When Brewer flew out of bounds, he still had the basketball in his hand in mind, and finally threw the basketball behind him with all his might.

Curry, who rushed behind him, received a pass from Brewer.

Completed a layup.

finally saved the five embarrassments this time.

Su Lang, who stayed in the backcourt of the Warriors, couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw it.

A wonderful cooperation, almost all of them played into five embarrassments.

Brewer is also a talent.

Bruhl scratched his head in embarrassment and ran back out of bounds.

However, as soon as Brewer came on the court, the scene began to tilt in favor of the Warriors.

At the end of the first quarter, the score was fixed at 33:24

There is a gap between this and what Su Lang thought in his heart.

Sure enough, if you want to blow up a team, it's not that simple.

However, Su Lang did not play much in the first quarter of the game.

The first quarter of the Warriors' game was basically Curry's firepower.

So if nothing else, in the second quarter of the game, the Rockets will definitely strengthen the defense of Curry.


As the whistle blew, the second quarter continued.

Team Rocket's first offensive turn.

Brooks possessed the ball over half court, and in the face of Curry's entanglement, Little Black Bean wanted to use Hayes's cover to kill directly to the basket.

But as soon as Hayes's blocking was in place, Brooks saw Su Lang staring at him.

Su Lang is ready, as long as Brooks dares to break through from here, then Brooks will definitely be controlled by Su Lang in place.

As a last resort, Little Black Bean Brooks had to give up this opportunity.

Instead, pass the basketball to Battier, through which Battier relays.

The basketball came to Scola under the basket.

In the first quarter of the game, Scola was hit by Su Lang after a big hat.

Scola never had the chance to attack again.

After getting the basketball again, Scola spun around under the basket like a spinning top.

It can be said that Scola's footsteps under the basket are among the best in active basketball.

Andris's side was shaken away by Scola again.

However, this time Su Lang was not used to assist in defense.

Andris did his best, interfering with Scola the moment he made a move.

The reason why Andris is desperate is very simple, at the end of the first quarter of the game just now, Su Lang told him in a low voice.

If they can't beat the Rockets, then after the game, they will be the ones who will be abused.

So Andris's side has never been more serious than ever.

They knew the power of Su Lang's words.

Brandon White, on his side, quickly rushed to the basket when Scola made a move.

One jumps up and pockets the rebound.

Turn your head to the Warriors' offensive round.

Sure enough, Curry had just passed half court after possession of the ball, and the Rockets' defensive position began to tilt in Curry's direction.

Curry also noticed the problem.

A breakthrough of acceleration to the right. Instantly attracted to the defense.

Then Curry made a handful of back-to-back passes.

The basketball came to Su Lang's hands. ,

Su Lang is now the only defender in front of Battier.

So Su Lang didn't hesitate at all, and directly pulled it up as a three-point shot.

After Battier saw Su Lang receiving the ball, he knew that something was wrong.

But it was too late, although Battier's palm was stretched out in front of Su Lang's eyes.

But this will not affect Su Lang's shooting touch.


The basketball crossed an arc in the air and landed firmly into the net.


The score difference on the field instantly reached double digits.

Once again, it was the Rockets' turn to attack the round.

After the Warriors got all serious, the Rockets' offense came to an impasse.

In fact, it's very simple, the lineup on the Rockets' side does not have super firepower players who can fight tough battles.

There used to be Maddie and Da Yao.

Now that Da Yao and Maddie are gone, their shortcomings are highlighted.

Everyone on Team Rocket, while not bad, is too mediocre.

Basketball is constantly rotating in the hands of the Rockets.

But everyone didn't get a chance to make a move.


The Warriors used a brilliant defense to cause the Rockets' offense to be fouled for 24 seconds.

You must know that in the basketball game, the offense of 24 seconds is a morale blow.

After this attack, the crowd of Team Rocket obviously fell into disadvantage.

It was the Warriors' turn to attack the round.

Curry's side again drew on the defense.

Su Lang hit another three-pointer.

Rockets head coach Adelman was watching from the sidelines and scratching his head.

The Rockets are clearly in a much worse problem now than people see.

In addition to losing their discipline on the offensive end, the Rockets are now in trouble on the defensive end.

Before the game, Adelman didn't expect that Curry would suddenly appear on the Warriors' side.

Defending Curry lost his grip on Su Lang.

Wrapping Su Lang will definitely make Curry's side appear.

This multiple-choice question is too difficult.

When Adelman scratched his head, Su Lang didn't have a soft hand.

Su Lang hit a three-pointer from beyond the three-point line again.

The Rockets players are now feeling as if they've eaten.

"Hey! Stephen! Do you want to try to see who throws more three-pointers in this game,"

Su Lang said to Curry with a smile when he returned to defense.

"Damn! You're too ruthless!

Curry looked at Su Lang in surprise, he didn't take Team Rocket seriously.

"It's excessive, though! But I like it! If you lose, you have to delete the small video backup for me completely,"

Curry stared at Su Lang and said.

"Yes! If you lose, cooperate with me to train for a month,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

After hearing Su Lang's chips, Curry's face instantly darkened.

Your uncle promised me before the game that he wouldn't abuse me in the future.

Now it's doing something like this again.

Su Lang looked at Curry with a smile, he was not afraid that Curry would not be fooled.

Anyway, Su Lang had a chance to let Curry agree to various bets.

After Curry weighed the two choices of small video and masochism in his mind, he finally chose small video.

"Okay! I promised you! But I've hit five three-pointers now, so you're going to have to do it!

Curry looked at Su Lang with a smile.

Su Lang pouted, five three-pointers only, I'm afraid you don't know that the current NBA single-game three-point record is mine!

[Negative Sentiment from Battier +1000] [Negative Sentiment from Scola +1000] [Negative Sentiment from Brooks +1000]


Su Lang and Curry's conversation didn't shy away from the Rockets' players, so they all heard it.

At this time, the Rockets players had only one idea.

Do you look down on us so much!

Compared to Su Lang's arrogance.

They were even angrier at Curry, a rookie.

Su Lang is arrogant and has the ability to be arrogant, Curry is

just a first-year rookie,

how dare he look down on them so much!

Curry didn't know that Su Lang's few words made everyone on Team Rocket want to tear him apart.


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