With the help of Jackson's cover, Su Lang shot directly outside the three-point line.

Durant, who was following behind Jackson, saw Su Lang make a move.

Directly came a trick of hungry tiger pounce.

But his defense was still a step late.

Su Lang directly completed a bukkake in the face of Durant's blockade.

After Durant was bukkake by Su Lang, he instantly felt very embarrassed.

[Negative Sentiment from Durant +1000]

He wants revenge!

Durant made eye contact directly with Wei Shao.

Through the cover of Wei Shao.

Then a change of guard was created.

Su Lang came to Durant.

Durant looked at Su Lang in front of him, and he was angry.

Damn! I'm not as handsome! Playing ball is not as good

as me! Why are there beautiful women who openly show their love

! Why can't I, Du Xiaoshuai, get this

! He even dared to bukkake me just now!

Durant decided to give Su Lang some color and see.

Let Su Lang make a fool of himself in front of the beauties.

Durant didn't know that the beauty in his eyes was a flood beast in Su Lang's eyes.

Durant began to attack in front of Su Lang.

Durant's signature move.

But in the next second, Durant collapsed, and Su Lang took a step forward and directly started the death entanglement.

Su Lang's two arms were like two poisonous snakes around Durant.

is waiting for an opportunity to give Durant a fatal blow.


Durant instantly felt a huge headache, and originally wanted to make Su Lang ugly.

But if this continues, he will be the one who makes a fool of himself!

The next second, what Durant was worried about happened.

Su Lang found the opportunity to take out the basketball in Durant's hand.

After the steal, Su Lang went down quickly and completed a one-handed split by himself.

"Well done! Come on, I've got your back!" Kim

Kardashian's voice came again.

At the same time, she was secretly smug in her heart, she had already thought about what these reporters on the field would report after the game.

These journalists simply don't care what the facts are.

What they want is a story between a celebrity and a future superstar.

When the time comes, I will add more oil and vinegar, and I am not afraid that Su Lang will not comply.

Kim Kardashian's abacus is playing well.

But in the next second, he saw Su Lang's cold eyes.

Su Lang was already annoyed by Kim Kardashian.

He knew what Kim Kardashian wanted to do.

But it would be too much to make his Uncle

Su's head bigger!

Facing Su Lang's cold eyes, Kim Kardashian smiled a little embarrassedly, and then sat down.

It's still a grumpy guy! I like it!

But Kim Kardashian's heart has more feelings for Su Lang.

After Durant was stealed by Su Lang, he was very unhappy.

began to draw circles in his heart and cursed Su Lang.

[Negative sentiment value from Durant +2000]

At the beginning of the second half, Su Lang scored five points in a row, and

Don Nelson nodded with satisfaction after seeing this scene.

It seems that what he said to Su Lang at halftime had an effect.

Thunder's offensive round.

After Durant cooperated with Wei Shao again, he changed Su Lang's defense in front of him.

Wei Shao looked at the more serious Durant helplessly.

What the hell

are you doing! You have to ask for your own hardship!

Su Lang's difficult defense Wei Shao had already deeply experienced it in the first half.

I didn't expect this guy Durant to send himself to the door now.

In Wei Shao's speechless eyes.

Durant didn't get a steal this time, but his shooting action was deformed when he shot.

The basketball bounced straight out.

Kurtz under the basket grabbed the backcourt rebound.

But this time Kurz didn't give the basketball to Su Lang.

Instead, it was handed over to Montaellis.

After seeing this scene, the corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

, it stands to reason that the ball should be given to Su Lang at this time,

and Su Lang is the No. 1 position.

After Su Lang controlled the ball and passed the half, he organized the team's attack.

But Monta Ellis knew that after the basketball passed to Su Lang.

He didn't want to get the ball back again.

So he made a bold decision straight on the field.

Montaellis possessed the ball himself and passed the half.

During this period, Su Lang's expression has always been breezy and calm, and Shui Te can't see what Su Lang is thinking in his heart.

However, Don Nelson's face off the field is not very good-looking.

He thought that Montaelis would dare to do this on the field.

Open stealing of the ball.

Although now dealing with Monta Ellis is not easy for some people in the team's management.

But you can make an example of the chickens

! Kurtz this guy can stay by the water cooler in peace!

Kurtz, who helped Monta Ellis on the field, did not know that he had been pronounced death by the head coach at this moment.

Montaellis, for his part, controlled the basketball and attacked.

Not surprisingly, this time the attack failed.

The rebound was taken by Durant.

Durant launched a fast attack with a dragon.

In the last round, Su Lang stole him and completed a dragon's fast attack.

This round Durant is going to get it back.

The aging Jackson still can't keep up with Durant.

In the middle of the court, he was directly left behind by Durant.

Durant looked at the empty Warriors under the basket and his expression became excited.

It seems that in the next second, he hit the basket and completed a violent dunk.

In this way, he can also conquer the hearts of beautiful women.

While Durant was dreaming, he moved his legs and rushed to the basket quickly.

At this time, a figure rushed through the half like lightning.

Quickly rushed in Durant's direction.

"Be careful!" Wei

Shao hurriedly shouted loudly, reminding Durant in the fast attack.

Durant swept his gaze.

I saw Su Lang rushing behind him.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Durant's mouth.


the empty basket dunk, and the defender dunk, completely practice a concept.

Durant made a decision in his heart, he wanted to block Su Lang.

In order to be able to accomplish this, Durant even slowed down a bit.

Waiting for Su Lang to come to him.

didn't disappoint him, and in the blink of an eye, Su Lang came to his neighborhood.

At this time, Durant burst out violently and rushed in the direction of the basket.

After Su Lang saw this scene, he didn't have the slightest idea of slowing down, and rushed directly in front of Durant.

At this time, Su Lang was still sprinting, and he had no idea of slowing down at all.

saw Su Lang who happened to come to him.

Durant was about to get excited.

It's like a door-to-door dunk, as long as he puts his hands on the ball and dunks the basketball into the hoop.

Su Lang will become his background board.

A lewd smile appeared on Durant's face.

At this time, Su Lang, who rushed in front of Durant.

Without looking back, he threw his arm back.

Looking back



Su Lang's arm hit the basketball in Durant's hand steadily.

Durant, on his side, couldn't stop his dunk.

Hang one hand on top of the basket.

A bewildered expression.

Damn, my basketball!

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