After Su Lang looked at Duncan, the whole person was happy.

Because the smile on Duncan's face hadn't had time to dissipate.

Obviously amused by Su Lang's joke just now.

Really! Duncan smiled, and the foul was coming!

The ancients did not deceive me!

Duncan didn't have time to think about it, and walked quickly to the referee's side.

"Hey! I didn't do anything, why are you blowing me for a foul? This doesn't make sense!

Duncan looked at the referee quizzically.

“no! no! no! You're laughing at my decision! I see it clearly! You don't need to explain anymore! The

referee looked at Duncan with a determined expression.

Duncan's whole body was numb.

Why is it okay for others to laugh, as long as he laughs, it is contempt for the referee.

There is no heavenly reason in this world!

Duncan feels like the world's referees are targeting him!

It's all his jokes!

[Negative sentiment value from Tim Duncan +1000]

Duncan looked at Su Lang with resentment.

Su Lang also smiled here, he didn't expect it to be so simple to let Duncan break the defense.

Originally, I just tried it, but I didn't expect it to be a success.

"Referee! He's laughing too!

After Duncan saw Su Lang laughing, he raised his arm directly and pointed at Su Lang like a primary school student making a small report.

Su Lang was stunned, he didn't expect Duncan to have such a move.

Seeing the referee's gaze drifting over, Su Lang still had some apprehension in his heart.

But in the next second, the referee directly ignored Su Lang's smile.

Duncan's whole body is numb!

Why is it okay for him to laugh! My laughter is a technical foul!

Duncan waited for the big innocent eyes to look at the referee.

Seems to want an answer.

The result was clear, and Duncan was once again ignored by the referee.

Duncan's heart was instantly aggrieved.

[Negative sentiment from Duncan +1000]

Because of Duncan's technical foul, the Warriors got a chance to make a free throw and a throw.

However, Su Lang's free throw directly popped off the basket.

This made Su Lang a little unhappy.

Warriors sideline ball. Azubuuk came to the sideline to serve.

With the Warriors missing one man on the court, the Spurs are even more unscrupulous.

Su Lang directly faced the bag of Parker, Finley and Little Mason. As for Jackson's side,

he was completely let go by the Spurs.

Azubuike had no choice but to pass the basketball to Jackson.

Jackson was outside the three-point line, after taking a steady step to adjust his shooting action.

Direct three-point shot.


The basketball went into the net, and Jackson finally got to his feet.

If Jackson maintains his current form, then the Spurs will be the ones who have a headache.

The Spurs would never dare to continue to wrap up Su Lang like this.

Now the score on the field is 30:32

In the second quarter of the game, after Su Lang exerted his strength, the Spurs' lead disappeared in an instant.

Of course, there is also Jackson's excellent play.

Spurs offensive round. After Finley helps Parker block the pick-and-roll.

Parker spun like a spinning top to the inside.

Throw yourself into the air again, and then score the basketball.

Parker is desperate, and every time he attacks, Parker throws himself to the floor.

Turn your head to the Warriors' offensive round.

This time, Popovich made tactical commands directly from the sidelines.

Really! After Jackson stepped up, the Spurs didn't dare to contain Su Lang.

Now Jackson's hand feels hot, if Su Lang puts Jackson in the bag, it will be a bit more than worth the loss.

So the Spurs maintained their regular defensive position.

Now only Parker can face Su Lang's attack alone.

Parker had a saying in his heart that Makupie didn't know whether to say it or not.

After confronting Su Lang alone, Parker seemed to return to the nightmarish memories of the beginning.

Su Lang continued to change direction outside the three-point line.

Parker shook his feet, and his steps became a little flustered.

[Negative sentiment value from Parker +1000]

Su Lang seized the opportunity of Parker's flustered footsteps, and rushed to the basket with a straight thrust.

This time, Duncan under the basket was not calm, and he was calculated by Su Lang in the last round.

Unexpectedly, Su Lang dared to rush in this round.

Duncan stood like a boulder, unwavering under the basket.

As long as Su Lang comes in, Duncan will make Su Lang pay the price.

Sure enough, after Su Lang jumped under the basket, Duncan directly blocked it like the sky.

In addition, there was a mistake on the side of Andris under the basket, and the card position failed to release Bonner.

In an instant, Bonner and Duncan completed the interior defense.

The two of them blocked Su Lang's side one left and one right.

Su Lang in the air made a change in an instant, only to see Su Lang's originally tight right hand arm bent, and then directly exchanged the basketball to his left hand in the air.

At the same time, he dodged Duncan's defense.

Later, when facing Bonner, Su Lang directly made a left-handed low-handed layup and scored directly.

"Even-bought Karma! What I saw! "

Swap hands and go to the layup!" Oh, my God!

"Oh my God! Su Lang: Is this a tribute to Michael! "

It's so exciting! Is this Su Lang's strength! "


After Su Lang completed a retract layup, he felt incredible.

Just now, it was just to avoid Duncan and Bonner's combined defense in the air.

Su Lang subconsciously made a move, but he didn't expect to make a classic move.

Su Lang put his right hand to his ear and listened.

In an instant, the fans of Oracle Stadium understood what Su Lang meant.

"Sue! Sue! Sue! Oracle

Stadium erupted in familiar cheers.

The loud noise made the Spurs on the field turn pale.

Duncan looked at the scene in front of him and cursed angrily.

Damn it!

Originally, they were not easy to play, but now Su Lang relied on the fans at home to exert pressure.

The momentum that the Spurs had managed to gather collapsed in an instant.

And now there is a problem with Su Lang's defensive blockade.

It seems like God is going to help the Warriors.

The balance of victory is gradually tilting in favor of the Warriors.

Popovich on the field saw this scene and his eyes were split.

If the rest of the Spurs players just want to win, then Popovich himself really wants Su Lang to die.

If it weren't for Su Lang, Popovich wouldn't have become what he is now.

Popovich looked around, his eyes fixed on Vaughn, the water cooler keeper.

I had a plan in my mind in an instant.


The whistle blew at half-time, and the score was fixed at 55:52

The Warriors directly completed the comeback of the score.

When the Warriors' players also start to work hard, it will be much more difficult for the Spurs to win the game.

And after Jackson worked hard, he also indirectly liberated Su Lang.

This makes the situation on the court even more unfavorable for the Spurs.

At halftime, there was an eerie silence in the Spurs' locker room.

At this time, Popovich pushed open the door and walked in.

"Vaughn! Come on! Popovich

called Vaughn out.

Vaughn looked at Popovich with a puzzled expression.

After coming to the door.

Popovich looked at Vaughn in front of him seriously.

"Do you want to be a regular rotation, or even a starter?"

Popovich drew Vaughn directly with a pie.

Vaughn looked at Popovich quizzically.

While he would love to be a rotation or even a regular player, Vaughn knows what he wants comes at a price.

He didn't believe Popovich would be so kind.


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