It's been three days since the game against the University of Kansas Pine Eagles.

At the end of the last game, a scandal broke out at the University of Kansas.

Beasley, the heart of the team, directly punched his teammates.

It's even worse than losing the game.

Finally, when Beasley's side and Brandon Rush clashed.

Su Lang once again gained a large wave of negative sentiment value.

Beasley and the opposing head coach Sheff contributed 3,000 negative sentiment points.

It's really pie in the sky.

Su Lang naturally happily accepted this wave of negative emotions.

As for the problems that Beasley and the Pine Hawks are having on their side.

Of course, it has nothing to do with Su Lang.

However, Su Lang was also a little afraid.

This game made Su Lang understand a little.

When he dies, he seems to be in danger of his life.

If it weren't for Beasley controlling himself, he would have exploded off the court.

Maybe it wasn't Brandon Rush who suffered in the last game.

It's Su Lang himself.

After Su Lang discovered this problem, he keenly felt that he needed a self-defense skill.

In this way, you can continue to carry out your own "death" cause on the field with peace of mind.

After having the goal, Su Lang directly clicked into the mall of the system.

Su Lang's purpose is very clear, that is, to find those players who have strong fighting ability on the court.

Artest the Beast

!Martial Saint Jackson

!Carl Malone in Black and White

!Aunt Larry

Johnson!Fighting Maniac James Johnson!


Soon Su Lang screened out the stars he wanted.

These are the ruthless people in the league!

Anyone on the court has to give three points unless necessary.

Otherwise, what awaits them is a fat beating.

The Beast Atay and the Martial Saint Jackson, these two fought to fame during the time of the Palace of Auburn Hills.

After that incident, few people in the alliance dared to provoke them.

Karl Malone, a person who can use his iron elbow to make a bloody path in the NBA in ancient times, naturally does not need to say much.

Aunt Larry Johnson once chased the tough guy Mourning all over the court in the finals.

Fighting Mo Ning hugged his head and ran away, and he could beat a person like Mo Ning without a temper, which shows how ruthless Aunt Larry Johnson is.

As for the last one.

This person has not logged into the NBA yet, but if Su Lang remembers correctly, this year should be the time for him to log in to the NBA.

Compared with the previous ones, James Johnson is much less famous.

But his grappling prowess can't be overlooked.

Since this guy entered the alliance, he has never been bullied, to be precise, it is all someone else's loss.

Because this guy is a professional MMA master, and he has won all of his career. And he was born in a martial arts family.

No one should dare to provoke such a person.

In the end, Su Lang chose James Johnson.

Because Su Lang recalled the above people, although they were all ruthless.

But I still suffered some losses in my career.

But in the end, although Johnson is not famous, he has never suffered a loss in his career.

In this way, the judgment is made!

Su Lang directly exchanged a James Johnson's five-fold training card from the system's mall.

Su Lang has calculated that the five-fold card is the most cost-effective choice for Su Lang now.

Su Lang clicked into the space, ready to learn the skills of Xi James Johnson.

Su Lang first observed James Johnson's skills.

If you don't say it, Su Lang really thinks that this guy is a professional martial artist.

Because he has very few basketball skills.

On the contrary, it is fighting skills that occupy most of the skill space.

A Boxing Mastery!A Striking Mastery!A Muay Thai Leg Mastery

!A Jiu-Jitsu



Su Lang looked at the fighting skills one after another, and finally understood.

Why is James Johnson such a small character in the league no one dares to bully.

If you really meet a counterparty who can knock out you at any time.

Su Lang swore that he would never die.

Su Lang looked at the dazzling skills here, and really didn't know what skills to choose for a while.

It stands to reason that the best ones to use on the court are boxing mastery and striking mastery.

However, Su Lang was still a little dissatisfied in his heart.

Su Lang had seen a lot of conflicts in the alliance in his previous life.

Unlike the conflicts of the NBA in ancient times, the conflicts of recent years.

In most cases, there was no fighting, and they were directly surrounded by a group of people.

Then forced to separate.

At that time, boxing mastery and striking mastery were really not effective.

After Su Lang hesitated for a moment, he finally set his sights on Jiu-Jitsu mastery.

It's the last fighting skill that seems on the surface to be on the basketball court.

But Su Lang had other thoughts in his heart.

Su Lang's thoughts were very simple, and when everyone thought that they were going to fight with each other, Su Lang directly put the other party to the ground.

At that time, even if the other party has strong force, it is not his opponent.

After all, there really isn't a league player who chooses to practice Xi ground jiu-jitsu.

In the end, the point is to send the other person directly to the ground.

Then a guillotine shot made the opponent admit defeat.

Or directly a Kimura lock to make the other party bow their heads.

It's a lot more disgusting than punching the opponent.

Su Lang wanted to disgust the other party.

Otherwise, where did Su Lang get his negative emotional value.

However, there is also a downside to choosing jiu-jitsu, which is that this skill is more suitable for heads-up.

If Su Lang really dies on the field at that time, it will cause public anger.

This skill is obviously not up to the task.

Su Lang hesitated for a moment.

In the end, Jing chose Jiu-Jitsu to master this skill.

It's a big deal to learn Xi striking martial arts skills later.

After selecting the skill, Su Lang entered the star space.

But Su Lang himself ignored an important issue.

The 24 hours in the star's training space passed quickly.

But there was no happy expression on Su Lang's face.

More regrets!"

"System, I want to ask, this skill has been Xi for a while, can you withdraw from the class"

Su Lang hesitated for a moment, but still chose to ask this question to the system.

Once the host selects a star to train skills, the non-skill learning Xi is completed, and the training progress cannot be interrupted.

[Negative Sentiment Value from the Host +100]

This is the most negative Sentiment Value that Su Lang has obtained from himself after obtaining the system.

The reason why Su Lang collapsed so much was simple.

That is, Su Lang ignored one point.

Jiu-Jitsu training is done on the ground.

A big old man clips your head directly under your armpit.

Can you imagine this feeling!

This is the treatment of Su Lang after entering the space.

And that's just the beginning.

What scissor legs, guillotine.

Anyway, Su Lang has been rolling on the ground with James Johnson.

This is what Su Lang can't accept.

Su Lang never thought that one day he would roll the floor with a bearded man.

But if you change to a young lady, it will be a different matter.


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