The line-ups of both sides for this match.

Spurs, No. 1 Tony Parker, No. 2 Mason Jr., No. 3 Michael Finley, No. 4 Tim Duncan, No. 5 Bonner.

Warriors, No. 1 Sulang, No. 2 Stephen Jackson, No. 3 Margetty, No. 4 Brandon White, No. 5 Andries.

The Warriors still maintain the same lineup they did during the regular season.

Before the game began, Don Nelson solemnly reminded the Warriors that it was time for a life-and-death battle.

Every game is crucial for them.

If you lose a series, it means that an entire season's hard work has been wasted.

So now it's time to fight hard.

If the Warriors can make history, they will be etched into the history of the NBA.

The excited team members who were originally stimulated by Su Lang all screamed under the indoctrination of Don Nelson's chicken soup for the soul.

Su Lang clearly saw the evil smile on the corner of Don Nelson's mouth.

He shook his head helplessly.

Sure enough, none of the people who can be the head coach are fuel-efficient lamps.

I always thought Don Nelson wasn't good at that.

Unexpectedly, Don Nelson's Chicken Soup for the Soul is also very powerful.

If the Spurs are a turtle that does not move like a mountain.

Then all the players on the Warriors' side have become wolves.

Before going on the field, Su Lang once again threw out the Four Hearts Spirit Rhino Card from the system he treasured.

When it comes to the playoffs, Su Lang doesn't mind using some unconventional means.


the whistle blew,

the game officially began.

Andris is a guy who hasn't won a few jump shots in a whole season. 、

Where did you think that this time it would explode.。

Sure enough, with the blessing of nightclubs, these goods cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes.

Andris in the air slapped the basketball in the direction of Su Lang.

Su Lang was almost caught off guard by this goods.

Originally, Su Lang was Xi to Andris losing the jump ball.

Andris suddenly surprised him.

Su Lang hurriedly took a big stride and took the basketball that Andris had slapped in his hand.

Su Lang looked at the Spurs' half.

At this time, they had quickly defended and settled, and everyone looked at the Warriors with a determined expression.

Slowly dribble the basketball across the half court.

Tony Parker came to Su Lang's face.

In the regular season, Su Lang made Tony Parker suffer a lot.

However, after coming to the playoffs, Tony Parker's form is clearly different.

The loss in the regular season didn't dampen Parker's confidence.

Parker leaned sideways and blocked Su Lang's right side.

His left hand kept waving in front of Su Lang, interfering with Su Lang's line of sight.

Su Lang saw the Spurs' defensive strategy in an instant.

Parker deliberately put the left side to Su Lang, the purpose was to let Su Lang break through from the left side.

The Spurs' defense inside the three-point line is all tilted to the left.

Once Su Lang really breaks through from Parker's left side, then the Spurs' interior meat grinder-like defense will definitely tear Su Lang apart.

So Su Lang won't be fooled.

Su Lang threw the basketball to Jackson at a 45-degree angle and directly began to run without the ball.

Off the court, Popovich could tell at a glance that this was a unique elevator door tactic for the Warriors.

As a playoff opponent, how could Popovich not study the Warriors' unique set of tactics.

Popovich was ready for the Warriors for a long time.

After Su Lang's side started to run, Jackson instantly faced the bag of Mason Jr. and Finley.

Duncan also moved his footsteps a little towards Brandon White, who was missed.

This is also the strategy used by the Celtics to crack the elevator door tactics in the first place.

With Duncan's ability to help defend and free up small forward Finley, Jackson, who is the Warriors' transit point, will face strong defensive pressure.

The Spurs are a regular in the playoffs and have a lot of experience.

Although Su Lang has tried his best to run.

But Jackson still didn't hold out until this point.

Little Mason made a sneak attack, and the basketball in Jackson's hand was directly photographed.

After the steal, Mason Jr. quickly attacked the Warriors' half.

Su Lang struggled to catch up, but he was still a step too late, and Mason Jr. completed a one-handed dunk in the face of an empty basket.

The score on the court came to 2:0

, and the Spurs, who were old and spicy in the first round of the opening game,

taught the young Warriors a lesson.

Jackson looked at Su Lang depressedly.

, Su Lang shook his head helplessly,

Su Lang also had problems with the defeat in this round.

The results of the regular season made Su Lang a little careless.

"Mine!" Su

Lang said to Jackson.

Hearing that Su Lang took the responsibility on himself, Jackson's heart was even more uncomfortable.

The Warriors' offensive round.

After Su Lang controlled the basketball for half time, he did not choose the elevator door tactic this time.

After all, Su Lang didn't dare to guarantee that the Spurs would not defend as efficiently as last time.

Looking at Parker who was on guard in front of him.

Su Lang planned to find a breakthrough from him.

Su Lang continued to control the ball on the outside and changed direction, and the constant rhythm change made Parker have a hard time.

originally thought that after the playoffs increased the defensive intensity, Su Lang would make mistakes.

But at this moment, Parker knew he was thinking too much.

After Su Lang accelerated to break through, he took a back step to the three-point line.

A direct hand is a three-point shot.

The basketball hit the basket and got the basket.

The score came to 2:3

Popovich looked at the court with a smile on his face, Su Lang's single-play attack had actually fallen into his strategy.

Spurs' offensive round.

Parker slowly controlled the ball through the half.

Then the Spurs began a basketball rotation outside the three-point line.

The basketball is constantly moving in the hands of each of them.

After three consecutive rounds, the Warriors' defense showed a glimmer of holes.

Margeti stepped in and leaked Finley in the bottom corner.

Mason Jr., who was holding the ball on the outside, made a feint to pass the ball to Finley, which directly shook Brandon White in Finley's direction.

The moment Brandon moved his steps, he knew he had been fooled.

The next second, the basketball flew into the interior like a sharp knife.

Duncan caught the basketball steadily, turned around and shot a scum-down shot.

Basketball hits.

The score came to 4:3

The Spurs showed what team basketball is all about in this round.

Everyone has done their job.

In the end, Duncan got a great opportunity.

Easy hits under the basket.

Su Lang's mood became unhappy.

Because the atmosphere on the field began to become oppressive.

That's exactly what the atmosphere of the Spurs is all about.

The Spurs now seem like a metal fortress.

When defending, just shrink up and don't give a chance.

After the offense, the fangs leaked directly and bit the Warriors fiercely.

Sure enough, it's a regular in the playoffs.

From the start, the Spurs intended to push the Warriors into a desperate position step by step.

Don't give a chance at all!!

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