"Hey! It's cool!

Su Lang stabbed Curry beside him.

"Hahaha! It's so cool!

Curry laughed loudly, the mood that had been upset by Kidd before was now all liberated.

Andris on the side had a sad look on his face.

The two big guys are cool!

I almost got ravaged by Nowitzki on the inside.

Don't they all say that Nowitzki is a soft egg! Mader!

The Super Race is not as fierce as him!

At this time, the old Nelson also pushed the door and walked in.

"Hahaha! How about Old Don! We've got you covered!

Su Lang raised his eyebrows and looked at the old Nelson, who

did have some grudges with the management of the Mavericks.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have left Dallas in the first place.

But this is all the year of the monkey, and old Nelson himself has almost forgotten it.

Especially after meeting Su Lang, the old Nelson's mind was all about creating a system that could change the alliance.

There was no way for the old Nelson to shake up anything else.

After Old Nelson heard Su Lang's words, he smiled helplessly.

"If they accept their fate in the second half, let's do it lightly!"

Old Nelson stated his purpose.

"If you don't want to make another mortal enemy!"

Old Nelson looked at Su Lang angrily.

"An-la! Ann! Got it,"

Su Lang said with a wave of his hand.

In fact, what Nelson Sr. said is not without reason. If nothing surprises.

There will be no more mortal enemies.

But there was one more important task in the second half.

That's Quinton Rose!

In order to make Curry happy, he temporarily let Quinton Rose go.

In the second half, it was time to free up his hands to clean him up.

Thinking of this, Su Lang pulled Jackson to hide in the corner and began to plot.

The two of them let out a few sinister laughs from time to time.

Make the inside of the locker room creepy.

Curry pouted.

Fuck it! Su Lang is going to do something again!



At half-time, players from both sides returned to the court.

The game continues.

The Mavericks' possession, after half-court adjustments.

The Mavericks are recovering well, at least they don't want to be as dead as they were when they left the game in the second quarter.

In the first round, Jet Jason Terry hit a three-pointer directly from beyond the three-point line.

This gave the home fans a glimmer of hope.

Jason Terry's three-pointer was like a lifesaver for them.

If there's anyone on the Mavericks who can stop the Warriors on three-pointers, it's probably Jason Terry.

The team trailed by a large margin, and after Jason Terry hit a three-pointer, he didn't do his signature airplane gliding move.

As it turned out, Jason Terry was right to do so.

Looking back, Su Lang and Jackson crossed positions. After attracting the attention of the defense.

Curry hit another three-pointer from beyond the three-point line.

That's Curry's answer!

As the game entered the middle of the third quarter, it became clear that the Mavericks had the idea of giving up resistance.

Su Lang knew that there was not much time left for him.

Martial Saint Jackson's eyes collided with Su Lang invisibly in the air.

Martial Saint Jackson instantly understood that it was time to make a move.

The Warriors' offensive round.

After everyone was caught up in Curry's attention, they didn't notice what was going on at the inside position.

“fuck! You're looking for death! "

Jackson was directly involved with Quinton Rose.

Quinton Ross was also confused.

I was in a good position with Jackson just now, and suddenly this thing seems to be crazy.

grabbed his arm and slapped him hard.

Quinton Rose thought Jackson was stupid, but the next second Quinton Rose clamped Jackson's hands.

To outsiders, it seems that Quinton and Martial Saint Jackson are entangled together.

But in fact, it is true that the martial saint Jackson grabbed him and didn't let go!

Just when Quinton Rose wanted to question Jackson loudly.

A pair of sinful arms reached out from behind Quinton Rose.

"Don't be impulsive! Don't hit! There

was a shout from behind him.

But the other party's arm was stuck in Quinton Rose's throat.

Quinton Rose couldn't help but start rolling his eyes.

Madan! I didn't want to fight! You let go of me!

Quinton Ross's heart kept roaring.

But he was speechless!

Because Martial Saint Jackson's fist had already landed on his face.


A punch of gold stars!


Two punches in the dark!

Quinton Rose is wronged! If it weren't for the arms behind his back that strangled him, he wouldn't have been beaten!

Who the hell is so hateful!

Then Quinton Rose felt like he was being carried directly to the sidelines.

"I'm sorry! I apologize for Jackson's impulsive behavior like you! A

familiar voice rang in Quinton Rose's ears.

It was only then that Quinton Rose came to his senses.

Su Lang!

What caught Quinton Rose's eyes was Su Lang, who seemed to be smiling.

After seeing Su Lang, Quinton Ross understood all this in his heart.

There was a moment in Quinton Rose's heart that wanted to punch him.

Smash this hateful cheek in front of you.

But Quinton Ross held back.

Su Lang looked at Quinton Rose's uncertain expression, and his heart was refreshed.

Grandma's! Aren't you hob meat!

Aren't you in, oil and salt!

I really thought Lao Tzu had no choice!

Although he was happy in his heart, Su Lang's face showed apology.

Apologize to the Mavericks players.

Only Quinton Rose knows that Su Lang is a devil!

It's a devil in an angel's coat.

Curry pouted on the sidelines.

Su Lang's acting skills are becoming more and more perfect!

Although Curry didn't know about Su Lang and Jackson's conspiracy, Curry knew Su Lang.

If there was no Su Lang in this, he wouldn't believe it.

The Dallas fans also stood up emotionally.

At first, I thought there would be a large-scale fight.

But after seeing Su Lan carrying Quinton Rose and directly separating the two sides, the Dallas fans laughed.

It's just hilarious!

Although the fight between the two sides is a very serious matter, Su Lang's carrying of Quinton Rose away is beyond their expectations, the

Golden State team! It really lives up to its name.

Even if there is a conflict, you have to live!

The head can be broken! Blood can flow! You can't stop working!

Especially Su Lang's humble appearance in the end, which made the fans in Dallas even more annoying.

Only Quinton Rose looked at Su Lang's back, tears of humiliation sliding down his face.

He is the only one who knows the truth.

The culprit of this conflict is Su Lang!

Quinton Rose looked at Su Lang's back, and finally sighed slightly in his heart.

Never mind! You can't beat it, you can't play it!

It's like paying off the debt!


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