Soon Nelson Sr. brought Su Lang and Curry to the press conference.

The reporters in the audience couldn't wait to ask some questions.

Originally, according to their ideas, Su Lang had a conflict in this game, and in order to protect Su Lang, Old Nelson would definitely not bring Su Lang over.

Unexpectedly, old Nelson actually gave them a surprise.

Su Lang actually appeared at the press conference.

It just so happened that the media below wanted to interview Su Lang.

So the moment Su Lang appeared, the media below swarmed to look at Su Lang.

Curry, who was following behind Su Lang, shook his head helplessly.

Every time he appeared at a press conference with Su Lang, the limelight would be stolen by Su Lang.

Never mind! He's Xi it!

You can't let him learn Xi Su Lang to become a friend of reporters!

Su Lang faced forward and waved his right hand up and down a few times, signaling the media to calm down.

After seeing Su Lang take a seat, the media people in the audience couldn't wait to throw out the problem.

"Excuse me, Mr. Su! This is your first NBA ejection game, why would you behave like that on the court!

Su Lang glanced at the media people not far away, who should be the local media in San Antonio.

Although the other party's tone was calm, it was clear that he was looking for trouble.

"Isn't it clear why I did that! I'm sure everyone has already understood after watching the replay of the game, he is trying to hurt my teammates!

Su Lang said coldly.

"But it didn't happen, did it? Mr. Sue! Don't you think you're acting a little too much! The

media people in San Antonio were still chasing Su Lang after him.

Su Lang glanced at him coldly, then straightened up.

"If it happens, a rising star will fall, I really don't understand why you think that!

I just think I'm not ruthless enough, and if I get another chance, I'll kill him!"

"If you don't mind, I want you to tell the Spurs about this!"

Su Lang then said.


The media people in the audience instantly became a sensation.

Is the Friend of the Journalist back!

Su Lang's words just now are open fire!

And Su Lang's is not to let it be relayed to Pachuria, but to the Spurs.

This clearly means two things.

"Mr. Su, do you mean that the Spurs are behind this matter?"

Soon, a media person came to his senses and asked directly.

"That's what you think, I didn't say it, you can investigate or ask the Spurs!"

Su Lang said.

Su Lang's answer did not admit or refuse, but gave the media people full space to play.

But obviously Su Lang thinks so.

The old Nelson on the side smiled bitterly, he knew that Su Lang, this guy, took the initiative to come to the press conference, and there must be no good thing.

He had already foreseen the media raving tomorrow morning.

Whether it is Su Lang or the Spurs, they will definitely fall into the whirlpool of public opinion again.

"That's the end of it!"

Old Nelson had to stand up and stop the topic, and if it continued, Su Lang didn't know what else to say.

The media people in the audience looked at Su Lang with some regret.

"Mr. Su, don't you think it's a very ungraceful thing for you to provoke the fans on the court today!"

It was the local media in San Antonio who continued to ask questions.

Old Nelson was already itching with hatred at this time, and if he could, Old Nelson wanted to warn him.

"Is there one? I was just having a friendly conversation with the San Antonio fans.

I don't know where you saw me provoking them!

Su Lang smiled and said.

"Oh yes! The San Antonio fans must love me because they were so passionate and I felt like I was back on our home turf, didn't you hear them cheering for me?

"If I run for mayor of San Antonio, I think I'm going to make it!" Hahaha,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

Su Lang's words fell, and the scene of the entire press conference instantly erupted in roaring laughter.

Of course, these people are definitely media from elsewhere.

They wish that the local media in San Antonio would be embarrassed, and the local media people in San Antonio

, who were about to stand on the moral high ground and sanction Su Lang just now,

wanted to get into a gap in the floor at this time. It's

a shame!

Stealing chickens doesn't make rice! originally wanted Su Lang to stand on the opposite side of the fans.

Unexpectedly, he was defeated by Su Lang.

It is estimated that tomorrow their San Antonio fans will be famous.

Mayor of San Antonio?

This is a routine that only brain circuits will think of.

Old Nelson on the side was secretly speechless.

originally thought that Su Lang would be as tough as before, but I didn't expect Su Lang to be much more mature now!

This wave of disasters led to the east, and in a joking way, he directly put the other party together.

Old Nelson nodded silently.

"How does Mr. Su feel about this game?"

This question is more relaxed.

The atmosphere of the tense press conference was a little lighter.

Nelson Sr. also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What do you think? I didn't even warm up before the game ended, and I didn't have a lot of fun!

Su Lang said slowly.

Hearing Su Lang's answer, Old Nelson almost didn't take a breath.

Your uncle's Su Lang! Doing things again! It's all over the calf!

"So the Spurs didn't bother you in any way, did they?"

"Although it's a bit arrogant to say this, but I do think so, they seem to be a lot weaker than last year!"

Su Lang said lightly.

fuck! It has to be over!

Su Lang, this dog thing, is starting to let himself go again!

Old Nelson immediately couldn't help himself and quickly stood up.

"That's the end of today's press conference!"

After finishing speaking, Old Nelson glared at Su Lang fiercely.

Su Lang fell silent helplessly.

Old Nelson is also a lot smarter!

Unexpectedly, he saw that Su Lang was preparing to open fire, and stopped it in advance.

If there is no old Nelson, Su Lang will be familiar with the whole map next.

[It's not just the Spurs, I don't think there's anyone in the league who is our opponent right now!] This

is the final answer that Su Lang prepared.

According to the development of the plot, Su Lang will definitely throw this answer out.

But I don't need it anymore.

Old Nelson had an expression that if you dare to say it, I'll die to show you.

Su Lang finally compromised.

However, this press conference has already released a lot of bombs, and it is estimated that it can also gain a lot of negative sentiment.

For the safety of Old Tang's life, Su Lang felt that it was better to let him go.

Otherwise, Su Lang was really afraid that Lao Tang's blood pressure would soar directly on the spot, and then die to show him.

Old Nelson is very tired now.

Su Lang, this guy, actually started to do things again.

Originally, many teams in the league have begun to notice them.

Old Nelson was still preparing to develop lewdly, but he didn't expect Su Lang to disrupt his plan.

Su Lang, your uncle! Are you sent by God to torture me?

[Negative sentiment value from old Nelson +3000]


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