November 25, U.S. time.

The Warriors play San Antonio away.

Just stepped into San Antonio's home turf.

Su Lang felt the malice of the Spurs fans.

【fuck! Sue! Get out of San Antonio! 【

Shameless villain!

[A soft egg that can only shoot three-point shots!] 】


The fans in the audience raised the posters in their hands one after another, venting their dissatisfaction with Su Lang.

Last year, Su Lang defeated the Spurs in the playoffs.

And for a time it cast a shadow of shame on the Spurs.

And at the time, the Spurs were even facing a league-wide crusade.

In the end, the Spurs had to cut off the tail of the gecko, not only apologized, but also personally fired Bowen from the team.

Although in the end it was a happy scene for all.

But for the Spurs, this history of shame has been deeply engraved on them.

Su Lang squinted at the fans in the stadium, and then a smile appeared on his face.

“fuck! He's laughing! "

Get out! You're not welcome here!

"You clown! Soft eggs! "


Su Lang's smile angered the Spurs' home fans.

After Curry saw Su Lang's smile here, he knew that Su Lang was really angry.

After thinking about it, Curry walked to Su Lang's side.

"Don't care about these people! I'll help you today and blow them up!

Curry said.

"Don't worry! I'm not as fragile as you think! I'm just thinking about how I'm going to them off when the time comes! Hahaha,"

Su Lang said with a smile again.

At the same time, I made a decision in my heart.

It seems like it's been a long time since I've challenged the away fans.

Use them today!

Otherwise, the alliance may have forgotten the existence of my Su Yiyi!

The players on both sides began to warm up, and during this time, the Spurs fans frantically taunted Su Lang.

And constantly provoked and interfered with Su Lang.

Little Wild Wolf, the mascot of the Spurs, held the zero jersey representing Su Lang on the sidelines.

Constantly smearing some ketchup on top of it to try to create some bloody feeling.

Then he threw Su Lang's jersey on the floor, and laughed wildly with his hands on his waist.

The practice of the Spurs mascot is deeply loved by fans.

The Spurs' home fans began to cheer wildly for their mascot, the Little Wolf.

The little wolf even came to the opposite side of Su Lang, stood on the sidelines and made some arrogant movements, pouted at Su Lang and humiliated, and even pointed out his middle finger at Su Lang.

Of course, this is just one of the gifts that the Spurs are preparing for.

In the end, some highlights of Su Lang's entry into the league began to appear on the big screen of the Spurs.

Of course, these are some of Su Lang's three-point shooting highlights, and the Spurs are accompanied by some funny music.

At the end of the video, a line of words is typed directly.

【Soft Egg!】 Do you dare to come to the inside line! Su

Lang's smile became more and more wanton.

Very good! You're really looking for death!

Su Lang squinted his eyes and looked in Popovich's direction.

The eyes of the two men fought in the air.

Popovich looked at Su Lang and couldn't help but feel a chill pass through his tail bones.

Last year, because of Su Lang, Popovich broke his tail bone, but he slept on his stomach for nearly half a year before Popovich raised his tail bone.

This time! Be sure to teach him a profound lesson!

Popovich stared at Su Lang deadly.

"Listen to me! This game is all for me! See the fans at the scene? If you lose the game, I'm sure you don't need to say more, you know what the end is like!

Popovich said as he stared at the Spurs players.

The Spurs players were instantly under inexplicable pressure. ,

Popovich patted a big man next to him and whispered.

"Today is the day you make a name for yourself! Whether you succeed or not depends on your performance!

"Don't worry! Coach! I can do it! A

man with a slightly pale face and a hooked nose on his face made the other party have a hint of coldness and said.

This man is none other than Bowen's replacement, Zazapachuria!

That's right! After losing Bowen, Popovich immediately set out to look for a replacement for Bowen from within the league.

Eventually, Popovich set his sights on Zazapachuria.

It just so happened that Zazapachuria's contract with the Eagles expired this summer.

If Popovich hadn't come out halfway, Zhazapachulia would have signed a contract extension with the Eagles.

But the presence of Popovich eventually made Zhapachulia change his decision.

He's fed up being a dispensable role player with the Hawks.

He's going to be famous! He's going to let everyone know him!

And Popovich could just give him that opportunity!

The two rats in the sewers hit it off, and Su Lang was their first target.

Popovich needs revenge, Zzapachulia wants to be famous.

Just take what you need!

Su Lang had already noticed this scumbag.

, in the previous life,

the scum was the second generation of the alliance.

He is the most hated person by many stars in the league after Bowen.

This guy is even darker than Bowen.

What he likes most is to use his own weight, intentionally or unintentionally, to hurt the opposing players.

Pretend to be innocent afterwards.

Megatron is less powerful, and Kawaii Leonard suffers from it.

Su Lang was not surprised at all that Popovich was mixed up with this guy.

Nine times out of ten, Zzapachulia received an order to abolish himself.

Of course, Su Lang would not be afraid of these.

After all, Su Lang has an innate and innocent body, and has the role of an insulator for injuries and diseases.

However, Su Lang was afraid that the scum would hurt the rest of the team.

Su Lang thought for a moment, and then pulled Curry in front of him.

"What I'm going to say to you next is very important! I'm not kidding!

Su Lang stared at Curry seriously

, if in addition to hurting Su Lang,

another flaw on the Warriors' side is Curry.

Su Lang was afraid that the other party would not find a chance from him, so he went to hurt Curry.

"Watch out for their number 27 in the game! Be careful with him!

Su Lang continued to say seriously.

"Hey! It's not like you!

Curry reached out and touched Su Lang's forehead and said jokingly.

"Alright! I'll pay attention!

Curry looked at Su Lang's scary eyes, and finally restrained his joking thoughts.

Su Lang finally sighed helplessly, I don't know if Curry has taken it to heart.

I hope you don't look for death!

Su Lang's eyes looked in the direction of Zazapachuria.

Pachulia noticed Su Lang's eyes, and his face was instantly filled with a smile.

This is the first stepping stone to make a name for yourself in the league!

Under Zazapachuria's smile, her heart had become completely dark.

At a time when he made the decision that he could give up everything in order to become famous.

Kindness, morality, these things were all cut off by him.

Now all that remains in his heart is greed, viciousness, and unscrupulous means to achieve his ends.


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