The Spurs home fans went crazy.

Some emotional fans, their necks were red, and they couldn't wait to go on the field in person, and tore Su Lang with their hands.

But this is obviously impossible.

Jefferson had a depressed expression on his face under the basket.

Originally, the grudge between the Spurs and Su Lang had nothing to do with him.

Jefferson didn't come to the Spurs last season.

But now he has to bear the wrath of Su Lang.

Eldest brother! It's nothing to do with me! I'm a part-time worker! Can you start with a tap!

Jefferson looked at Su Lang who fell from the sky with resentment.

[Negative Sentiment from Jefferson +1000] [Negative Sentiment from McDyce +1000

] [Negative Sentiment from Popovich +5000]


Su Lang made two strong dunks in the opening game, directly fighting back the Spurs' provocation before the opening.

After Su Lang fell from the sky, he happily waved his hand to the Spurs fans.

It's like saying hello to a friend.

If you put it in normal times, this must be a friendly sign.

But now, it's clearly slapping Spurs fans in the face.

The Spurs' home court is starting to get noisy.

"Get out! yello monkey! Suddenly

there was a roar from the front row of the fan box.

Su Lang instantly narrowed his eyes.

"Referee! I report! Someone is racist!

Su Lang directly raised his arm and looked at the referee.

The referee looked at the arm that was about to poke his nostrils with a speechless expression.


Eventually, the referee blew the whistle under pressure.

Then the security personnel quickly walked to the fans who were taunting Su Lang just now.

Directly evict them from the court.

“no! Don't expel me! I'm going to see how Tim beats them! "

The fans waved their arms.

But it is clear that it will not help.

If they could, the Spurs' home security staff wouldn't want to do that.

But there is no way! This fan stepped on the line!

The Spurs could only pinch their noses and blast their fans out of the stadium in person.

Su Lang was extremely comfortable when he saw this scene.

Grandma's! Disgusting don't kill you!

As soon as the game began, the smell of gunpowder on the field became stronger.

After the fans who taunted Su Lang were ejected, the game resumed.

Spurs' offensive possession.

Parker possessed the ball past half time, and the home fans cheered for Parker with great momentum.





The audience shouted in unison.

Parker had a wry smile on his face, he had never seen such emotional fans in all his years with the Spurs.

It's hard for him to imagine what it would be like if he lost this game.

Maybe the fans will really tear them apart then.

Parker didn't want that to happen, so he couldn't afford to lose.

Facing Curry's defense, Parker accelerated in a straight line, and then the signature gyroscope turned. ,

the whole person rubbed into the

inner line.

Andris under the basket stared at Parker.

No sooner had Parker's wrist shaken than Andris jumped.

Gibson stuck Duncan and didn't give Duncan a chance to pick up Parker.


The basketball was directly fanned out by Andris.

Meritorious! Andris, who has been dropping the chain, actually blocked Parker's layup this time.

Andries has always been the Warriors' weakest link.

But little people also have tempers!

Although most of the taunt posters on the away side are aimed at Su Lang.

But Andris still noticed some posters mocking him.

So Andris is angry!

Old Nelson looked at Andris under the basket like a god, and his jaw couldn't close in shock.

Madan! Is this still the Andris I know!

If I had known this, I wouldn't have given Andris to the Rocket!

The basketball that was slapped by Andris came to Curry. ,

Curry launched a direct and quick counterattack.

That's the style of the Warriors!

All the Warriors players rushed wildly towards the Spurs' backcourt.

Although not necessarily able to participate in this attack.

But that's the old Nelson run.

In the playoffs last year, the Warriors were nowhere near where they are now.

The Warriors' five men were like five sharp arrows speeding in the air, and they plunged into the Spurs' backcourt.

The Spurs' defense was crushed in an instant.

Curry made a pocket pass and found Su Lang directly in the next place.

The Spurs' defense instantly surrounded Su Lang, but they forgot about the others.

Su Lang threw the basketball directly into the air, and Gibson jumped up directly and smashed the basketball into the basket.

The score came to 6:2


This is the Warriors now.

The mocking voices of the fans at the scene unnaturally lowered a few points. ,

although they hate the Warriors and Su Lang very much.

But! The Warriors' offense just now completely shocked them.

Toot toot!

Popovich did not skimp and called a timeout.

It's only been a few rounds, but the Warriors seem to be in control of the tempo on the court.

This is clearly not a good sign.

Popovich needed a timeout to interrupt the Warriors' rhythm.

"Hey! Wake me up! Do you want to be the same as last year? Popovich

said fiercely.

The Spurs players, who had been a little less in momentum, burned one after another.

Last year's playoffs were their most painful year.

Not only did they lose the playoffs, but they were questioned for an entire offseason.

"Leave it to me!"

It was at this point that Duncan stepped forward.

There was still no expression on his face, but Duncan's heart was already on fire.

Taking the initiative to stand up and make commitments is not Duncan's style.

Duncan doesn't like to say much most of the time, he prefers to beat everything with indifference.

That's his Duncan-style cold violence.

But this time Duncan was clearly different.

What would it be like when Duncan wasn't apathetic!

Perhaps only Duncan himself knows.


The timeout ended, and players from both sides returned to the court.

Spurs sideline ball, Jefferson passes the basketball to Parker.

No sooner had Parker received the basketball than he heard the roar under the basket.


Parker's gaze looked over, and Duncan stuck Gibson behind him like a heavy mountain.

Even if Gibson was red, his neck couldn't move.

Duncan's eyes became sharp, and the afterglow of his gaze looked in the direction of Su Lang.

It has nothing to do with grudges! I just don't want to lose this game!

That's what Duncan had in mind.

The bullshit between Popovich and Su Lang, he doesn't care!

Revenge! Mortal enemy! It's all about him!

He just doesn't want to lose this game!


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