The Warriors' offensive round.

Su Lang used the help of blocking and dismantling to cover, which once again caused the Cavaliers to change their defense.

Ben Wallace came to Su Lang again.

"Hey, do you want revenge?"

"I'll give you this chance!" Su

Lang said with a smile to Ben Wallace in front of him.

As everyone knows, Ben Wallace's heart has begun to scold his mother.

Let a big forward defend the No. 1 position, this is a ghost chance!

Ben Wallace's strength is the ability to help defend and the ability to defend under the basket.

The defense on the outside isn't that strong.

But at this time, Ben Wallace couldn't admit it, so he directly lowered his center of gravity.

Show your determination with practical actions.

After two consecutive crotch dribbles, Su Lang directly accelerated and broke through from Ben Wallace's side.

In the process of Su Lang's breakthrough, Ben Wallace stuck his body in Su Lang's internal test.

In the next second, Su Lang pulled back directly.

Ben Wallace flew out again.

The plot is exactly the same as the last time, after seeing Ben Wallace fly out.

Su Lang came directly to the spot to worship the Buddha in a fake action.

Ben Wallace was fooled instantly.

Pounced in the direction of Su Lang again.

This time Ben Wallace completely lost control of his body.

could only watch unwillingly, Su Lang, who was about to shoot, accelerated and easily broke through from his side.

After completely shaking off Ben Wallace, Su Lang completed a simple layup.

Andriska under the basket also contributed a lot.

After all, Vallejo's weight is still a lot worse than Andris's.

After Su Lang scored the goal, he walked to Ben Wallace's side with a smile.

"Don't you want revenge? Give you a chance, you're useless!" "


[Negative sentiment from Ben Wallace +3000]

Ben Wallace's mentality exploded.

Unexpectedly, revenge on Rashid Wallace was not completed.

On the contrary, he was constantly ridiculed by a rookie.

This made Ben Wallace, the former best defender, a little unbearable.

"Don't be complacent! rookie! the game isn't over yet!"

Ben Wallace shook off a cruel word and turned away directly.

The Cavaliers' offensive round.

James didn't believe in evil and switched defenses again through the pick-and-roll. ,

came to Su Lang's face.

But this time Su Lang missed, and James carried Su Lang hard to make a 2+1

James moved his arm and landed at the free throw line to hit the free throw steadily.

The smile on the corner of Su Lang's mouth became more and more obvious.

This kind of James is the little emperor he wants to fight.

Su Lang was excited.

But pity the other teammates.

After James started to be in full form, his contribution on the defensive end was also very good.

Jackson alone was blocked twice by James in a short period of time.

This made Jackson a little skeptical.

The Cavaliers, under the leadership of James, actually bit the score.

Seeing that the situation on the field has reached a stalemate.

Unexpectedly, the turning point came to the Cavaliers.

Mainly assisted Xiao Mo, who assisted James in attacking for a while, and felt that he was doing it again.

I want to control the ball.

What if Zhan is powerful with all his strength, Xiao Mo will not pass the ball in vain.

Xiao Mo began his own performance on the field.

Three-point shot, don't score! Bad


! Watch me break through with lightning!

Xiao Mo, who lost the three-point shot, began to attack the basket.

Andris under the basket directly rewarded him with a hot pot cap.


breakthrough failed, and Xiao Mo still didn't wake up.

Controlling the tempo of the game is not what the No. 1 position should do.

I'm using my own offense to control the tempo now, what's the problem?

watched Xiao Mo attack again and again.

Su Lang couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey, Misses, are you sure this thing is assisting you? Why do I feel like his brain is blistering!"

James looked at Su Lang in surprise.

Originally, because of Su Lang's provocation, James had some prejudices against Su Lang in his heart.

But now Su Lang's words spoke in his heart.

Brother! Someone finally understands me

! Not only does he have a bubble in his brain, but the team's management also has a bubble in his brain!

With such a thing, James even suspects that the team is not asking him to assist him, but to disgust himself.

However, James, who is the first person in the league to target, feels that he should have some grace.

That's why I endured to accept this.

I didn't expect to really meet a confidant now.

Su Lang looked at this James with a touched face.

Momentarily speechless.

Hey, guys! How brainless the Cavaliers management is

! Look at what the kids have become!

No wonder James will leave Cleveland later.

put it on himself, and he would have kicked Xiao Mo away a long time ago.

After all, this is no longer a problem of ball possession, but this product obviously has a backbone in the back of his head.


The whistle blew at the end of the half.

With the help of Mo, the Warriors managed to open up the gap in the second quarter of the game.

The Warriors finished 60-52

With an eight-point lead at halftime, we went into halftime.

"Hey, can you wait a minute?"

just as Su Lang was about to walk towards the players' tunnel.

James's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Su Lang looked over in surprise.

"What would you do if it were?"

said James, nonsensically.

Su Lang instantly understood what James meant.

Unexpectedly, an unintentional sentence just now made James remember it until now.

Apparently James wanted to know what Su Lang would do if he was in his position.

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

Lao Zhan, Lao Zhan!I didn't expect you to have today

!"If it's me!I'll let him understand who is the core of

the team!" "You have to understand, if it's in my team, he won't even have a chance to play!"


Lang said with a smile.

Although Su Lang didn't say it explicitly, James still understood the meaning of Su Lang's words.

Su Lang was telling him that his attitude in the team was too soft.

That's why Xiao Mo rode to his head and.

In the entire first half, Xiao Mo made 9 shots, and James only made 7 shots.

Who's the core of the house is treated like this

! I don't have the right to shoot the ball

!"I understand!

You will be my James's brother in the future!" James

looked at Su Lang seriously and said.

Then he turned around and left.

Su Lang was stunned.

Good guy! This is a brother?

You haven't asked me if I will say yes or not

! I feel that the James I see is different from what I imagined

! This James is a bit of a tiger!

But then Su Lang smiled.

It seems that he has already done three of them.

Paul and Anthony were abused by themselves.

The little emperor James had to be his brother.

Now that's all that's left with a big-cheeked raiser, Wade.

It's interesting to think about!

I feel like I'm collecting all the Dragon Balls right now.

But there are seven on their own, and four on their own.

But four people are fine.

Just put together a table of mahjong!

Su Lang smiled, turned around and walked towards the players' tunnel.


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