Hearing Da Yao's voice, Su Lang knew that the process of this showdown was not simple.

"How's it going?"

Su Lang still asked.

"Huh! Only now do I know that the team has not considered me from beginning to end, and I am still loyal to them"

Da Yao's tone improved significantly.

"Don't worry, Brother Yao! Don't forget that there's a whole dragon kingdom behind us! It's a big deal to flip the table directly, and no one will play!

Su Lang's tone became cold.

"Yes! I've been communicating with them all this time, not just about weight loss, but also about some other details

" "But the Rockets are vague here, obviously trying to delay until the end of the trade period, and use this means to control me"

Da Yao said in a cold tone.

"Fuck! What a hell! You can rest assured, Brother Yao, it's a big deal, let's go back to China to play together, smash their plates, and see who is in a hurry,"

Su Lang said disdainfully.

"Don't be so impulsive! Things are still getting to that point! But I did give them face, so that they thought they could control me by this means!

Da Yao's tone became more and more cold.

"What's next?".

Su Lang asked slowly.

"I'm going to hold a press conference and put pressure on them through the media,"

Mr. Yao said.

"Good! Feel free to let me know if there's any progress on your side!

Su Lang said uneasily, for fear that Da Yao would suffer a loss.

"Hahaha! Rest assured! When your brother Yao came to the United States alone to fight a piece of the world, you don't really think that I have no means at all!

Da Yao said with a smile.

"That's good! In that case, I won't say much! If you need help, call me at any time,"

Su Lang said.

After hanging up the phone, Su Lang's expression became cold.

Team Rocket, right? The new season will definitely beat you into a shit team!


After learning Kobe's mid-range shooting skills last time, Su Lang has not chosen the next development discovery.

Now Su Lang has two choices, one is to accumulate negative emotions and upgrade the skills on his body.

The current eight-fold mirror of the stadium is very incomprehensible.

If it was upgraded again, Su Lang couldn't imagine what it would be like at that time.

Another option is that Su Lang can continue to learn Xi other skills.

After all, there are still a lot of shortcomings on Su Lang's side.

After talking to Da Yao on the phone this time, Su Lang instantly made a decision in his heart.

Skill upgrades can only be put first.

Su Lang felt that it was best to comprehensively upgrade his arsenal first.

Rebounds, blocks, interior defense, help defense, etc.

In the end, Su Lang locked his eyes on the direction of rebounding.

Su Lang decided to learn Xi rebounding skill.

After opening the system's player database, Su Lang began to look for it.

Su Lang looked at the negative emotion value of more than 300,000 on his body, so he directly locked his eyes on the SSS-level rebounding skills.

To be honest, some low-level skills are now unattractive to Su Lang.

Soon, Su Lang found some SSS-level rebounding skills.

SSS-class emperor from Wirt Chamberlain ascended.

Rodman's SSS-class savage plunder.

Moses Malone's SSS-level rebounding nose.

Howard's SSS-class Superman Hunt.

Garnett's SSS-rated iron-blooded rebound.


Su Lang is more inclined to Howard's superhuman hunting and Rodman's savage plunder.

Needless to say, Howard's rebounds are needless to say, and the Magic team has created the earliest lineup of one inside and four outside, one star for Howard.

You can see how strong Howard's rebounding skills are.

Howard won five rebounds in his entire career.

In his best season, he averaged 14.2 rebounds per game.

The other is Rodman's side.

Su Lang was actually very interested in Rodman.

Because when I was sifting through the skills just now, Rodman's panel was very interesting.

In addition to SSS-level rebounding skills.

None of this goods has a skill that exceeds the A level.

It's just a guy with a twisted development, and

none of the other people who have a few S-rank skills on him.

Rodman is like Su Lang's classmates who went to school when he was a child.

All the talent is focused on the skill of rebounding.

However, Rodman's rebounding skills are really strong, and he can grab 7 rebounding kings in the hands of the four centers at the beginning.

The 34-year-old is also averaging 18.7 rebounds per game.

At the age of 39, he is still averaging 14.0 rebounds per game.

It's a monster.

At his peak, Howard was only averaging 14.2 rebounds per game.

In the end, Su Lang still chose the rebounding skills of Rodman, the big worm, and savagely plundered.

Su Lang wanted to know something about what the skills that can make a 39-year-old person average 14 rebounds per game are.


Once the skills were chosen, the team's training was on track for the rest of the day.

Su Lang has no more interest than bullying Curry every day.

With a week to go before the start of the new season, Don Nelson announced the roster for the new season.

Danny Green looked at Don Nelson with a nervous expression.

Unlike others, Danny Green has a good chance of being devolved to the Development League.

"Su Lang! Curry!

Don Nelson slowly called out his name.

Finally, Don Nelson glanced up at Danny Green.

"Danny Green!"

Reluctantly, he called out Danny Green's name.

When Danny Green heard his name, his whole body burned,

"I'm the boss!" I don't have to go to the development of the Union!

Danny Green excitedly ran to Su Lang's side and gave Su Lang a big hug.

Don Nelson looked at the gaffe Danny Green speechlessly

, in fact, according to the inspection of Danny Green in the summer,

Don Nelson was ready to send him to the Development League.

But I didn't expect that after more than a month of not seeing each other, Danny Green was reborn.

It didn't get much stronger, but it exceeded Don Nelson's expectations.

Coupled with Margeti, a fool, his physical condition has not recovered to his best until now.

Once the new season starts, there is a chance that the opponent will beat it up on the pitch.

Don Nelson had to make a backup move.

If it is true, Margeti's performance is not very good.

Danny Green can also play a firefighting role.

Coupled with Brewer's words, the front line can still be guaranteed not to be blown up.

When the time came to October, Su Lang got the matchup table for the new season.

After seeing the opponents at the start of the new season.

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

God can't stand it anymore, and wants me to beat you out of the!

That's right! The Warriors' first opponent of the new season is the Rockets who Su Lang has been thinking about for an offseason!


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