Kobe Bryant received the basketball through the cover, but the next second Su Lang came directly in front of him.

"Kobe, you can't get past me!" Su

Lang lowered his center of gravity and pasted it directly.

Kobe Bryant controlled the basketball and retreated backwards while paying attention to Su Lang's defensive footsteps.

Su Lang's two arms were wrapped around Kobe Bryant like chains.

In the face of Su Lang's defense, Kobe Bryant felt unprecedented pressure.

At this moment,

Kobe recognized Su Lang's defense in his heart.

Bryant suddenly had a feeling of being in the playoffs.

Kobe's heart began to beat violently,

and he felt his blood burn.

In the next second, Kobe Bryant directly accelerated, wanting to break through from Su Lang's side.

But Su Lang moved instantaneously and was directly stuck on the route of Kobe's breakthrough.

If Kobe Bryant insists on breaking through, then he will definitely drill directly into Su Lang's defense in the next second.

Bryant turned around and broke through to the other side.

But Su Lang stuck to Kobe's side without giving an inch.

This intensity of defense Bryant is Xi.

In the next second, Kobe Bryant was ready to forcibly face Su Lang.

Kobe Bryant turned his back twice in a row, and the whole person was like a spinning top.

forced Su Lang back half a step.

This half-step distance is Kobe's shooting space.

Kobe Bryant threw a jump shot straight back!

But Kobe Bryant just put the ball together with both hands, and the next second Kobe Bryant felt empty in his hands.

The basketball was stabbed down by Su Lang.

Su Lang directly accelerated and rushed towards the basketball that was stabbed by him.

Three steps and two steps, after Su Lang picked up the basketball, he rushed directly to the basket.

Kobe Bryant was a step slower to chase the defense, and could only watch Su Lang hit an easy two-point shot under the basket.

[Negative Sentiment from Kobe Bryant +5000]

Su Lang got Negative Sentiment from Kobe Bryant for the first time in this game.

I didn't expect Kobe Bryant to make a move, and as soon as he made a shot, he was the pinnacle.

directly contributed 5,000 negative sentiment points.

Su Lang didn't know why he had mocked Kobe Bryant so many times before, but he didn't get negative emotion points.

But this round got it.

In fact, the reason for this is very simple, Kobe Bryant has never admitted Su Lang's strength in his heart before.

Bryant did not see the war with Su Lang as an equal counterpoint.

But Su Lang's defense made Kobe Bryant serious.

Kobe Bryant began to face Su Lang.

Lakers' offensive round.

Kobe Bryant's whole body exuded bursts of low pressure at this time.

With an expression of no one entering, it is obvious that Kobe Bryant is angry.

After Kobe Bryant received the basketball, the Lakers were familiar with the way and directly opened space for Kobe Bryant to play singles.

Because they knew that in the last round, Su Lang stole Kobe Bryant and scored quickly.

According to Kobe's character, this round is definitely going to get back on the field.

Like last time, Bryant made back-to-back turns to get inside the three-point line.

Kobe Bryant attacked directly with his back to Su Lang.

Bryant bent over slightly, and his right hand in possession of the ball stretched as far as he could.

Distance between Su Lang and basketball.

When Su Lang saw this scene, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Such a distance is completely within the range of Su Lang's steal.

Su Lang's arm stretched out towards the basketball.

But in the next second, Su Lang felt a heavy blow to his chest.

The right hand reaching for the basketball also stopped suddenly.


Su Lang cursed in his heart.

It turned out that Kobe Bryant directly used a center's move just now.

This is also Kobe's housekeeping skill.

Bryant is one of the few No. 2 positions in the league who has mastered the skills of attacking in the low post.

Bryant's low-post singles technique has been developed to the extreme by him.

Anyone who plays against Kobe has tasted the power of this move.

Now it's Su Lang's turn.

Kobe Bryant directly chiseled Su Lang with his back.

Every time Su Lang wanted to reach out and steal Kobe, Kobe would directly fight with his back to disrupt Su Lang's rhythm.

Although Bryant was shrouded by Su Lang's arms.

But Su Lang still couldn't snatch this basketball in front of him.


another confrontation.

Kobe Bryant directly turned his back on the situation.

Signature step-back jumper.

When Su Lang saw Kobe Bryant turn around, he knew that something bad was going to happen.

But after his body was hit by Kobe Bryant, there was a momentary stalemate.

Su Lang forcibly regained control of his body and jumped up directly.

Stretch your arm to block Bryant's shot.

The basketball passed directly above Su Lang's fingertips!

The sound of the basketball entering the net sounded from behind Su Lang.

Kobe Bryant completed an attack against Su Lang in the low post strongly.

Looking at Kobe Bryant with a cold face, Su Lang shook his head helplessly.

Su Lang has done his best this round.

But Bryant kept the tempo of the round firmly in his hands.

With just a fleeting opportunity, Kobe Bryant completed his revenge on Su Lang.

It is worthy of the 24th!

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly in the next second.

Although he was singled out by Kobe Bryant strongly, Su Lang knew that Kobe had been led by his nose and Su

Lang wanted Kobe and his opponent.

After the failure of Kobe's plan, Su Lang sketched another plan in his heart.

forcibly pulled Kobe Bryant into the rhythm of competing with him.

It's also the only chance the Warriors can win the game.

Otherwise, the rest of the Lakers' position will start to attack as soon as they start.

Given the depth of the Warriors' roster, it's highly likely to collapse in an instant.

At that time, Su Lang was not facing Kobe Bryant alone, but facing the pressure of the entire Lakers team.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Su Lang controlled the basketball past half court.

Just after halftime, Kobe Bryant rushed up with a direct lunge.

didn't give Su Lang any room to make a move at all.

Now Kobe Bryant is completely serious.

Su Lang changed direction in front of his body, and at the same time broke through to the right side.

He knew that he couldn't stay where he was, otherwise he would definitely fall into Kobe's entanglement in the next second.

Su Lang is constantly changing his route.

When you are two steps away from the three-point line.

Margeti came directly to Su Lang's side to block and dismantle Su Lang.

But Walton, who was doing bad things with good intentions and following Margety, found an opportunity to directly step forward to delay Su Lang, and

the next second broke free from Margety's block, Kobe,

and pounced directly.

In an instant, Su Lang fell into the bag between Margeti and Kobe.

Su Lang's situation became precarious.


Su Lang cursed in his heart.

In the next second, Su Lang made an astonishing decision.

After a feint to the right broke through.

Then there was a Sam Gauder dribble.

The basketball went straight under Margety's crotch.

Then Su Lang accelerated violently and rushed out directly from the gap between Kobe and Margety.


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