with a"god move" and lock in the No. 1 pick in one fell swoop. As the three"bottom" teams that were in a terrible state last year, the management staff are very confident. Because they all believe that they can draw the No. 1 pick. Soon, the draft lottery began. With everyone's expectations, the positions gradually surfaced. The first to win the No. 1 pick came from the Timberwolves. As the bottom team in the entire league last year, they took the No. 1 pick right away. I saw the management of the other two teams in the audience gritting their teeth. The Lakers expressed deep regret, and so did the Knicks. But James Dolan was not in a hurry. He felt that if he didn't draw the No. 1 pick, he would be fine with the second-to-last record in the league last season and only won 17 games throughout the year. James Dolan stared at the big screen. After a long time, the official results were announced. The Lakers management next to him jumped up and cheered. Don't mention how happy they were. Although they didn't get the No. 1 pick, the Lakers got the No. 2 pick. James Dolan's face darkened instantly.

"Fuck, we can only get third place!"

"Damn it, someone must have gone out today without praying."


Many managers around were trembling, not daring to make trouble at this time.

But with the announcement of the third pick, all the managers squeezed their legs together, dodging James Dolan's gaze.

The third pick was announced, and the Philadelphia 76ers successfully counterattacked from the bottom, relying on the predicted probability of seventh, and won the third pick.


James Dolan was stunned at this moment.

I was the second-to-last player last season, and I only won 17 games. I was almost crazy because of my poor performance.

And you tell me that I only got the fourth pick?

In this draft, the players of the first three teams were all smiling.

Only the Knicks put on the mask of pain.


The Timberwolves were laughing so hard that they fell over.

Because from the moment they drew the No. 1 pick, they were bombarded with calls from all over the world.

All of these calls were to discuss trade intentions.

And the teams that came to apply for trades, without exception, were targeting Su Pan. The

Timberwolves, who hold the No. 1 pick, are of course not in a hurry.

Instead of making a deal, they want to see if the chips of other teams are sincere enough.

If the sincerity is enough, then what's wrong with a No. 1 pick.

After all, the Timberwolves at this time still built the team with No. 1 pick Wiggins as the core, and vigorously cultivated Wiggins.

Wiggins + Zach Lavine + Ricky Rubio.

If there are a few outstanding role players + an All-Star.

Why not?


As soon as the draft ended, the Knicks held a meeting.

In the meeting room,

James Dolan sat on a chair with a serious look on his face.

Many management and players were arguing fiercely.

"We didn't have a very good draft pick this year, and I don't think we need to sacrifice the future of the team."

"I think we can use the backup plan, Porzingis is a good choice"

"What a joke! You have Su Pan to pursue, and you want Porzingis?"

"We can't overdraw our future ten years just for this guy!"

"Yes, Carmelo Anthony is old, and we need someone who can fight immediately."

James Dolan kept silent as he watched everyone blushing.

He also knew that the possibility of selecting Su Pan with the fourth pick was very low.

At this moment, he knocked on the table a few times to restore peace to the meeting room.

When everyone quieted down, he turned around and asked the assistant beside him.

"Is there still a chance of a trade?"

The assistant looked embarrassed, but still began to answer:"Theoretically, yes, it depends on what price the Timberwolves want."

James Dolan nodded.

If he used his fourth pick plus some players, if he could get a rematch in the trade, it would be worth it.

However, he looked around the Knicks' lineup and found that there was no player who could be shown off except Melo.

Everyone's eyes stayed on James Dolan, waiting for his decision.

After a moment, James Dolan's voice echoed in the conference room.

"JR Smith, Iman Charlotte, all can be traded."

James Dolan gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Moreover, we can come up with a lot of money."

Everyone gasped.

If the Knicks want to make a deal this time, they are bound to bleed a lot.


At the same time, the Lakers are also a strong contender in this trade.

The bad news is that they are just one point away from the No. 1 pick.

The good news is that the Timberwolves are now wavering on the idea of cultivating Su Pan.

At least in the phone call given, the Timberwolves intentionally or unintentionally revealed that they are very interested in the Lakers' No. 2 pick.

In the meeting, Kupchak made the final decision in front of many Lakers management.

"This matter is not negotiable!"

"Don't fight either!"

"I'm putting my words here!"

Kupchak glanced at the management below with a cold look.

"If the Timberwolves don't choose Su Hao, we will use the second pick to choose Su Pan."

"If the Timberwolves choose Supan, trade with them"

"Roy Hibbert, Carlos Boozer, Julius Randle...Except Kobe, all the players are willing to be put on the shelf."

The management team gasped.

Several people wanted to refute, but seeing Kupchak's fierce eyes, they were also hesitant to speak.

Kupchak looked around the silent meeting room and spoke word by word.

"If necessary, including this year's No. 2 pick, can also be traded."

When these words came out, everyone also understood his determination.

This is not only Kupchak's determination, but also Kobe's obsession.

Although there are many high-quality players to choose from in this year's draft, compared with Su Pan, these people seem so bleak.

Kobe is old.

For the future of the Lakers, they must take Su Pan.

There are many NBA teams that share the same mood as the Lakers.

The battle for Su Pan has officially begun


On the other side, in the Ohio State dormitory.

Russell smiled and teased Su Pan:"You are going to Minnesota to play, Su."

Su Pan remained silent.

Russell was laughing crazily in his heart, and he was also quite proud of himself.

Because Su Pan has a great chance of being the top pick, and he will go to the barren land of Minnesota.

On the contrary, he is likely to play for the Lakers.

Faced with this problem, Su Pan was also helpless.

Although Su Pan is not so obsessed with big cities, it is best not to go to a small city like Minnesota.

After all, not to mention the remoteness, the basketball market is also very small, and it is difficult to recruit players.

If he goes, he can only play for the Timberwolves for the next three years before the end of his rookie contract.

Su Pan can only hope that it is not really Minnesota.……


Time flies.

On July 30, US time, the annual NBA draft finally arrived as scheduled amid the anticipation of thousands of fans!

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