Towards the end of the first quarter, the score was 25:22

The Warriors led by just three points.

The reason why the Warriors didn't pull the gap apart was because of Nowitzki's extraordinary play.

As for Quinton Rose, who was opposite Su Lang, he had already been beaten out by Su Lang.

And Quinton Rose has made up his mind, no matter how Su Lang crushes him and ravages him, he will not resist.

This made the gift that Su Lang had prepared for him useless.

However, Su Lang is confident that he will collapse Quinton Rose in the next game.

Comforted him for a year! And from the substitute to the main team, and now it's time to make him pay.


Nelson Sr. called a timeout and brought Jackson onto the court.

At the same time, he whispered a few words in Jackson's ear.

Jackson's face was first surprised, then a meaningful smile.

After setting up the tactics a little bit and motivating the players.

The time to pause is over.

The game continued.

Curry slowly controlled the ball through the half.

Suddenly, Kidd, who had been allowed Curry to provoke before, rushed out directly like a tiger descending from a mountain.

Depend on!

Curry was shocked and quickly controlled the ball to avoid Kidd.

But it was still a step too late, and when Kidd approached Curry, he directly made a quick foot movement and instantly intercepted in front of Curry.

And the basketball in Curry's hand happened to be slapped on the ground by him at this time, and it hadn't bounced back into his hand yet.

Kidd seized this opportunity very cleverly.

But Curry is not covered, after experiencing Su Lang's cruel destruction, Curry naturally has his own methods.

Curry stretched out his arm directly and tried to block Kidd's approach.

At this time, I don't care if the referee will blow a foul.

Can't be stealed, anyway.

Kidd stubbornly resisted Curry's arm and crushed Curry.

Slap off the basketball that hasn't had time to bounce back into Curry's hands.

fuck! Old stuff!

Curry cursed in his heart, but his hand couldn't help but be soft, and he directly stopped Kidd's pursuit of basketball with a sideways turn.

Kidd's side couldn't stop the car for a while, and instantly knocked Curry into a man on his back.

Wait until two people get up from the floor.

Kidd looked in the direction of the front court with regret.

Because Su Lang has regained control of the basketball in his hands.

And at this time the time of the attack is running out.

Su Lang had no other choice, just

after halftime,

Su Lang directly pulled up a three-point shot.

Just kidding!

Dallas fans, watching this nonsensical shot.

But soon reality slapped them hard.

The basketball goes straight into the net with a crisp sound.

"Even-bought Karma! What is this?

"Oh my God! How could there be such an unreasonable shot!

"I suspect God lent his luck to Su Lang!".


The Golden State team, the whole team may be late, but it will definitely not be absent.

Su Lang hit a three-pointer in the middle court and slapped the away fans hard.

After hitting a three-pointer, Su Lang ran to Curry's side and pulled Curry up from the floor.

"What's wrong? Hit on?

Su Lang looked at Curry playfully.

Curry's expression now is clearly that of an angry little daughter-in-law.

Curry did get angry, although it was only one round, but Curry's side did fall into the disadvantage.

If it hadn't been for the quick reaction just now, Kidd would have succeeded.

Curry then remembered that Su Lang told him before the game, be careful of this guy Kidd, this guy is very sinister.

However, Curry didn't take it to heart, after entering the league, there were fewer point guards who were blown up by him!

But just now Kidd taught Curry a solid lesson.

Su Lang looked at Quinton Rose and then at Curry, and then made a decision in his heart.

Never mind! Let's give Curry a blow first!

Otherwise, this guy Curry is probably going crazy.

"Cast him!"

Su Lang patted Curry on the shoulder.


Curry looked at Su Lang in surprise, and didn't understand what Su Lang meant for a while.

"Cast him to death!"

Su Lang pointed in Kidd's direction.

Curry's eyes lit up instantly.

That's right! Three-point shot to kill him! Grandma's! Let him see what a cruiser is!

For a moment, Curry felt as if his hands were hot.

The whole person became extremely transparent.

Suddenly, Curry seemed to think of something, and then looked at Su Lang.

"Aren't you going to bomb that thing?"

Curry pointed at Quinton Rose.

"That's it! It's boring, this thing can't kick a fart with three feet! You're going to make Kidd first! As for Quinton Rose, you don't have to worry about it, he can't get better!

Su Lang waved his hand and said.

"Then you're welcome!"

Curry said with an excited smile.

"What are you and I polite! But if you can't shoot him, I'll ask the whole team to watch your little video!

Su Lang said with a wicked smile.

Your uncle's Su Lang!

[Negative sentiment value from Stephen Curry +2000]

Curry's good impression of Su Lang just now disappeared in an instant.

On the Mavericks' offensive round, Kidd perfectly showed his assist ability.

No matter what the situation, he can still pass the basketball to Nowitzki's most comfortable position.

After Nowitzki received the basketball, he went straight to the golden rooster and hit the basket steadily.

It seemed to be Nowitzki's fifth mid-range shot in the first quarter.

Nowitzki's play in the first quarter of the game was completely efficient.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Curry dribbled past half court and looked at Kidd with a smile directly near halftime.

"Hey! I'll finish you here! Got it!

Curry pointed to his feet, and then made a three-point shot.

Curry's choice directly shocked Dallas fans.

If Su Lang was forced to shoot in the midfield before, then Curry's side is really too proflaming.

There is obviously a lot of offensive time, but Curry's shot choice is very irrational.

Curry quickly educated Dallas fans with his actions.

What is sanity! For us at Golden State, sanity is a stumbling block that hinders our progress.


As if the basketball was equipped with precision guidance, it went straight into the net.

Kidd is numb! The fans in Dallas are also numb!

Fuck it! Played basketball for so many years, watched basketball for so many years.

I've never seen anything like this!

This is not scientific!

Novitzki was the only one who looked at Nelson Sr., and he respected the mentor who saved his career.

Such a player may only be able to rise under the hands of a teacher!

Looking at the breezy old Nelson, Nowitzki was happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

Where did Nowitzki know, under the calm expression of old Nelson.

There is a hidden phrase of horsemaiti!

Is this the fucking Lao Tzu's player! Lao Tzu's heart can't stand it!

Nelson Sr. gave Curry a meaningful look.


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