The Zen master called a pause, but he still didn't think about how to restrain Su Lang in his heart for the time being.

Looking at the Zen master's frowning brow.

Kobe Bryant said lightly.

"I'll defend him!" After

finishing speaking, Kobe Bryant looked in the direction of Su Lang with an expressionless face.

"You need to pay attention to your stamina!" the

Zen master did not refuse Kobe's proposal.

He knew that if Kobe Bryant wanted to do something, he couldn't stop it at all.

The Zen master's control of people's hearts is unique among all head coaches.

So the Zen master knows very well what Kobe Bryant is thinking now.

At this time, stopping Kobe Bryant will not only fail to succeed, but will make Kobe's heart unhappy.

At the end of the timeout, the double-serve player returned to the court.

This time Kobe did not execute the offense, and Kobe knew that if he defended Su Lang, it would be a drain on his physical strength.

The game has just begun, and Kobe Bryant needs to allocate his physical strength reasonably.

So Kobe Bryant prepared this part of his physical strength to defend Su Lang's body.

Fisher handed the basketball to Gasol on the inside.

Gasol receives the ball in the low post and starts to turn his back against Andris.

Andris's height and weight are not covered, although he does not bounce well, but he also faces Gasol, who does not bounce well.

Andris raised his hands and pressed behind Gasol.

Block Gasol's space to shoot.

Gasol made two back-to-back duels before making a direct pass to the ground.

The basketball flew under Andris's crotch.

At this time, Odom also hit the basket and

received Gasol's pass, Odom hit the

board directly.

The basketball landed safely in the basket.

The Zen master smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Su Lang controlled the basketball past half court.

Soon Su Lang found out that Kobe Bryant had come to him.

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

finally ushered in a head-to-head confrontation with Kobe.

"Hey, remember what I said at All-Star, I'll beat you!" Su

Lang said with a smile to Kobe Bryant in front of him.

"I'm going to kick your ass hard, too!"

Bryant said with a blank face.

Su Lang smiled, and the next second Su Lang attacked.

I have to say that Kobe Bryant's defense is really strong.

It can be said that Su Lang has faced the strongest single outside defense since entering the NBA.

Unlike James's super defense that he encountered before, Kobe's defense is like a poisonous snake, slowly imprisoning Su Lang in front of Kobe.

Once it finds an opportunity, this poisonous snake will not hesitate to bite down.

Su Lang changed direction under his crotch two times in a row, but still did not shake Kobe Bryant in front of him.

At this time, Margeti came directly to the top of the arc.

After seeing this scene, Su Lang directly accelerated and rushed over.

In the next second, Kobe Bryant was directly blocked in front of him by Margeti.

Su Lang has seized this opportunity and completed the shot one step inside the three-point line.

Zombie jumper

! basketball Duang!

pops straight out of the frame.

Su Lang's face darkened a little.

In the face of normal games, the zombie jumper is indeed a weapon.

But in a match against a strong opponent, the instability of the zombie jumper is magnified.

originally wanted to play against Kobe Bryant for the first time, and directly give the other party a dismount.

I didn't expect to lose on the zombie jumper.

Damn! You have to replace this skill when you have a chance!

Bryant went straight to the bottom corner, without the slightest desire to catch the ball and attack.

It's clear that Kobe Bryant is really regaining his strength.

After receiving a pass from Fisher, Wharton made an accelerated break and passed the basketball to Odom.

Odom drew the attention of the Warriors' interior defense.

and Gasol completed a wonderful in-pass combination.

Gasol easily made a mid-range shot from outside the three-second zone.

Basketball goes to the net.

Su Lang had a headache.

It's clear that now the Lakers want Kobe Bryant to lock up Su Lang.

The Lakers played crookedly and used Kobe Bryant to defend Su Lang, directly locking the strongest firepower point on the Warriors' side.

Except for Su Lang, the rest of the Warriors did not have an advantage in the matchup.

Although being able to face Kobe Bryant head-on is something Su Lang thinks about.

But Su Lang not only wants to win the confrontation with Kobe, Su Lang also wants to win the game.

Only in this way can it be regarded as a real defeat of Kobe.

What should I do?

Su Lang thought about the skills on his body, and suddenly the corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

Don't blame me for being unscrupulous

! You can rest assured that you can vomit again!

The skill that Su Lang remembered was Hamilton's running god skill.

Don't you want to save your stamina and prepare for the second half of the outburst?

Then I'll run and vomit you!"

Su Lang was confident that Kobe Bryant would run off the court.

The current Kobe Bryant is not the young Kobe Bryant who faced Hamilton in the first place.

Although the current Kobe has evolved to the Black Mamba, Kobe's physical strength is not as strong as it was at the beginning.

Hamilton can spit out the young Kobe Bryant, and Su Lang has no reason why he can't get the current Kobe.

Turn your head around the Warriors' offensive round.

After Su Lang passed half time, he directly handed over the basketball to Jackson at a 45-degree angle, and

as Su Lang's gold medal beater,

the person who knew Su Lang best in the whole team.

Jackson instantly understood what Su Lang wanted to do.

In the next second, Su Lang directly took Kobe Bryant and started running.

Kobe Bryant followed behind Su Lang.

Su Lang ran from the bottom left corner to the right corner, and then from the right back corner to the left corner.

Then he passed through the cover from the bottom left corner and accelerated to the outside of the three-point line.

Bryant was stopped by Margeti for a moment.

Su Lang came to the three-point line, directly received Jackson's pass, and made a three-point shot.

The basketball hit the basket steadily.

Bryant frowned when he saw this.

When defending Su Lang just now, Kobe Bryant already felt that Su Lang was not inferior to his off-ball running skills.

Bryant's off-ball running skills were slowly developed after Hamilton.

After so many years of tempering, Kobe's off-ball running has only reached this point.

Bryant suddenly remembered some bad memories.

Looking at Su Lang's back to defense, Kobe Bryant fell into deep thought.

The next second half of the game proved what Kobe Bryant had in mind.

Su Lang was like a slippery loach running with Kobe Bryant.

Bryant's chest was constantly rising and falling, and he could clearly feel that his physical exertion was more than ever.

By now, Kobe Bryant has seen what Su Lang wants to do.

In fact, the best thing Kobe Bryant can do now is to change his defense.

If the time comes to change the defense, it will show that Kobe Bryant and Su Lang have confessed in their alignment.

According to Kobe's temper, he wouldn't do this!

Su Lang caught Kobe's heart.

With the consumption of physical energy, Kobe's eyes became more and more terrifying!

He stared at Su Lang in front of him.


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