[Negative Sentiment from Stephen Curry +1000] [Negative Sentiment from Stephen Curry +1000] [Negative Sentiment from Stephen Curry +1000



Curry had a depressed expression on his face, sitting on the sidelines gasping for air.

"Hey, Stephen, are you still here?" said

Su Lang with a smile at Curry.

"Come on, uncle!" Curry

raised a middle finger directly at Su Lang.

This heads-up directly woke Curry to his senses.

Originally, Curry thought that he had a chance to wrestle with Su Lang.

But reality dealt him a brutal blow.

Su Lang smiled, packed his backpack and turned around and left the arena.

Curry was left alone in the arena.

Curry really wanted to ask Su Lang if he was a pervert.

How can a normal player improve so quickly.

If it is said that Su Lang has always retained his strength, it is even more nonsense.

Curry can't even think clearly if he wants to break his head, Su Lang is a plug-in dog.

After pondering for a while, Curry's eyes became firm again.

I don't believe you can progress to the limit.

There is an end to climbing the mountain, and one day I will catch up with you!

Curry picked up the basketball, looked at the basket, and practiced a thousand three-pointers today.

There was a thud in the Warriors' arena.


The next day, as usual, Su Lang came to the gym to train.

It didn't take long to start training.

Danny Green happily took his mobile phone and came to Su Lang's side.


Danny Green handed the phone to Su Lang.

Su Lang took the phone suspiciously, and then saw that Barkley was running naked in the phone.

Good guy! I didn't expect this product to be so reckless!

Su Lang initially thought that Barkley would rely on this bet.

I didn't expect Barkley to really run naked.

And it's all live.

What a fucking dog!

At this time,

Danny Green also began to explain next to Su Lang.

In fact, half an hour ago, the live broadcast began.

Buckley ran naked from his home to the TNT TV building.

But after a while, Su Lang understood what Barkley was trying to do.

It's nothing more than traffic and stuff.

But if you really do this step for the sake of traffic, you are indeed a man.

Originally, Su Lang wanted to fall into the well and make a wave, but since Barkley was so reckless, Su Lang didn't mind letting the other party go.

Barkley is not yet mad, wearing a green hood and a large floral pants on the lower half of his body.

In fact, in the actual sense, this is not a kind of streaking.

But if you can do this, you can do it.

Su Lang planned to let Barkley go, but others didn't have this idea.

In the crowd of onlookers, one person picked up the phone in his hand and connected to the other side.

"Okay!boss!I see!I'll do it!"

A heavily armed man in the crowd, dressed in a trench coat and wearing a huge mask on his face, obscured his face tightly.

The trench coat man whispered into the phone.

It can be said that how much this guy Barkley is wearing, how well armed this guy in the crowd is.

Don't blame me, Charles! It's all the boss's arrangement!

Just as Barkley passed by the crowd, a man in a trench coat rushed out of the crowd.

Security personnel seem to have intentionally or unintentionally allowed the trench-coated man to approach Barkley.

The huge trench coat could hardly hide the man's huge body.

Although the man in the trench coat is a little bloated, he is unusually flexible.

In the end, the man in the trench coat came to Barkley's side without any problems.

Then the man in the trench coat made an eye-popping motion.

Directly pulled Barkley's flower pants off.

Su Lang, who was watching the live broadcast, couldn't hold back, and a mouthful of water sprayed directly on the face of Curry, who was about to come over to join in the fun.

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +1000]

Curry's black face is about to explode.

"Stephen, I'm going to say it was an accident, do you believe it!" Su

Lang looked at Curry speechlessly, he didn't expect Curry to come over at this time to join in the fun.

After Su Lang did this, Curry was not in the mood to join in the fun at all.

Directly pointed at Su Lang with a middle finger, and then his head would not leave.

Su Lang smiled awkwardly, and then continued to look at the live broadcast screen on his mobile phone.

Su Lang finally came to a conclusion.

If Barkley knew that Su Lang would say this about him, he would probably fight with Su Lang.

After all, no man wants to be called small.

"Smith, your uncle! Lao Tzu killed you, don't think that if you put on a vest, Lao Tzu won't know you!" Barkley

roared in the live broadcast.

You must know that this time the naked live broadcast, Barkley has done a lot of psychological construction.

In the end, he reluctantly came out wearing a big flower pants.

Who knew that a Kenyon Smith was killed halfway, so that his naked run directly turned into an uncensored appearance.

Barkley now really wanted to kill Kenyon Smith.

Although the other party was extremely tightly wrapped, but after years of working together, Barkley still recognized Kenyon Smith as a bastard at a glance.

"I'm not Kenyon Smith! I'm Mark! You're the wrong person!" shouted

the trench coat man in the crowd without looking back.

Barkley's eyes cracked when he heard what he said.

Kenyon Smith is a bastard who he can recognize even if he turns to ashes.

At this time, the big boss of TNT TV watched the rising data in the background.

The whole person couldn't stop laughing.

That's what he wanted!

Barkley's accident on the way to the naked run was naturally arranged for Kenyon Smith to do.

Now that the wood is in the boat, Barkley has no choice but to do so, even if he doesn't want to.

At most, make it up to him afterwards.

Compared with these, these traffic data in the background are what he really pays attention to.

Barkley is really famous this time.

Compared to the last time I kissed the donkey's buttocks, this time it can really be regarded as a household name.

Chicken Warrior

!Naked Maniac Bar Lord

!Whole Life Master!

For a while,

Buckley had many more titles.

When Barkley first questioned the Warriors, the Dragons fans were unhappy.

However, after seeing Barkley's tragic ending, the Dragon Kingdom fans instantly exploded happily.

Barkley has now gained a nickname in the Dragon Kingdom.

The meaning of the nickname Crayon Flying Pig

is self-evident.

The most important thing is the crayons and small print in it.

Su Lang didn't watch it for long here, and he didn't continue to watch.

But what made Su Lang feel a little unbelievable was that Barkley was like this.

He didn't even give him negative sentiment points.

This was indeed a bit beyond Su Lang's expectations.

In fact, the person Barkley hates most in his heart now is Howard.

At this time, Barkley was hiding in a room in TNT.

While secretly shedding tears, he cursed Howard, a cheating guy.

If it weren't for Howard's waste, he wouldn't have lost the bet.


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