Su Lang looked at Curry with a smile on his face.

I didn't expect Curry to explode.

It seems that the conversation with Curry before the game aroused Curry's competitive spirit.

After Curry steals Rondo, he rushes straight to the Celtics' backcourt.

The Celtics retreated methodically.

Curry's steals didn't disrupt their rhythm at the beginning.

It didn't take long for Curry to understand why Su Lang said before the game that no one else could count on it except for the two of them.

Andris was squeezed out of the three-second zone by Perkins' muscular frame.

Gibson didn't break free from Garnett's defense either.

Brewer was locked in the bottom corner directly by Pierce.

At the beginning of the game, the three members of the Warriors were directly abolished.


Curry cursed angrily in his heart, but he still controlled his emotions and seriously looked for opportunities to attack.

Rondo, for his part, won't give Curry such a comfortable chance.

When Curry was looking for an opportunity, Rondo directly waved his long arms and constantly interfered with Curry's ball control.

Curry gritted his teeth and could only take a step back.

Rondo's defense made Curry very uncomfortable.

That's when Curry saw a glimmer of hope.

Su Lang broke free from Ray Allen's defense.

Curry didn't even think much about passing the basketball over.

Su Lang received the ball and made a direct three-point shot.


Basketball goes to the net.

After seeing Su Lang hit a three-pointer.

Curry couldn't help but think of his first day with the Warriors.

A word from head coach Don Nelson to him.

You can choose to trust Su Lang at any time!

Su Lang won't let you down!

But Curry didn't care about it, Curry thought that what Su Lang could do, he could too.

But now Curry seems to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Celtic's offensive round.

Rondo had the ball and passed the half.

Curry had a hesitant look on his face.

But after a moment, Curry's face showed a determined look.

What Su Lang can do, he can also do.

"Hey! It's very unpleasant to be a little brother to the three big guys! Aren't they going to let you lift your shoes in private?"

Curry looked at Rondo with a wicked smile.

Su Lang heard Curry's provocation not far away.

The corners of his mouth grinned involuntarily.

Boy! You've changed! Moe God!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Su Lang wouldn't have known that this murderous provocation actually came from Curry's mouth.

It is estimated that Rondo is going to blow up now.

And so it is.

After hearing Curry's provocation, Rondo almost threw the basketball out and went directly to communicate with Curry with his fists.

The rookies of the Warriors are so hateful!

Last season, it was Su Lang's goods.

There's one more Curry this season.

Nine times out of ten, Su Lang taught the rookie in front of him.

[Negative Sentiment Value +1000 from Rajon


Su Lang didn't know why Curry provoked him, and in the end, Rondo actually provided him with Negative Sentiment Value.

If Su Lang knew Rondo's thoughts, he would definitely shout that he was wronged.

Curry is self-taught! It has nothing to do with him.

"Rookie! You'll regret it soon! Rajon

Rondo is enraged by Curry and is ready to educate Curry.

Rondo directly changed direction and prepared to drill past Curry's side.

The corners of Curry's mouth rose slightly when he saw Rondo take the bait.

Add another fire to you!

Curry thought silently.

Then he started to retreat directly, all the way back to two steps inside the three-point line.

looked like watching a play, leaving Rondo alone to perform a change of direction outside the three-point line.

Come on! The stage is yours! I'm just a theater watcher!

Curry's expression completely infuriated Rajon Rondo.

Isn't it amazing to shoot a three-point shot?

Lao Tzu can still play in the NBA if he doesn't shoot three-pointers!

Rondo faced an unguarded open space and didn't choose to shoot at the end.

No way! He himself knows how bad his shooting is.

So Rondo took control of the ball and rushed to the basket.

Mental calculation or not, Curry has long known that Rondo's final choice is to go to the basket.

So a single step locked Rondo's path forward.

Such an aggrieved counterpoint made Rondo very unhappy.

He's the point guard of a championship team, how can he fall under a rookie's defense.

Rondo pulls and changes direction.

I want to perform in a small space.

But what Rondo doesn't know is that Curry's steals are also very good.

The lack of physical talent has given Curry more time to hone his skills.

The three-point shot is Curry's weapon, but making steals is also one of Curry's powerful weapons.

It's just that this weapon is easy for others to ignore.

[Curry was the steal king in the 15-16 season, averaging 2.14 steals per game, you must know that Megatron has never won the steal king, so Curry's stealing ability is indeed underestimated]


There was a crisp sound.

The basketball in Rondo's hands instantly lost control.


Rondo scolded in his heart!

But Curry was already one step ahead of him, falling straight to the ground and snatching the basketball into his hands.

Rondo reacted in the next second, rushing directly at Curry on the floor, trying to create a scrum.

But Curry threw the basketball out first.

You can trust Su Lang at any time! I hope you don't disappoint me.

Your uncle's Curry! I really thought I was Superman!

Su Lang is running fast here, this should be the first time that Su Lang has been running so desperately since he entered the NBA.

The reason is that Curry, this guy, directly and vigorously produces miracles.

Threw the basketball into the Celtics' backcourt.

Su Lang is now wondering if Curry is taking the opportunity to take revenge on him.

The basketball is flying too fast!

And Curry is a basketball that comes out when he falls to the ground, and the arc of the basketball is a little low.

Basically, it flew out at the position of Su Lang's waist.

This made it even more difficult for Su Lang to catch up with basketball.

Depend on!

Su Lang gritted his teeth and accelerated again, and even he felt his calves explode.

In the end, when Su Lang was not far from the Celtics' basket, he controlled the basketball in his hand.

But the huge inertia made Su Lang unable to stop at all.

Grandma's! Lao Tzu doesn't want to be embarrassed!

Thinking of this, Su Lang jumped up directly.

It is obvious that Su Lang's position has made a mistake.

When Su Langqi jumped to the highest point, his whole person had already flown to the back of the basket.

Su Lang's powerful core strength forcibly stabilized his upper body for a second.

Then Su Lang stretched his arms hard, stretched out his arms behind the rebound, and pressed the basketball into the basket.

Then Su Lang couldn't control his body anymore and flew out of the bounds directly.

The North Shore Garden Arena was silent in an instant!

What a slam dunk this is!


It's incredible!

Old Nelson opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Things seem to have developed beyond his expectations, which is completely different from his original intention!

Isn't it supposed to be the Warriors' side being drunk!

How did after the start, it seems that the Celtics were beaten in the circle!

Is my team already that strong?

Or are the Celts too rubbish?

This is fucking unscientific!

Old Nelson rubbed the little hair he had left on his head.

Things have turned out to completely shatter the worldview of Nelson Sr.'s decades-long coaching career.


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