At the end of the timeout, the players of both sides returned to the field.

During the timeout, the head coach of the Cavaliers, Mike Brown, has set up some defense.

Looking forward to reducing Curry's firepower.

James also glanced seriously in Curry's direction, and at this moment James put Curry in an equal position.

I made a decision in my heart.

In the next game, the defense leaned in Curry's favor.

The Cavaliers attack in the first round.

James passes the ball to Mo Jr. and hits a mid-range jumper.

The difference was reduced to 13 points.

Back to the Warriors' offensive round.

Curry controlled the basketball through half court.

Mo Williams went straight up to the defense.

During the timeout, Su Lang told Curry that all he needed to do was pass Xiao Mo and rush to the basket.

The rest will be left to Su Lang.

Although Curry didn't know Su Lang's specific plan, he still chose to believe Su Lang in his heart.

Because now compared to Su Lang, James who blocked him just now made Curry even more unhappy.

James, who was facing Su Lang, suddenly found that Su Lang actually accelerated and rushed to the basket.

After coming to the basket, Su Lang stopped directly.

James instantly judged that Su Lang wanted to grab a rebound under the basket.

Su Lang has shown an unparalleled ability to grab rebounds before.

James wouldn't let Su Lang succeed so easily.

James followed up and rushed to the basket, directly jamming Su Lang behind him.

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

The fish has been hooked

! Lao Zhan! For the sake of Curry, I can only wronged you!

Su Lang thought silently in his heart.

Curry, who was controlling the ball outside the three-point line, suddenly saw Su Lang's eyes drifting over.

The tacit understanding between the two made Curry understand instantly.

Curry changed direction in a double, then connected to a crotch dribble, and directly crushed from Xiao Mo's side to the inside.

And at this time, James on the inside also noticed Curry.

After seeing Curry kill inside, James was overjoyed.

I'm not going to look for you! You're going to deliver it yourself!

I'm going to give you a big hot pot now!

James' wants to move in Curry's direction.

Seeing James's movements, Su Lang was not happy.

I finally tricked you into the basket, you can't go!"

Su Lang pursed his lips and exerted his strength directly, and stuck James under the basket.

In order to help Curry realize his dream, Su Lang also worked hard.

At the same time, the other members of the Warriors team were waiting for Su Lang's instructions with all their attention.

Curry had already hit the three-point line, and at this time Gibson went straight to the front to block and pick.

Curry seized the opportunity to pass Mo Jr. in one step.

Just the moment Curry passed Xiao Mo.

Su Lang directly issued an order.

"Eggplant!" Su

Lang roared, which was exactly the code he had improvised between him and his teammates during the timeout.

Su Lang's words just fell.

Everyone didn't think about it, and directly hugged the Cavaliers player in front of them.

Su Lang was faster than them, and hugged Lao Zhan from behind.

James almost died of anger! Originally,

Curry had already come to the basket, and he could block the opponent with just one jump.

But, suddenly, there seemed to be a weighing stone hanging behind him.

Completely unable to move!James

could only watch Curry jump in front of him.

After a loud bang, Curry completed a dunk directly.

Although the jump is not high, it is basically a dunk that has just reached the no-dunk.

But Curry got it done.

And it was done against James!

At this time, Su Lang had already disappeared,

and Su Lang ran away directly at the moment of Curry's dunk.

Leave James alone to bear Curry's dunk. \

"Hahaha!Golden State Wholebody Team is here again

!""I'll just say!Why don't you work yet!So you're waiting for me here

!"It's too showy! Everyone hugs the opposing player and lets Curry go and dunk James!What do they think!"

"I guess James wants to kill Su Lang with one punch now!"

Su ran and ran! Su Lang ran so fast just now!"


The fans in the audience were directly detonated by the Warriors' commotion.

Although this is an away game, they can't get angry when they see such a funny scene in front of them.

On the contrary, most people laughed happily.


this time,

the referee also blew the whistle.

Su Lang

spread his hands indifferently, anyway, before hugging James, Su Lang had already expected the outcome.

James looked in Su Lang's direction.

It's shameless!Ma Dan! Fuck me like this!

【Negative emotion value from James +10000】

I didn't expect to kill James that Su Lang would play such a game under the basket.

After hugging him under the basket and letting Curry dunk him! What a shameless routine!

Looking back now, Su Lang was already calculating him when he rushed to the basket before.

Grandma's legged Su Lang! You are simply not human!

James looked at Su Lang with resentment.

Su Lang didn't dare to face Lao Zhan's death gaze.

I calculated Lao Zhan just now, and now I look at Lao Zhan, and it is estimated that Lao Zhan will thunder him.

Su Lang walked to Curry, who looked confused.

"Isn't it cool?" Su

Lang stabbed Curry, who was stunned.

Curry, who was already numb, reacted.

"Your uncle!, this is your plan?" Curry

looked at Su Lang incredulously.

He wanted to block James, but it's not like this! It's

a shame to have such a buckle!

【Negative sentiment value from Stephen Curry +2000】

Curry looked at Su Lang with resentment.

Su Lang was speechless now.

Brother, you're too embarrassed, don't you! I want to block James, and I don't want to use such a shameful defense.

I can't help it

! If I hadn't hugged James, I guess Lao Zhan would have taken off to reward you with a big hot pot!

The referee signaled to watch the video back.

Because the head coach of the Cavaliers, Mike Brown, complained to him, and the referee on the sideline seemed to have some thoughts about the decision just now.

After reviewing the footage, the referee came to the technical table.


referee made a change because Su Lang's movements were a

little redundant.

Su Lang shook his head indifferently.

On the contrary, it was the rest of the Warriors who escaped because Su Lang started relatively quickly.

James stepped up to the free-throw line and executed two serves.

A steady hit on the serve.

The margin narrowed to 11 points.

"Hey, Stephen, James is also shut, it's time to show Cleveland the power of our twin guns!" Su

Lang looked at Curry with a stinky fart.

"After all, our strongest weapon is not a dunk!" Su

Lang said with something else in mind.

Curry nodded, though he was a little ashamed.

But the mood is a lot more relaxed!

The meaning of what Su Lang said is also clear.

Slamming the dunk has never been his strongest weapon

! Why use your weaknesses to collide with other people's strengths

! Wake up from a dream! It's time to get serious!

Curry and Su Lang's eyes collided in the air.

Inexplicably, I reached a consensus in my heart

! Tonight, let the rain fall on Cleveland!

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