The day after the All-Star Break.

[Shocked to see that NBA stars and actresses are inseparable!

] [Who is the young actress!]


After two days of fermentation, the scandal between Su Lang and Scarlett became the front page of entertainment and sports.

Fans are obviously more interested in the news than the Warriors and Grizzlies in a deal.

After Su Lang got up early in the morning, he was speechless while drinking milk and browsing the gossip news about him and Scarlett on the Internet.

These paparazzi do have some skills, and they directly dug up many news about Su Lang and Scarlett.

Su Lang finally understood why the system kept ringing early in the morning.

Nine times out of ten, Scarlett's fans and Su Lang's own fans were very dissatisfied after learning the news.

You must know that Su Lang has a strong female fan base.

It didn't take long for Su Lang to become famous.

I can't say that I want to be cursed in my heart by his female fans.

Su Lang reluctantly turned off his phone.

Dialed Scarlett's phone.

"Have you seen the news on the Internet?"

asked Su Lang into the phone.



faint answer came from the phone.

"What do you think, will it have an impact on you?"

asked Su Lang.

"It's nothing, the fans are like that, they'll forget about it in a few days, you don't have to worry,"

Scarlett said.

"By the way, I'm leaving today, I've been out for so many days, and my work over there has been left behind,"

Scarlett continued.

Su Lang on the other end of the phone fell silent.

Scarlett was a little nervous and waited for Su Lang's answer.

There was indeed something going on on her side, and his agent had been on the phone with her this morning.

There was a movie that required her to go to audition.

And Scarlett's agent was also furious on the phone, and suddenly had a rumored boyfriend for Scarlett.

So Scarlett had to go back.

Scarlett is now afraid that Su Lang will think too much.

Su Lang was indeed a little irritable here, but he didn't expect that Scarlett was about to leave as soon as he was patted and dragged on.

However, Su Lang can also understand Scarlett, and Su Lang's psychology has long been prepared.

"I'll send you off!" Su

Lang finally said into the phone.

Scarlett was relieved to hear Su Lang's answer on the other end of the phone.

At the same time, I was also very pleased with Su Lang's understanding.


More than two hours later, Su Lang and Scarlett appeared at the airport.

When they parted, Scarlett couldn't help but look back at Su Lang.

"When I'm done with this time, I'll go to San Francisco to find you" "

That's right! Go to your house!" Scarlett

said this, and turned to the ticket gate with a blushing face.

After hearing Scarlett's words, Su Lang was stunned.

After a moment, a meaningful smile appeared on Su Lang's face.

The mood of the separation with Scarlett has also improved a lot.

Su Lang took out his mobile phone and typed out a few words and sent it out.

Scarlett, who was about to board the plane, suddenly felt the phone in her bag vibrate.

When I took it out, it was a sentence left by Su Lang.

"I'll eat you next time!" After

seeing this, Scarlett felt a pang of heat all over her body.

I can't wait to finish the matter in hand immediately and fly to San Francisco to find Su Lang.


The time came on February 19, 2009.

The Warriors hosted the Lakers, who are ranked first in the West.

It was also the Warriors' first game after the All-Star break.

Su Lang will also meet Kobe Bryant, a guy who holds a grudge, again.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, players from both sides entered one after another.

After entering, Su Lang looked at the Lakers' camp.

It was easy to find that paranoid number 24.

Su Lang quietly opened the small book in his heart.

Kobe Bryant! Zen Master

! The time for revenge is coming!

Kobe Bryant also looked at Su Lang who was full of fighting spirit in the Warriors camp with great interest.

But Kobe Bryant wasn't worried about a rollover.

Over the years, there have been many young people who have challenged themselves, and who is not honest after being beaten up by themselves.

The warm-up was over, and the game between the two sides officially began.

The starting lineup of the Lakers.

No. 1 Old Fish Fisher, No. 2 Kobe Bryant, No. 3 Luke Wharton, No. 4 Lamar Odom, No. 5 Pau Gasol.

The Warriors' starting lineup.

No. 1 Sulang, No. 2 Jackson, No. 3 Margety, No. 4 Brandon White, No. 5 Andris.

The Warriors are back with the lineup they're most familiar with.

After Montaelis left, Jackson returned to the No. 2 position and Margeti returned to the starting line-up.

Andris's sprained wrist also recovered.

It's fair to say that the Warriors are back to their winning streak.

As the whistle blew.

Andris and Pau Gasol both jumped at the same time and flew into the air for the basketball.

Gasol's arm touched the basketball one step further.

The basketball went straight to Fisher.

Fisher controlled the basketball and went through the half court unhurriedly.

Without thinking too much, Fisher's next step would definitely be to hand over the basketball to Kobe.

But Su Lang won't let Kobe get basketball so easily.

Su Lang was directly and quickly, leaning sideways and blocking between Fisher and Kobe.

Blocked Fisher's route to Kobe's pass.

This kind of defense is indeed rare, which is equivalent to Su Lang directly letting go of Fisher's breakthrough route.

But Su Lang knows that compared to Fisher's breakthrough, Kobe Bryant is more difficult to get basketball.

Bryant also saw the scene where Su Lang stopped Fisher's pass.

Bryant's eyes narrowed.

looked at Su Lang's back.

If you think that this will limit my play, it would be naïve!

The next second Kobe Bryant rushed straight out.

In addition to Kobe's strong offensive ability with the ball, another point is that his off-ball movement is also very strong.

The off-ball movement that can make Hamilton at the top of his game also have a headache is enough to prove Kobe's strength.

A few seconds later, Bryant shook off Jackson directly with the help of cover.

Bryant came straight to the three-point line, and Fisher handed the basketball into Bryant's hands with a short hand.

The moment Bryant held the ball, the Lakers' formation immediately changed.

Fisher moved to the weak side, and the remaining Wharton and Odom moved to the weak side.

In an instant, the left half of the Warriors' backcourt fell into a defensive vacuum.

Bryant faced only one defender, Jackson.

That's the Lakers' signature tactic.

After a crotch dribble, Kobe Bryant rushed straight past Jackson's side.

But Jackson wasn't thrown off.

Jackson was still sticking to Kobe's side, and

the two were at a stalemate, coming to within two steps of the

three-point line.

Bryant slammed the brakes on the breakaway.

Then he turned around and turned his back directly to Jackson.

Jackson also stopped abruptly and stuck directly behind Kobe's back.

In the next second, Kobe Bryant shook his shoulders directly, and continued left and right feints to turn around.

Jackson knew that in the next second, Kobe Bryant was going to roll over and shoot a back-to-back jumper.

But at this time, Jackson felt as if his feet were being nailed to the floor.

There is simply no way to make a move.


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