It's a tactic that the Warriors didn't show in their last game.

The direct opening hit the Lakers by surprise.

Su Lang ran wildly to the Lakers' half court with the basketball.

Fisher kept adjusting his position, trying to slow down Su Lang's fast attack.

Kobe Bryant was in hot pursuit behind Su Lang.

After Su Lang came to the three-point line, he moved directly towards the position of the forty-five degree angle.


! He was going to shoot a three-pointer!

Chasing Kobe Bryant behind Su Lang, he was shocked.

With the force under his feet, he accelerated again while marching, and rushed directly towards Su Lang.

Su Lang's three-point shot in the last game left a deep impression on Kobe.

So Kobe's first reaction was that Su Lang wanted to shoot a three-pointer.

But in the next second, Su Lang threw his arm directly, and the basketball flew to the inside.

Margety, who arrived quickly, went straight to the Lakers' interior as if he had entered no man's land.

After a loud bang, Margeti slammed the basketball into the hoop.

The score is 2:0

Kobe Bryant frowned,

obviously unhappy about the defensive misjudgment of the

Lakers' offensive round.

Fisher again possessed the ball past half-time.

Jackson was still entangled in Kobe's side, and Kobe couldn't help but feel irritated.

His eyes gradually became cold.

After taking advantage of Odom's cover, Bryant shook off Jackson and received a pass from Fisher.

In the next second, Kobe Bryant fell directly into the bag.

The inside pass route was blocked, and Bryant had to pass the basketball back to Fisher.

Su Lang took the lead and directly stole the basketball.

Directly launch the fast attack again.

After using the Heart Soul Rhino Card many times, Su Lang knew that the fast attack counterattack was the most suitable for the current Warriors.

The moment Su Lang started, the Warriors were like a flood pouring down, and they hit at the same time.

After Don Nelson on the field saw this scene, his whole scalp was numb.

No one is more familiar with that feeling on the pitch than he has.

Run-and-shoot tactics!Don

Nelson's housekeeping skills.

After coaching the Warriors, Don Nelson always wanted to build a team that ran and hit.

But the team's management is not very willing, after all, there is a saying in the league that running a bomber can never win a championship.

Don Nelson also had to abandon his plans.

But now the situation on the field has made Don Nelson's already extinguished running spirit burn again.

Sure enough, running is his favorite

! But he still has to pass the management level!

Don Nelson couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Su Lang on the court had already controlled the ball and reached near the free throw line.

Fisher stepped back and reached out to interfere with Su Lang's dribbling.

But it was too late.

When he came to a step outside the three-second zone, Su Lang kicked the ground violently.

The UFO dunk is launched.

In the next second, Su Lang felt as if his calf had exploded.


Su Lang in the middle of the march instantly rose into the air and flew towards the basket under Fisher's frightened eyes.

Fisher didn't have time to think about it, so he could only raise his arm to protect his head with one hand.

The next second

, there was a loud bang,

and Su Lang completed a one-handed split directly through Fisher.

Fisher himself was also under the impact of Su Lang, constantly retreating, and retreated directly to the outside of the bottom line.

In an instant, the Staples Center fell into an eerie silence.

The Lakers fans present did not expect that after the start of the game, the Warriors would dunk twice in a row to beat the Lakers.

It's not the same game as they have in mind.

Su Lang fell from the sky with an excited face.

Sure enough,

dunks are men's favorites!

This is Su Lang's first dunk in the NBA professional arena.

It's a completely different feeling than a three-point shot.

Su Lang felt that his heart burned instantly.

[Negative sentiment value from Fisher +2000]

Fisher looked at Su Lang resentfully.

I was bukkake to the point that my scalp was numb in the last game, and I was blocked at the beginning of this game.

Fisher looked in the direction of the Zen master in the field.

Control Su Lang to score no more than 20 points.

The concubine can't do it!

Fisher instantly felt how difficult the task assigned by the Zen master before the game was.

The Zen master looked at Su Lang with cold eyes.

I didn't expect that less than a month has passed, and the Warriors have become so much stronger.

It's like two teams from the last time we played each other.

If Su Lang knew the Zen master's thoughts, Su Lang would definitely snicker.

The Warriors are still the same Warriors, but we have a plug-in! When he

returned to defense,

Su Lang looked at Kobe.

"Hey, Kobe, how about the dunk just now?"

"Hmph! Not well! The dunk is all left over from my play! Only a rookie like you will like it"

Although Kobe Bryant was shocked by Su Lang's dunk just now, Kobe

Bryant would not admit it.

"Hahaha! You have to be careful Kobe, I will dunk you in this game!" Su

Lang said with a smile.

"Rookie! you're thinking too much!" Kobe

Bryant said expressionlessly.

If Su Lang dares to detain him, Kobe Bryant will definitely give Su Lang some color to see.

Lakers' offensive round.

The Zen master stood up on the sidelines and whistled.

Gesture to the table.

The Lakers players understood instantly.

After Fisher possessed the ball and passed halfcourt, the Lakers players rushed to open up space.

Gasol jammed Andris in the low post and reached for the ball.

Fisher passes the basketball to Gasol.

After two back-to-back duels in a row, Gasol threw the basketball to the basket with a small hook hand.

Basketball solid hits.

The Zen master's purpose was simple, to get Gasol to attract defensive fire.

If the Warriors still maintain the strategy of blocking Kobe.

Then the rest of the Lakers are liberated.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Su Lang possessed the ball after half time.

The Lakers took a position to shrink their defense.

Fisher's whole person pounced on Su Lang and stuck to Su Lang's body.

constantly used his body to fight against Su Lang.

A sneer appeared on the corner of the Zen master's mouth on the court,

rookie! Let's see the

playoff-level confrontation!

The Zen master felt that he could see Su Lang's panicked appearance in the next second.

But Su Lang disappointed him

!"Hey! Are you tickling me!

Your confrontation is like a piece of!"

Su Lang felt Fisher's crazy confrontation, and the corners of his mouth showed a look of disdain.

[Negative sentiment value from Fisher +1000]

In the next second,

Su Lang directly turned around and shook off Fisher.

Unlike before, this time Fisher directly crossed his arm and blocked Su Lang for a moment.

Then Fisher entangled with Su Lang's side again.

The referee's whistle on the sideline was put to his mouth, and he wanted to blow for it several times.

However, this is the home court of the Lakers, and the referee put down the whistle after thinking about it.

Fisher's defense is now on the verge of fouling.

Whether the referee blows the penalty depends on the referee's penalty scale in this game.

After seeing that the referee did not blow the penalty, Fisher had a cruel smile on his face.

Confrontation has always been Fisher's forte.

Fisher found that he had finally found a way to restrain Su Lang.


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