It's been a week since the first game.

The Wildcats have only played two games this week.

This is also the normal frequency of the NCAA regular season.

But Su Lang is not satisfied!

Because in Su Lang's eyes, every game is a negative emotional value.

It's all an opportunity for him to become stronger.

Su Lang can't wait to have a game every day.

In another week, Su Lang finally completed the training of the S-level skill running god.

Now Su Lang's skill panel has a golden running god skill.

Su Lang also really had his first S-level skill.

After such a long time.

Su Lang also stabilized from the mood of getting rich in the first game.

In retrospect, it was indeed a bit floating.

Su Lang first took out 1,000 negative sentiment points and smashed directly into the lottery interface.

The lottery interface is constantly scrolling.

I don't know what useful items will appear this time.

[Thank you for your patronage!Thank you for your patronage......

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a 7% discount card for Russell Westbrook Star Training

7% off]

7% off?Su

Lang frowned.

It seems that the luck this time is not very good, and the previous draws were all 5% off discount cards.

But Westbrook was an unexpected surprise.

This is the biggest star that Su Lang has drawn so far.

Opening Westbrook's face, Su Lang observed the other party's skills.

Turbo Boosting

!Dynamite Pack Dunk

!Beast Storm Dunk!




All S-rank skills, especially the turbocharging technique inside.

If you don't guess wrong, it should be Wei Shao's explosive means.

This skill turned out to be an SS-level skill.

Su Lang's saliva was about to flow out.

But Su Lang still controlled his emotions.

Something that works for you is the best.

Besides, this time it's a seven-fold card.,If you really choose an S-level skill or an SS-level skill.。

That's a lot of negative emotion.

Su Lang currently lacks offensive means. Except for a three-pointer from the bottom corner.

There is no other way to score.

If it really comes to the late stages of the game, there will be more people studying Davidson College.

Will definitely find this issue.

So Su Lang needs an offensive means.

I just happened to have just acquired an S-rank running skill.

It should be the most suitable for mid-pitch skills.

Su Lang flipped through Westbrook's skill list.

Soon, Su Lang found what he wanted to see in Westbrook's many skills.

A-level skill zombie jump

shot!(Medium shot)A-level skill mechanical dry pull!(Three points)

I'll go!

Seeing this, Su Lang couldn't help but roll his eyes.

That's Westbrook's mid-range and three-point skills.

Seeing this, Su Lang retreated a little.

Westbrook's zombie jumper was often seen on the computer before Su Lang crossed.

It's just ugly!

It's the same with three-point shooting.

Su Lang was a little hesitant, whether he should choose or not.

And Wei Shao's three-point and mid-range should be related to the shooting action.

Somewhat unstable.

This is not what Su Lang wants.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Lang decided to put Wei Shao's discount card aside for the time being.

Another thousand negative sentiment points were taken out of the system account.

Su Lang is ready to do a ten-in-a-row draw again.

Let's see if we can find a more suitable one.

Click on the lottery screen.

The interface is constantly turning.

[Thank you for your patronage!Thank you for your patronage......

[Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting a heart and soul rhino card]

?Not a

discount card?

This is still something other than the discount card that Su Lang obtained for the first time after the system upgrade.

Su Lang clicked on the latest card in the system.

[Heart Soul Rhino Card: After using it, bind a teammate on the field, and have an absolute tacit understanding with the host]

Su Lang shook his head, it turned out to be a card that increased the tacit understanding state.

It's not what he wants!Su

Lang ruthlessly mobilized a thousand negative emotions from the system again and smashed into the sampling interface.

[Thank you for review!Thank you for patronizing ......

] [Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a training acceleration card]

It's not a discount card?

Su Lang was a little confused.

[Training Acceleration Card: After use, shorten the time for star skill training by one-third, which can be stacked]

Good thing!

After Su Lang read it, he understood that this was definitely a good thing.

You must know that Su Lang just practiced the S-level skills that he Xi played, but it took Su Lang more than a month.

If he had this card before, Su Lang wouldn't have taken so long at all.

It can be done in about twenty days.

This is not the most important point, the most important thing is that the latter is stackable.

It is equivalent to that if Su Lang has enough acceleration cards, whether it is an S-level skill or an SS-level skill, Su Lang can learn Xi complete it in a short time.

Now the important thing is not to know what the probability of the draw is for this accelerator card.

Maybe it's a bit of luck to get one today.

No training discount card was drawn twice in a row.

Su Lang had some other speculations in his heart.

Su Lang called out a thousand negative emotions from the system.

He's going to do an experiment.

Ten consecutive draw clicks.

[Thank you for your patronage!Thank you for ......your patronage

] [Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting a feel

lock card] [Feel lock card: After use, the whole game will be locked, and the host will shoot for the last time before using this card]

is confirmed!

Su Lang's inner guess for himself has been determined.

It seems that the default rule of the system is that he can only have one star training discount card on him.

If he has a discount card for star training, he will not be provided with it during the raffle.

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

It's as if something amazing has been discovered.

Su Lang already has a plan in his heart, and he can stock up on a star training card on his body in the future.

This allows for unlimited card system lottery prizes for other cards.

Commonly known as card bug!

Just when Su Lang was complacent and thought that he had directly found the vulnerability of the system.

[Ding! Thank you very much to the host for finding the vulnerability of this system, and the next three-hour vulnerability repair will be carried out]

I'll go for it!

Su Lang couldn't help but let out a foul mouth.

As soon as a loophole was found here, the system was mercilessly ready to drop the river crab.

Where can Su Lang agree.

I found the loophole with my ability, why are you a river crab me!

It seems that the system also felt Su Lang's strong resistance emotion.

Moments later, a supplementary note was issued.

[In order to thank the host for helping the system find the bug, the system will open a new section after the vulnerability is fixed]

Su Lang looked at the message sent by the system.

I don't know what the hell the system is trying to do.

In short, he just made a fortune after discovering the loophole.

Before he left the mountain, he was stillborn.

Su Lang couldn't help but gesture a middle finger directly at the void.

Vent your frustrations.

[Negative emotions from the host +50]

The system was very sensible and directly sent a message to Su Lang.

System your uncle's!


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