When Nelson Sr. told Su Lang the news of the trade with the Rockets.

Su Lang was indeed quite surprised.

The main thing is that he didn't expect that the deal was coming to an end.

It's been almost a month since both sides were arguing.

But since Nelson Sr. chose to tell him, it means that the deal is already secure.

Su Lang thought for a moment, and then looked at Old Nelson.

"Old Tang, I don't know how you want to use Da Yao after he comes?"

Su Lang asked.

In fact, Su Lang's heart was a little worried, after all, Da Yao was a heavy center before.

And the performance has been excellent, Su Lang is worried that the old Nelson is also the same as the previous Rockets, letting Da Yao play as a heavy center.

Old Nelson seemed to see Su Lang's concern, and immediately smiled.

"Don't worry! We're not as idiots as Team Rocket, after all, we paid a lot of money to trade Da Yao"

"And I promise that one day in the future we can change the league!"

Nelson Sr. said.

"Can you tell me what it cost me?"

Su Lang looked at Old Nelson curiously.


For the sake of the team's stability, before the deal is completely successful, Nelson Sr. will not tell Su Lang who will be traded.

"If you don't say it, you won't say it!"

Su Lang pursed his lips.

Although Old Nelson didn't say it, Su Lang could guess that it was almost the same, it was nothing more than Margety and Andris.

But this time Su Lang miscalculated, he didn't expect that old Nelson would send his favorite Brewer, and Su Lang's younger brother Danny Green.

"That's right! Any ideas for the next game against the Mavericks!

Old Nelson looked at Su Lang.

"I don't have any ideas, anyway, the players have been going crazy in the past few days, and they can't wait to play right away, and now they just expect the Mavericks to be able to resist a little beating,"

Su Lang said lightly.

"But! I'm interested in the next game, after the Mavericks we are going to play against the Spurs!

Su Lang's tone changed, and then he said.

"Yes! It's going to be shameless again!

Old Nelson said speechlessly.

"Remember! Don't keep your hands on when the time comes! Kill them! Nelson

Sr. said.

"Don't worry! You don't need to say it, I'm going to kill them too!

Su Lang waved his hand and said.

"I mean build the hearts of other people!"

Old Nelson looked at Su Lang angrily.

The Warriors now have two rivals in the league.

One is the Rockets and the other is the Spurs.

These two teams can't wait for the Warriors to just disband on the spot.

Of course, the Warriors are also eager to press the opponent to the ground and beat them up.

The rivalry between sworn enemies is always full of gunpowder, which is something that old Nelson does not want to see.

If a few more people get injured, Nelson Sr.'s job will be difficult.


The time came on November 24, 2009

The Golden State Warriors play the Dallas Mavericks on the road.

At six o'clock in the evening, the game between the two sides officially began.

The line-ups of both sides for this match.

The lineup on the Warriors' side remains unchanged.

It stands to reason that Jackson has no problem playing as a starting No. 3 in this game.

But old Nelson naturally had his own ideas.

Jackson's side is not in a hurry, anyway, he has shown his worth, and the old Nelson side has also given a promise.

The Mavericks have changed some lineups.

Jason Kidd at No. 1, Jason Terley at No. 2, Quinton Rose at No. 3, Drew Gooden at No. 4, Nowitzki at No. 5.

The Mavericks moved Jason Terry from the sixth-man position to the starting lineup.

They know how strong the Warriors' firepower really is, and if the main lineup can't withstand it, the bench lineup will not play a role, no matter how strong it is.

Su Lang looked at the Mavericks' camp and found an old acquaintance-—— Quinton Rose.

Last season's game against the Grizzlies was a series of deliberate fouls.

If it weren't for Su Lang's innate and innocent body, he could quickly recover from various injuries.

I guess last season was over.

After encountering again, Su Lang became a hot backcourt star in the league.

Quinton Rose also mixed well, going from being a Grizzlies bench to a starter for the Mavericks.

Su Lang looked at Brewer.

"Hey! Brewer, switch positions in this game!

Su Lang put forward his own requirements, anyway, the Mavericks' lineup is Quinton Rose and Jason Terry, both of whom are the height of guards.

The Warriors' switch doesn't make a difference.

Su Lang is going to play the No. 3 position in this game, to be precise, to find Quinton Rose.

It's been a year! Don't really think I've forgotten about it!

Su Lang squinted at Quinton Rose.


The whistle blew for the start of the game.

Andris snatched the ball from Drew Gooden.

Curry received the basketball directly from the backcourt and slowly controlled the basketball for half the court.

Su Lang was not polite at all, and directly stuck Quinton Rose with his back inside the three-point line.

Then ask Curry directly from outside the three-point line for the ball. ,

Curry passed the basketball to Su Lang for the first time, and Su Lang

directly moved with a flexible foot after receiving the ball,

and then turned around with a feint.

Shook off Quinton Rose and shot it directly at his head with ease.

The basketball went into the net and the score came to 2:0

"Hey! I'm going to get at least 50 points on your head today!

Su Lang looked at Quinton Rose with a smile.

Quinton Rose frowned.

When Su Lang came to his side at the beginning, Quinton Rose felt that something bad was about to happen. ,

I didn't expect him to guess it.

Sooner or later, you will have to pay it back!

Quinton Rose, for his part, knows this, and now it's time for him to pay the price.

Quinton Rose pursed his lips and didn't return fire.

Su Lang was a little speechless.

He expected Quinton Rose to be a little tougher, so that Su Lang would be able to make a move.

However, a game is very long, and there is time to slowly adjust him!

Su Lang didn't believe that he didn't have the opportunity to teach the other party a lesson.

Offensive rounds on the Mavericks' side.

Kidd possessed the ball through halftime.

Against Curry, Curry let go of a lot of distance.

In fact, Kidd and the previous Rondo are the same kind of people.

They are all players who shoot very badly.

But they also have one thing in common, which is that they pass the ball well.

Junti said that Kidd's passing was better than Rondo's.

And Kidd's rebounding ability is also very good.

Of course, it's not the kind of center who gets stuck and then handed over to the point guard to grab the rebound.

It's a real rebounding ability.

There's a joke about Kidd that the only thing that limits Kidd from a triple-double is his scoring.

A lot of the time, Kidd has double-doubles in rebounds and assists in a game, but his points are only in single digits.

Such a player is really rare in the league.

Before the game, Su Lang warned Curry not to take it lightly.

Kidd is a lot tougher than Rondo.

Curry stared at Kidd and watched what Kidd did.

"Hey! Do you want to try shooting?

Curry said as he stepped back and looked at Kidd, who was a step away.

It seems that he was also so provocative when he faced Rondo before.

Curry is going further and further down the road of Su Langhua.

Su Lang's language art is dirty, and Curry is becoming more and more proficient in using it.


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