Da Luo here saw that his younger brother was suffering, where could he watch the play.

The so-called brothers who fight, fathers and sons who go into battle.

Now is the time to test their brotherhood.

Da Luo directly rolled up his sleeves and rushed over, wanting to clean up Su Lang with Xiao Luo.

"Get out of here, I don't need you!" Here

Da Luo just wanted to clean up Su Lang with Xiao Luo.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Luo turned around and yelled at him.

Da Luo stood depressed in place.

Absolutely unaware of what was going on.

Shouldn't my brother thank himself for helping him take revenge?

How could he lose his temper at himself!

For a while, Da Luo was a little confused.


The conflict between Xiao Luo's side and Su Lang did not last.

Under the pull of teammates, the two sides finally separated.

The referee directly gave Xiao Luo a technical foul.

The Wildcats, for their side, had a two-free throw.

Curry executed the free throw and went straight to the free throw line.

Two steady hits on the serve.

Da Luo here finally chose to get close to Xiao Luo.

Although Xiao Luo made him very faceless just now, Xiao Luo is his brother.

Da Luo needs to figure out what happened.

"Hey, Robin, what the hell is going on!" Da

Luo asked, looking at Xiao Luo.

At this time, Xiao Luo's state was obviously more relaxed, and he was not as violent as he was just now.

"No brother, I can solve it myself!" Xiao

Luo obviously didn't want Da Luo to know what had happened.

The main thing is that he really doesn't want Da Luo to meddle in this matter.


After Curry's free throws, the Wildcats made an offensive round.

Although when defending, Su Lang's opponent is Xiao Luo.

But when attacking, the Crimson team naturally wouldn't let Xiao Luo defend Su Lang.

After all, Collins knew that Su Lang was very capable of running.

Xiao Luo may not be able to defend Su Lang.

Now the defender behind Su Lang is still Starkey.

After a quick intersperse, Su Lang shook off Starkey.

Zombie jump shot again


basketball still didn't hit!

Su Lang's hand in this game was really not very good.

Head coach Bob couldn't help but sigh off the field.

This game is not only Su Lang, but even Curry's hand is not very good.

If these two people have a human feel can be maintained at a normal level.

The situation on the field is not as difficult as it is now.

Of course, head coach Bob doesn't want to throw the blame on Su Lang and Curry.

Bob knew that as soon as the game began, their Wildcats fell into the trap of the Crimson team.

One trap at a time, the Crimson team is too well prepared.

not only guarded against Curry's three-point shot, but also took Su Lang's point to be guarded by them.

This is also a big reason for the situation on the field.

As the head coach of the team, he is indeed to blame for this kind of mistake at the tactical level.

Bob also hated his own carelessness and incompetence.

Now there is no choice but to rely on the resilience of the players on the field.

After Su Lang's shot was lost, the smile on the corner of Collins, the head coach of the Crimson team, became more and more obvious.

The conflict between Su Lang and Xiao Luo just now seemed to Collins to be a completely incompetent roar on Su Lang's side.

You can only vent the frustration in your heart through conflict.

Collins was even happier when he thought of this.

What he wants is for Su Lang and Curry to be uncomfortable.

Only then can their state be influenced.

In Collins's opinion, this game is already a duck in hand.

There are basically no surprises.


The game on the field continues.

Crimson's offensive round.

Su Lang naturally wouldn't let go of Xiao Luo, and finally angered Xiao Luo.

If you give up now, you'll lose all your efforts.

Su Lang couldn't help but glance at the jiu-jitsu mastery skills in the system.

There is a little more reliance in my heart.

I hope this skill can protect my own safety!

Otherwise, I will have to do less of this kind of death in the future.

During this time, Su Lang finally rolled the floor with James Johnson in the system space.

Su Lang also obtained the skill of Jiu-Jitsu mastery as he wished.

That's why Su Lang dared to provoke Xiao Luo on the field.

After relying on it, Su Lang came behind Xiao Luo again.

Xiao Luo was obviously very dissatisfied with Su Lang, and the two of them were also very big.


Luo kept using his body to confront Su Lang,

as if this was the only way to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Hey, Brooke, why did you do this just now, I was just chatting with you"


Forcibly control his anger.

[Negative emotions from Robin Luo Peici +200]

Su Lang can rely on the system's prompts to judge Xiao Luo's emotions.

It is obvious that Xiao Luo's emotions are not as calm as they seem.

Xiao Luo didn't give Su Lang a response.

Just after confronting Su Lang fiercely, he directly reached out to the point guard on the outside to ask for the ball.

Su Lang saw that Xiao Luo's face did not react, but Su Lang clearly knew his heart.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!Take advantage of the victory to pursue

!"Hey!Brooke, why don't you speak!I think you should apologize to me!


Su Lang said to Xiao Luo again.

Xiao Luo cursed directly in his heart.

[Negative sentiment value from Robin Lo Peici +300]

After Su Lang saw the prompt of the system, the corners of his mouth rose again.

I'll see how long you can endure it

!"Hey!Brooke, you should know that your behavior just now was very unreasonable, I don't think your brother would do this!"

Damn! I can't bear it, I don't need to endure it!

Xiao Luo just wanted to turn around and roar at Su Lang.

Who knew that the point guard of the Crimson team passed the basketball at this time.

Lo missed the chance to catch the ball wonderfully.

Then the basketball smashed directly into his head.

The head was hit hard! The heart was hurt by

Su Lang!

Xiao Luo was directly angry and swung his fist in the direction of Su Lang.

But there is one person who is faster than Xiao Luo.

That was his older brother Da Luo.

When Xiao Luo first clashed with Su Lang, he suspected that the matter had something to do with Su Lang.

So during this time, Da Luo has been observing the direction of Xiao Luo and Su Lang.

Sure enough,

it really made him see some problems.

Although Da Luo was far away, he couldn't hear what Su Lang was talking to Xiao Luo clearly.

But Da Luo knew that it was definitely not a good thing!

When he saw his younger brother Xiao Luo's side erupt again, Da Luo rushed towards Su Lang without any scruples at all.

Isn't the elder brother protecting the younger brother!

Da Luo made up his mind to avenge Xiao Luo.

In this way, it may be able to ease the relationship with Xiao Luo.

Although I don't know why, Da Luo still felt Xiao Luo's alienation just now.

So standing up for his younger brother Xiao Luo may be able to make Xiao Luo's side recover.


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