Chapter 154 Pegasus Meteor Fist Hammer Breaks the Bridge of Bynum’s Nose!!

Purple Wilderness also scored a free throw.


Halfway through the first quarter, Purple Field managed to score in double figures.

The Heat’s points are currently all scored by the Purple Wilderness.

And so did Kobe Bryant.

Both men have the league’s top scoring ability, and they can’t tell the difference between winning and losing for a while.

Meanwhile, the Lakers’ management office is in the middle.

The team’s top brass is also watching the game.

After seeing the Purple Wilderness score consecutive points and directly rush to 10 points, the Lakers executives frowned.

A white-haired old man in a black suit said majestically: “Our internal line is weak like this, what if we meet Purple Field in the finals?” ”

As soon as he opened his mouth, the lakers’ general manager and others were silent.

This is the acquisition of the Lakers from the 80s, and single-handedly made it into the current Tyrant of the Purple Gold Dynasty, Jerry Bath.

The old Bath is not comparable to the bosses of other teams in the league.

He not only spends a lot of money, but also maintains the glory of the Purple Gold Lakers in the City of Angels

And he also knows the ball very well, his eyes are poisonous, and after winning the Lakers, he created a new Lakers dynasty with the OK combination.

In front of the old Bath, the other management personnel did not dare to speak out.

Because the old Bath knows no less about the NBA than they do.

At this moment, old Buzz frowned, his fingers constantly tapping on the desk.

Apparently, the old Bath is very dissatisfied with the Performance of the Lakers today.

Although the Heat are Eastern Conference teams, the playoffs and the Lakers will not meet, but the possibility of meeting in the Finals is not impossible.

To defeat the Heat, you have to defeat the Purple Wilderness.

But the destructive power of purple wilderness today is too strong, And Byna 613m has used the UFC action without stopping him, and is frequently scored by purple wilderness.

The Lakers’ goal this season is to win the championship, and if the inside line is blown up like this, it will not meet the requirements.

Old Bass looked at the big screen, wreaking havoc on the Lakers’ inner line of the purple wilderness, a little regretful.

It would have been nice if The Purple Plains were clad in their Purple Gold Robes.

Such a strong inside player reminds him of Shaquille O’Neal, who he agreed to trade with one hand.

The Purple Wilderness is not inferior to the super center of lakers O’Neal.

If the Purple Wilderness can come to the Lakers and partner with Kobe Bryant, who is still at his peak, then the Lakers will definitely win a triple crown again and open a new Purple Gold Dynasty.

Unfortunately, at the time of this year’s draft, too many teams were competing for the Purple Wilderness.

Although the old Buzz is also interested in winning the Purple Wilderness, just maintaining last season’s finals lineup has left him with little leverage.

But when the Lakers didn’t reach the Finals last season, when the draft was held, he would be like Pat Riley, giving everything to the Purple Wilderness, and only keeping Kobe Bryant was enough.

Now, he could only watch the Purple Wilderness fight for the Heat.

The Lakers’ current lineup is maintained by the old Bath paying a large amount of luxury taxes, if he can’t win the championship, what is the point of so much money he pays.

General manager Kupček said carefully: “It is really necessary to improve the team’s internal confrontation ability. ”

“You have a way?”

Old Bath squinted and looked at Kupchek.

Kupček bowed his head and said, “Yes, we can find another strong inside player in this year’s trading market.” ”

The easiest way to improve a team’s ability to play is to bring in a player who is tough on play.

The elder Bass said: “Is there a stronger inside line in the trading market now than Andrew Bynum?” ”

Although this method is very simple and effective, it also requires the right players.

Considering that Bynum is also a player who resisted the Green Army’s iron-blooded attack in last season’s finals.

It’s not easy to find tougher players than Bynum in the free agent market.

Thinking of this, Old Buzz half-jokingly said, “Can you get the Purple Wilderness from that old fox of Pat Riley?” ”

Kupchek smiled awkwardly: “Of course the Purple Field is impossible, and the Patlelli guy is more shrewd than anyone and won’t let go.” ”

The divine operator Pat Riley, among the management of the league team, is also known for his calculations.

Now the performance of the Purple Wilderness, even if the Lakers take out all the chips, Patlelli is not expected to blink an eye.

Kupchek pulled out a list: “Although I can’t get the Purple Wilderness, I still have a tougher interior line than Andrew Bynum.” ”

Kupcek handed the list to the old Bath.

When Old Bass saw it, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“If it’s this player, it’s a tough, grumpy hitter.”

The Lakers were decided by the old Bath, ready to find a strong player in the trading market.

Strengthen the team and prepare for this year’s finals.

Back to the game.

Bryant took a butterfly step through the flowers, passed Wade, and killed the inside line.

Purple Wilderness quickly assisted in the defense, which made Bryant feel pressured.

Bryant directly traversed two steps, drifting back and throwing his hand.

The whole person twisted into a twist, this ball is too difficult, so that the purple field can not cover

Kobe Bryant once again made a difficult shot, and his state today really exploded, hitting again.

Kobe Bryant’s goal seems to be back to the fairy season of 9 consecutive games to cut 40+.


Yangtai explained, Zhang Li was amazed: “Kobe Bryant is still strong, this kind of twisted and difficult goal, only Peter Pan can shoot.” ”

If Kobe Bryant is not playing against the Purple Wilderness, Zhang Lili has already incarnated as Bryant Zhang in situ.

Yang Jian said: “Now not only Kobe Bryant can throw this kind of ball, But Also purple wilderness has this ability to score with high difficulty. ”

Previously, Purple Field had used “amorphous shots” to shoot difficult goals like Kobe Bryant.

Zhang Lili patted his head and said: “Yes, there are two people in the league who can throw such difficult goals now.” ”

“It’s Purple Field and Kobe Bryant on the court, both of whom are at the top of the league’s scoring ability.”

The rivalry between Kobe Bryant and Purple Wilderness has made the Dragon Country fans who were once the most popular in Komi addicted.

Offense and defense were exchanged, and Wade broke through with the ball.

Although at the beginning of this season, Wade gave up the stage to Purple Field and played brother basketball himself, his ability to break through did not decline in the slightest.

The Flash finally unleashed his powerful breakthrough abilities.

As soon as Wade accelerated, the whole person leaned forward and charged, as fast as lightning.

Kobe Bryant desperately chased the defense, Wade dribbled the ball behind one back, changed direction at high speed, and threw Kobe away.

Odom had to make up for it, and Wade, who didn’t look at the pass, directly assisted Chalmers in the empty bottom corner.

Chalmers made a three-point shot from the outside.


The crisp sound of iron strikes was heard, and the ball jumped out of the basket.

Under the basket, Purple Wilderness vs Bynum + Gasol.

All three were ready to jump up and grab the rebound, like a three-headed shark staring at its prey.

Although Purple Field is one person against two, his ability to grab rebounds is strong, and it is Gasol and Bynum who feel the pressure.

The three jumped up at the same time, and Purple Field grabbed the rebound with a clear advantage.

Even bynum and Gasol lost to Purple Field.


With a roar, Bynum finally couldn’t hold back.

He and Gasol, both of them, can’t grab the purple wilderness, if you let the purple wilderness adjust it, you will definitely be deducted by the other side.

He didn’t have the confidence to be able to defend against Purple Field’s patch.

So it is better to take advantage of the fact that The Purple Field has just got the rebound and come to a fierce.

Bynum punched directly this time, that is, he rushed to knock down the purple wilderness!

Purple Field got the rebound, and when his body fell, an iron fist greeted him in the face.

A scream sounded in Purple Field’s ears.

“Be careful!”

He could hear the musty sound of mold sitting on the sidelines.

Moldy wears the Purple Wilderness’s No. 99 jersey and looks anxiously at the scene on the field.

If Purple Field really got hit, she would definitely not care so much and rushed directly to the field to take care of Purple Field.

Purple Field felt that time had slowed down at this time, the exclamations in his ears were blurred, and the fists in front of him were constantly enlarging.

At the critical moment, Purple Field became unusually calm, and he switched to grabbing the ball with his left hand and putting his right hand on his face, forming a blocking posture at the martial arts meeting.


With a muffled sound, Bynum’s heavy punch hit Purple Field’s arm.

Purple Wilderness was still a person after all, and Bynum punched him with all his might, causing his arm to hurt.

But Purple Wilderness is not a person who will suffer losses.

He grabbed the ball with his left hand and poured it straight in.

At the same time, after the right hand blocked Bynum’s punch, Purple Field did not give up, and the arm that blocked it turned into an iron fist, and also greeted the past.

Bynum came to his face, and he went to Bynum’s face.

The penalty area under the basket, at this moment incarnated as the Staples boxing ring!

The picture stands still in an instant!

Purple Wilderness’s Pegasus Meteor Fist hit Bynum directly in the face, causing Bynum’s face to sink.

This punch, Purple Field also used full strength.

Bynum was still punching, didn’t react at all, and was hit in the face with a heavy punch.

He felt his face twist and deform under Purple Field’s fist.

“Click” a sound.

The bridge of Bynum’s nose, under the immense force of the purple wilderness, could not bear it, and made a cracking sound.

After Bynum landed on the ground, he fell directly to his knees on the floor, and the whole person covered his face and cried out in pain.

This punch directly confused Bynum.

After the purple field landed, at the same time a bloody thing fell on the ground.

He looked down and saw that it was Bynum’s braces, and there were two blood-white teeth on it!

Bynum stole the chicken and did not make the rice, purple field only had a little pain in his arm, but Bynum was hit hard.

Not only was the bridge of the nose cracked, but the teeth were all knocked out by the purple field.

Purple Field clenched his fists and said coldly, “Don’t forget to call a stretcher.” ”

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