"Otherwise, let Harden come first! My body hasn't moved yet,"

Curry turned around and sold Harden without the slightest psychological burden.

Harden, a simple guy, was still stunned in place with a puzzled expression.

I can't hide for a while!

What's the use of playing these!

Su Lang glanced at Curry speechlessly.

Then he walked in front of Harden.

"Come on!"

Su Lang handed the basketball directly to Harden.


An hour or so later, Harden sat on the sidelines again in doubt.

And Su Lang was satisfied, looking at the extra seven thousand negative emotions in the system.

After half an hour of rest.

Su Lang looked at Curry with a smile on his face.

Curry had a helpless look on his face.

Your uncle's Su Lang! Sooner or later, Lao Tzu will blow you up!

Immediately, Curry walked to the court with a generous expression on his face.


At the end of July.

Inside the training camp.

Su Lang was in a very good mood, and just now Su Lang completed the last practice Xi in the space.

Kobe Bryant's step-back jumper skills are in hand!

SSS-level reclining textbook [This skill greatly increases the host's core strength, which can enable the host to complete a difficult recline in the air, reducing the chance of the host being blocked by fifty

percent] [Note: When using this skill, it will reduce the host's hit rate by ten percent]

Su Lang's arsenal has one more weapon.

【Ding! Detected that the host has more than one mid-pitch skill, whether it is fused! [

Remind the host that new skills will be generated after fusing skills, and each time the fusion consumes a negative emotion value of 50,000]

After hearing the prompt of the system, Su Lang directly had an additional panel in front of his eyes.

Above it is an A-level zombie jumper and an SSS-level step-back textbook.

Su Lang didn't even think about it, so he clicked no.


The zombie jumper is inherently unstable, and with the addition of a drop-back textbook that reduces the accuracy of hits.

Once fused.

Su Lang has become the real Iron King.

After Su Lang refused, the system sent a prompt again.

【Ding! Detect if the host has excess mid-pitch skills, whether it is decomposed]


This time, Su Lang did not hesitate, and directly dismantled the skill of zombie jumper.

After breaking down the Zombie Jumper.

Suddenly there was an extra choice in the system.

[Skill Points: 10 Points

] [Detected that the host has developed a new system ability, the system will be upgraded for 24 hours]

Su Lang looked at the prompt that suddenly appeared in the system in surprise.

The last time the system was upgraded was when Su Lang hollowed out the marrow washing fruit of the system.

The system has been quiet since then.

Unexpected! The system, which has been salted fish, has ushered in another upgrade.

Su Lang was looking forward to what would happen after this system upgrade.

When Su Lang was studying the system here.

Harden looked in Su Lang's direction with some words to stop.

Ultimately! Harden gritted his teeth and walked in the direction of Su Lang.

"Brother Su!"

Harden shouted at Su Lang.

brought Su Lang's attention back to reality.

"Hey! What's wrong with Harden? Do you want to go head-to-head for a few more?

Su Lang joked with a smile.

A look of helplessness instantly appeared on Harden's face.

In the past half month or so, Harden has basically been single-handedly with Su Lang every day.

Harden's progress has also been very noticeable.

At first, Harden's emotions were still relatively high.

He thinks that if he goes on like this, he will soon be able to wrestle with Su Lang.

But who knows, as he progresses, Su Lang seems to be getting stronger.

Su Lang seemed to be a bottomless sea in Harden's eyes.

For the first time, Harden felt powerless.

Because of every heads-up, Harden feels like he has hope for the next time.

But next time, he was still abused by Su Lang.

How did poor Harden know that Su Lang was simply releasing water before.

It's just that I got a little more serious about it.

"No, no, no! I don't want to go head-to-head, I just want to know how to become stronger!

Harden looked at Su Lang expectantly.

"Train hard and improve your skills, isn't that just getting stronger?"

Su Lang said with a smile.

After hearing Su Lang's answer, Harden's face showed a look of regret.

Harden himself knows that Su Lang is right.

But according to Su Lang, Harden will need at least two years or so to polish his skills.

But after going head-to-head with Su Lang, how could Harden's heart endure such a long torment.

"I want to ask, is there any way to make me stronger quickly, or a way to increase my immediate combat power"

Harden looked at Su Lang expectantly again.

Seeing Harden's innocent expression, Su Lang smiled dumbly.

All right! Look at Harden who has been working hard during this time.

Let's help him!

Su Lang smiled, got up and walked to the sidelines, and picked up his backpack.

There is a gift that Su Lang prepared for Harden.

In fact, Su Lang planned to give it to Harden at the end of training camp.

But I didn't expect Harden to be able to hold it anymore.

Su Lang put his hand into the backpack and fumbled for a while.

Finally, he took out a thick set of books directly from his backpack.

Harden waited for two big eyes and looked at Su Lang innocently.

He didn't know what Su Lang wanted to do.

"Here you go!"

Su Lang directly handed a set of books in his hand to Harden.

Harden's gaze fell on the book in his hand.

[NBA Rules!] Harden

looked at Su Lang suspiciously.

"Brother Su! I had already seen these things when I started Xi basketball, does this have anything to do with me getting stronger?

Su Lang shook his head helplessly.

"Can you tell me the first chapter, what are the rules in the second section?"

Harden is covered!

What the hell is this! Whoever is idle and has nothing to do will remember these things.

And you can't use any of that on the basketball court!

And no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with getting stronger.

"Alas~ If you want to become stronger quickly, this is the only way I can think of,"

Su Lang said earnestly.

Harden still looked at Su Lang suspiciously, waiting for Su Lang to continue to answer.

"It's actually quite simple! You need to know every rule inside!

"When your understanding of the rules even exceeds that of the referees on the field, you can take advantage of the loopholes in the rules,"

Su Lang said slowly.

Rules! Leak!

Su Lang's words fell, and these two words exploded directly in Harden's mind.

For a moment, Harden seemed to see a different path.

A path dedicated to him.

For a moment, Harden's eyes glowed with an astonishing light.

Looking at Harden in front of him, who was lost in thought.

Su Lang's heart died of laughter.

Bearded Harden at four o'clock in the morning! Master of Rules!

Just ask you if you're afraid!

Because of his own reasons, let Harden awaken the master of the rules so early.

As soon as he thought of this, Su Lang was a little excited.

Su Lang thought of the future arena, and Harden used this set of magical rules.

Everyone looked stunned.

I guess everyone will hate themselves at that time!

It's fun to think about!


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