The game has officially begun.

Andris snatched the scrum and won the first round for the Warriors.

After Curry received the basketball, he made a long pass to the quarter.

The basketball crossed the half court in an instant and went straight to the Cavaliers' basket.

Brewer's side has made a quick impact to the basket.

Now Brewer is getting more and more comfortable with the Warriors' run-and-gun tactics.

And the current performance is far better than last season with the Timberwolves.

This quick attack was launched by Brewer.

And Curry also understood Brewer's thoughts.

In normal times, this attack would most likely be successful. But this time his counterpart is James.

Brewer was under the basket, and James, who was lifted into the sky, came to a hot pot with a solid shot.

After losing the ball after the attack failed, Brewer looked at Su Lang with some embarrassment.

Su Lang smiled and waved his hand, signaling Brewer not to care.

Then Su Lang's eyes looked at James.

Okay, Lao Zhan! This is the rhythm of playing with us!

Through the first round, Su Lang understood that James didn't want to lose this must-win game, and he was in a very good competitive state.

The Cavaliers' offensive round.

James had possession of the ball through the half.

Now James has firmly controlled the ball in his hands.

Although Xiao Mo had a lot of complaints, he still admitted the matter.

After all, he's not yet as idiotic as Ricky Davis, thinking James is assisting him.

James confronted Brewer directly.

Looking at Brewer like a bamboo pole in front of him, James wondered if he would knock the other party apart with a confrontation.

Although there are some doubts, James is not soft, since there is an advantage in the position, there is no need to hesitate.

James motioned to pull away, and he was going to single Brewer.

Soon the Cavaliers players pulled the defense on James' side, all away.

Leave James enough room to shoot

, but the Warriors are not vegetarians on their side,

seeing that James is going to play alone.

The Warriors' basket shrank instantly.

As long as James comes in, it will definitely make him look good!

The current Warriors team has more and more of a strong team momentum.

James saw the defense pull away, and a feint changed direction.

Then sprint straight up.

Brewer's small body is indeed the same as James imagined, and there is no obstacle at all.

James hit Brewer directly to the three-second zone.

Brewer also worked hard, and the center of the whole person dropped very low.

But it was James who he met, although Brewer tried very hard.

But sometimes hard work is really no match for talent.

James turned his back to the front, then turned and slashed at the basket.


this time,

the referee blew the whistle directly.


referee blew for James' foul


And by this time, Brewer had already fallen to the ground.

James looked at Brewer and couldn't help but feel upset.

Your uncle's! It can't be a fake fall! I don't have any

strength! Brewer looked at James with a very aggrieved


He really didn't fake a fall

, the main reason was that James's strength was too strong.

When facing James, it is not

like encountering the No. 3 position, but like encountering the No. 5 position, James's characteristics are the speed of the No. 2 position, the flexibility of the No. 3 position,

and the strength of the No. 5 position.

Therefore, most of the No. 3 positions will suffer when they play against James.

And Brewer is a bamboo pole type player, and he is even less attractive when facing James.

Old Nelson looked at Su Lang on the field.

Su Lang nodded at Old Nelson, he probably knew what Old Nelson thought.

In the next round, Su Lang will go to play against James.

In fact, it is also a good choice to use Margeti, after all, Margeti has recovered well recently.

And Margeti is also a player known for his strength.

However, Nelson Sr. clearly does not want to upset the balance of run-and-gun tactics, and Margeti is not suitable for run-and-gun tactics.

The Warriors' offensive round.

This time, Su Lang and Curry completed a delicate cooperation.

Through Gibson's cover, Su Lang easily received the basketball.

Curry's pass became more and more weird, and the moment Su Lang appeared in his position.

The basketball has reached Su Lang's hands.

Su Lang directly threw a backward jumper.

Basketball goes straight into the


The score on the field came to 2:0

With all the mistakes in the first round, the Warriors took the lead.

The Cavaliers' offensive round.

Su Lang directly took the initiative to switch defenses with Brewer and faced James.

James breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Su Lang.

If it really continues to be Brewer's counterpoint, James will be embarrassed to bully him.

"Hey, James, I'll play with you!" Su

Lang directly opened his hands and met James.

"Interesting! I didn't have a good match last time, but I will definitely educate you well this time!" James

said with a smile.

Then he directly rushed past Su Lang's side with an acceleration.

"Hey, James, you're still so naïve, you don't think you can fool me like this!"

Su Lang directly stuck James's breakthrough route.

James didn't panic at all.

Directly turned his back to Su Lang and started the singles with his back.

In the last matchup, James's back-to-back technique still achieved a lot of results.

After seeing James' back, Su Lang instantly lowered his center of gravity. The

next second,

a familiar feeling came.

James slammed into Su Lang's


Grandma's legs! It's so fucking ruthless!

Su Lang felt as if he had been hit by a locomotive, but Su Lang didn't retreat.

James was surprised in his heart, the last time he was in the position, Su Lang couldn't stop him from fighting with all his strength.

This time, since it is not left behind.

Sure enough, he has improved again!

After failing in a confrontation,

Su Lang directly stretched out his hand to force it.

James had no choice but to take a few steps back and open up the space with Su Lang.

Su Lang's snatching of this goods is too fierce.

"Hey, James, time is running out to attack!" Su

Lang looked at James jokingly.

Your uncle's use of you!

James cursed in his heart, and the next second he exploded directly.

Stubbornly resisted Su Lang and rushed towards the inner line.

Fuck it! It's this unreasonable bulldozer attack again.

Su Lang stuck on James' side, trying not to let James take an easy shot.

When there were five seconds left in the offensive time, James directly carried Su Lang and forced a shot.

Bad luck! The angle of the basketball board is not very good.

The basketball is directly out of the hoop.

Under the basket, Andris grabbed the basketball directly and threw it outside the three-point line.

After Curry received the basketball, he directly launched a fast break.

At this time, Su Lang and James were still staying under the basket.

In the next second, under Su Lang's surprised gaze, James rushed out directly.


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