The basketball that flew into the air was slapped directly in the direction of Curry by Andrries.

Although it is said that Andris did not win a few jump balls last season.

But when facing Scola who is even shorter than him and bounces about the same as himself.

Andris still has some advantages.

The basketball rolled in the air and flew towards Curry.

Curry took a step to the left and held the basketball securely in his hands.

It was at this moment that the audience remembered the enthusiastic cheers.

"Attack! Offensive! Oracle

Stadium was instantly drowned out by a uniform shout.

In the face of such enthusiastic fans, Curry couldn't help but feel shocked.

It was his first game on the NBA court.

It was also the first offensive.

With the cheers of the fans in the audience, Curry's eyes became determined.

After more than ten years of struggle, from a very young age, Curry was under the influence of his father and made the NBA his goal.

Now he has finally completed the first step of his career and officially entered the NBA.

Then next, Curry has a new plan in mind.

Make your name in NBA history!

In the future, he will no longer be the son of Dale Curry as people say, but Stephen Curry!

His name Stephen Curry is going to shock the entire league!

Curry controlled the basketball after half court.

The gaze began to determine the tactical movement of the Warriors players.

When Curry and Su Lang's eyes touched in the air.

Su Lang directly gave Curry an encouraging look.

Come on! Let people see that you, Stephen Curry, is worthy of being a star show.

After Curry saw Su Lang's eyes, his heart instantly became extremely confident.

It's time for people to see their killer features!

When you are two steps away from the three-point line.

Curry pulled it up straight up and hit a three-pointer.

For the offense of the first round, Curry didn't pick anyone.

The basketball crossed the air in a rainbow-like arc and then landed firmly into the net.

Curry swore himself to the NBA with a three-pointer.

After seeing the basketball enter the net, Curry's heart couldn't help but ripple.

It was his first score in the NBA!

"Oh my God! Is this the Warriors' rookie this year? It's crazy! "

Sue! I saw Sue's shadow in him! "

Even buy the Karma! He was born with the Warriors! The Warriors made no mistake in their choice! "


Seeing Curry's first round, he shot so confidently from two steps away from the three-point line.

Everyone was shocked by the confidence in Curry.

The last time they saw such a player was Su Lang last year.

After seeing Curry hit a three-pointer, the corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

It seems that he usually practices a lot in private, and now Curry's three-point shot is far stronger than in his previous life, when Curry first entered the league.

It seems that he has put a lot of pressure on Curry!

Don Nelson also nodded in satisfaction.

If Curry is playing under any other NBA head coach.

Curry's choice just now will definitely be wildly criticized by the head coach.

But Don Nelson's mad scientists.

So instead of hating Curry, Don Nelson began to appreciate Curry in his heart.

Last season, the Warriors suffered a loss, and the team only had a strong firepower point for Su Lang.

So when other teams play against the Warriors. is always in the brainless bag Su Lang.

Even last year's loss to the Nuggets in the second round of the playoffs was like that.

So Don Nelson is very much looking forward to Curry being able to continue.

In this way, Su Lang may be liberated.

What is the liberated Su Lang like, Don Nelson is also very much looking forward to it.

The picture returns to the court, the offensive round of the Rockets.

Brooks Jr. possessed the ball and met Curry's defense after halftime.

Little Black Bean is directly pressed against Curry with his back, which is a favorite tactic of experienced point guards against rookie point guards.

Xiao Heidou controlled the basketball firmly in his hand while observing the position.

With a flick of his wrist, the basketball flew into Battier's hand at a forty-five-degree angle.

After Battier received the ball, without the slightest hesitation, the basketball instantly moved and passed directly to Ariza in the bottom corner.

When Ariza received the basketball. Margeti still has more than two steps to go.

Ariza shoots straight into the bottom corner with a three-pointer.


Basketball hits.

The score on the field came to 3:3

Su Lang's face was a little unsightly.

He was going to break the Rockets in this game, but now it seems that something is wrong.

Margeti's level of competition is so different from last season.

When defending, his feet were slow, and it was because of his defensive misposition just now that Ariza hit a three-pointer so easily.

Not only Su Lang, but also the head coach off the field, Don Nelson, also saw this scene.

Although he didn't speak, the green tendons on Don Nelson's forehead were constantly beating, indicating that he was in a very bad mood right now.

Once again, it was the Warriors' turn to attack the round.

Su Lang started running without the ball on the court.

Battier followed behind Su Lang, and I have to say that Battier's defense is still very good.

But what he met was Su Lang.

With the help of Brandon White's cover, Su Lang rushed to the outside of the three-point line with an arrow step.

Although this is the first time that Curry and Su Lang have played in the NBA.

But Curry and Su Lang have cooperated countless times, whether in the college league or in the training camp.

So the tacit understanding between the two has reached a point that others can't imagine.

The moment Su Lang came out of the inside line, Curry passed the basketball out.


The basketball fell steadily into Su Lang's hands.

Seeing that Su Lang received the basketball so easily, the Rockets naturally would not let Su Lang shoot easily.

Su Lang's offensive firepower, they still know.

Although Battier was intercepted by the block, Little Black Bean Brooks and Ariza had already made a move when the basketball flew towards Su Lang.

The moment Su Langhe received the ball, the two of them wrapped up Ali.

Before the game, the Rocket team had already formulated a strategy and couldn't let Su Lang throw his hand.

So after Su Lang received the ball, he would definitely have to face the bag of the Rockets.

Facing the bag, Su Lang was not nervous at all.

With a flick of the arm and an easy back-to-back pass, the basketball fell back into Curry's hands. Curry

didn't hesitate and shot directly outside the three-point line.

Basketball solid hits.

The score is 6:3

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

Your uncle's! Do you really think that it is the same as last season, Lao Tzu has no helpers!

Now I dare to trap you Uncle Su without a brain!

I can't kill you!


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