Brewer, who followed up, picked up Curry's lost basketball, accelerated directly to the basket, and completed an easy layup.

After completing the offense, Brewer hurriedly helped the resentful Curry up.

Curry got up and rubbed his numb buttocks.

Grandma's legs, don't she have the life to dunk?

Curry couldn't help but feel a pain in his head.

But the next second, the Warriors' backcourt was a mess.

Curry and Brewer didn't think much of it and rushed straight over.

Because they saw that Su Lang had already come to the ground.

Time goes back to after Su Lang's pass.

After passing the basketball to Curry, Su Lang didn't care much, such an offensive opportunity was simply too simple for Curry.

Su Lang looked at Barnes on the floor.

Just now, Su Lang completely understood why Rodman's rebounding skills would bring so many strange moves.

When others grab rebounds, they all dance with their upper limbs.

Rodman does have a lot more lower body movements.

After grabbing a rebound, a split in the air or a flying kick is just too normal for Rodman. ,

and Barnes was just split in the air by Su Lang and kicked in the face.

Rodman's rebounding skills are not just about grabbing rebounds, but also about his own defensive system.

Whoever wants to snatch the basketball from him has to be prepared to be put on the floor by him.

No wonder Rodman's height of two meters and one can get a seven-time rebounding king.

The problem is someone else who dares to grab a rebound with Rodman.

Flying kicks, horizontal elbows, and accidentally game over!

Just as Su Lang was thinking, Barnes on the floor finally came to his senses.

As soon as he came to his senses, Barnes knew what had just happened.

He was kicked over by Su Lang just now.

When Barnes came to his senses, he was furious.

As a defensive squad, a court bandit, Barnes never imagined that one day he would be kicked on the pitch by someone else.

How could Barnes have accepted it.

After coming to his senses, Barnes stood up from the floor with a sudden.

rushed over to Su Lang.

You kicked me just now, right?!


After finishing speaking, Barnes directly reached out and grabbed Su Lang, wanting to teach Su Lang some lessons.

Su Lang was directly happy.

Good guys! Someone in the NBA finally dares to fight with him.

The moment Barnes caught Su Lang, Su Lang dived directly by lunge.

The standard jiu-jitsu movement, the next second, Barnes felt as if a chain was wrapped around his waist.

At a time when Barnes didn't react.

Su Lang directly slammed his arms hard, and one fell on his back, and Barnes instantly experienced the feeling of a roller coaster.

Barnes slammed to the floor.

This is not over, Su Lang directly pressed on Barnes's body.

"Hey, just stay on the floor, it's not good if you knock down the flowers and plants!"

Su Lang threw his back and put Barnes on the floor.

The next second, the members of the Magic team fryed.

It was clear that Barnes had fallen to the bottom and his teammates were being bullied, how could they put up with it.

The Magic players wanted to rush up, but how could the Warriors get them.

The martial saint Jackson on the field had an eager expression on his face.

But in the end, he held back.

Because he knew that when the substitutes came on, it was going to get a big problem.

It's a pity! I'm a guard with a knife who doesn't have a chance to play.

However, Jackson was not on the court, and the Warriors' side did not fall behind.

Gibson had a good relationship with Jackson and learned a lot from him.

Gibson alone stopped Vince Carter and Howard.

"Hey, calm down, don't get excited!" Gibson

shouted as he didn't let them go to Su Lang's trouble, and firmly controlled the two of them in front of him.

Poor Barnes, there was absolutely no one to help him.

"Accept it or not!" Su

Lang pressed Barnes under him and whispered.

"Hey! Obey your uncle!" Barnes's

anger burned again, where on the court would anyone do that, pinning people to the ground, and asking him if he was convinced.

[Negative sentiment from Matt Barnes +5000]

This is simply too shameful!

Barnes struggled to break free from Su Lang's control, but Su Lang pressed on him like a mountain, making him unable to move.

The referee blew his whistle and rushed into the pitch at a fast pace.

As soon as the referee entered, the conflict came to an abrupt end.

Although everyone was very emotional, they still obeyed the referee's command and slowly separated.

Then they saw a funny scene.

Su Lang pressed Barnes under him.

Something is constantly muttered in his mouth.

Barnes blushed and squirmed frantically across the floor.

Su Lang's words were very simple.

"Accept it or not, I will kill you!" Barnes

had never felt so ashamed.

Fortunately, the referee saved him.

"Hey, let him go, separate immediately!Don't continue"

The referee directly pulled Su Lang.

After Su Lang looked up and saw the referee, a smile immediately bloomed on his face.

"Hey, Mr. Referee, I controlled him, I stopped the impulsive behavior of the thugs"

Su Lang looked like I was a good person.

The corners of the referee's mouth twitched.

What a brazen one

!"Okay!Okay!I know!If you don't want the conflict to escalate, I think you better hurry up!


The referee looked at Su Lang speechlessly.

Hearing the referee's words, Su Lang stood up unsatisfied.

"Hey! Do you hear me! Don't look for trouble! Mr. Referee has spoken"

Su Lang patted Barnes under him and stood up directly.

The next second, Barnes stood up straight from the floor.

Your uncle's Su Lang! If you don't bully people like this, Lao Tzu has to take revenge today!

Barnes, who is out of Su Lang's control, is already completely burned with anger.

Seeing Barnes's eyes, Su Lang still didn't understand, Barnes wanted to die together!

"Mr. Referee, help!"

Su Lang turned around and hid behind the referee.

The referee who was blocking Su Lang in the next second was directly hammered to the court by Barnes' angry punch.

Su Lang looked at Barnes in surprise.

A thumbs up straight to Barnes.

You are brave enough! You are a man

! The first person to KO referee in history!

The poor referee directly carried the black pot to Su Lang.

Maybe in the end, the referee didn't expect that he would be knocked out.

[Negative Sentiment from Matt Barnes +10000]

The angry Barnes was instantly pulled by his teammates.

Barnes felt like he was going crazy!

! The referees were knocked out!

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