The corners of Su Lang's mouth, who was about to attack under the basket, rose slightly.

He hit the basket, how could he not pay attention to James's super blocking ability.

Everything Su Lang did now was to deceive James.

James had already jumped high behind Su Lang.

As long as Su Lang dares to attack, what awaits Su Lang will be James' thunderous blow.

Su Lang grabbed the basketball with one hand and threw it back.

The next second,


loud bang came.

"It's wonderful

!" "Oh my God, what did I see, James was actually sucked

!" "Am I blind! What do I see!"


Thankfully, James' super body kept him balanced.

If you are detained and knocked to the ground, it will be a shame.

James looked at Su Lang with a resentful expression.

[Negative sentiment value from James +5000]

said good hot pot! said good thunder strike!

why are they all gone!

In the end, he was shackled.

Seeing James' resentful expression, Su Lang couldn't hold back any longer.

"Hahaha, James, your expression is so funny now! especially like an abandoned little girl,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

"Hey!I don't want to talk to you now!" James

said with a depressed expression.

"Hahaha! Don't be so petty, don't worry, I will definitely not you next"

Su Lang said with a smile.

"I believe you're a ghost! You're definitely lying to me! I won't be fooled again,"

James looked at Su Lang with a serious face.

"Hahaha! You believe me, my words count!" Su

Lang said with a smile.


asked James, questioningly.

"Really!" Su

Lang said with a serious face.

"That's not going to work! you're going to let me get a slap! I'll believe you,"

James smirked.

"Hahaha! Okay, I'll give you a block in the next round,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

Could it be that he really turned back?

James looked at Su Lang, who had a righteous and awe-inspiring face, and couldn't help but start to doubt in his heart.

When Su Lang and James were hilarious.

There was also a person who was looking at Su Lang curiously.

This person is none other than Xiao Si.

It is also the person who completed the cooperation with Su Lang just now and detained James.

For a moment, Xiao Si felt that Su Lang in front of him had become Nash.

Xiao Si didn't know why he felt this way.

Su Lang threw the basketball behind him without hesitation.

Xiao Si didn't hesitate to bombard the basketball into the basket as if he was cooperating with Nash.

It's a pity that it was James who suffered in the end.

Offensive round in the East.

James controlled the basketball past half court.

After being detained just now, James was in a bad mood.

Although Su Lang had already promised him not to do things again.

But James still felt a chill in his back.

James carefully dribbled the ball past half court and glanced in the direction of Su Lang.

found that Su Lang was seriously staring at Lei Allen in front of him.

Could it be that I'm thinking too much?

James couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

After figuring out why, James simply didn't want to.

Directly launched a tank charge and rushed to the inside line.

Pierce in front of James is also said to be a heavy tank.

But when it comes to facing James, it's clear that it's not enough to see.

Although Pierce tried his best to keep his center of gravity low, he was still pushed to the inside by James.

Looking at the basket close at hand, James didn't even think about raising his hand to shoot a basket.

Suddenly, the sky darkened


The basketball in James's hand was directly fanned out.

The referee blew the whistle.

James froze in place, and after a moment, James turned around and saw Su Lang with a smile on his face.

[Negative Sentiment from James +5000]

Damn!Su Lang, your uncle

!I am really too naïve! I actually believe that he will turn back

! You have lost my friend

! Destroy it! Don't play!

If the eyes can kill, Su Lang has been cut by James with a thousand knives!

"Hahaha! James, are you still satisfied, I said to give you a hot pot, I will give you a hot pot, how about it!"

Su Lang said with a smile.

James' whole body was numb.

What the hell I said

let me cover you! Not let you cover me!

Seeing James with a depressed face, Su Lang also felt that he had gone too far.

"Hey, James, let's do it next round, I'll let you block back,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

"No, you're a liar! I don't believe it anymore!" James

said with a hurt look on his face.

Su Lang smiled helplessly.

Alas~ I'm telling the truth! Why don't you believe it!

James is now afraid of the well rope after being bitten by a snake for ten years, and now he doesn't believe what Su Lang said at all.

However, Su Lang also felt that James was a little miserable, and Su Lang had no intention of continuing to retaliate against James after this time.

Inside the next game.

Su Lang did his best to play the role of No. 1.

Didn't continue to make trouble for James either.

Most of the third quarter passed, after a timeout.

The Zen master finally replaced Su Lang off the field.

The Zen master was very satisfied with Su Lang's performance in the No. 1 position in the third quarter.

Although there are some waves, I have to say that Su Lang's performance in the No. 1 position is really good.

Su Lang's data also came to 15 points, 6 assists and 3 rebounds.

Su Lang sat on the sidelines.

He knew that basically that was the end of his All-Star journey.

In fact, the Zen master did the same thing.

Most of the entire third quarter was given to Su Lang.

The Zen master can be regarded as able to give Stern an explanation.

In the next game, Su Lang never got the opportunity to play.

After the fourth quarter, the players on both sides of the court began to get serious.

It's also an unspoken rule in the All-Star Game.

The first three stanzas are performed, and the last stanza is fought with bayonets.

After the players on both sides got serious, it was clear that the western side had some advantages.

Su Lang also saw Kobe's dedication to victory.

As soon as the fourth quarter began, there was no smile on Kobe's face.

It's like stepping into the battlefield.

Su Lang, who was watching, was itching in his heart.

Su Lang can't wait to appear on the court and have a serious fight with these top players.

Although I got a chance to play in front of me.

But at that time, everyone didn't get serious.

The fourth quarter is the real ring.

However, the Zen master had no intention of letting Su Lang play.

After all, Su Lang is a rookie who has played for half a season.

Although Su Lang's performance was outstanding, it didn't mean that Su Lang was qualified to go to that battlefield.

Although Su Lang knew that it was normal for the Zen master to do this,

Su Lang couldn't help but make a note of the Zen master in the small notebook.


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