
The whistle blew and the game officially began.

Bynum, the little shark, grabbed the basketball directly and slapped it at the old fish Fisher.

Curry's side is ready to sneak up on a wave of Fisher and catch the opponent off guard.

But as a point guard for a championship team, Fisher still has something.

After Fisher saw Curry. Directly sideways, blocking the middle between Curry and the basketball.

Curry bumped into Fisher's hard body.

At this time, Curry also had no chance, because Fisher had already controlled the basketball in his hands.

Curry glanced at it with some regret.

Fisher slowly controlled the basketball past half court.

Bryant started directly through Gasol's cover, shook off Curry, and received the basketball outside the three-point line.

Fisher's pass was the first time he slipped into the bottom corner.

Handed over control of the basketball court to Bryant.

Curry wordlessly followed Fisher to the bottom corner.

To be honest, Curry has played basketball for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen a guard who has been in this position in the bottom corner.

It stands to reason that as a defender, the top of the arc outside the three-point line and the 45-degree angle are their battlefields.

This time Curry ran into something different.

The old fish Fisher is just a porter of basketball, and his battlefield is in the bottom corner.

After Su Lang was thrown away, he directly took a big stride to avoid Gasol's cover and came to Kobe.

Kobe Bryant also happened to control the basketball in his hands at this time.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in over a year, I wonder if you're ready for trash talk this time?".

Su Lang opened his arms and constantly interfered with Kobe.

Su Lang is reminding Kobe Bryant that last year, he used his mobile phone to temporarily learn Xi trash talk off the court.

Kobe glanced at Su Lang coldly and did not make a sound.

He prefers to talk with a basketball.

Suddenly, Kobe Bryant accelerated and rushed to the inside.

Su Lang moved in the direction of Kobe's breakthrough and directly collided with Gasol, who came up to block and dismantle the cover.

Su Lang didn't see when this goods came to him.

The two-man blocking tactics are more mature, and the threat is greater.

Su Lang immediately noticed the difference from last year.

After Bryant broke through, he met Turyaf, who was brought up to defense.

Directly change the rhythm, throw off Turyaf, and kill the inside line with one arrow step.

Completed a one-handed slash.

The shortcomings of the Warriors' weak interior height are clear.

That's exactly the tactic the Warriors used to play the Spurs before.

Draw out the only player on the interior who can create defensive pressure, and let the defender do the rest.

Simple and brutal.

The Warriors could only suffer this loss.

Old Nelson from the field looked in the direction of Zen master Phil Jackson.

I didn't know what I was talking about.

If the Zen master had heard old Nelson's words, he would have exploded on the spot.

[Old thing! No one is fucking lucky!

[Why can he meet such a powerful player every time?]

In fact, old Nelson was not convinced by the Zen master Phil Jackson.

And it's not just Nelson Sr.

In the position of head coach, in terms of business ability, Zen master Phil Jackson is far inferior to the old Nelson.

It's not even as good as Su Lang's sworn enemy Popovich.

But people's luck is good!

A no-brained triangle offensive tactic from the Bulls to the Lakers is about to rot.

It's just to be able to make a difference.

The main thing is that the Bulls have Jordan, the god of basketball, and the Lakers have Kobe, the greatest player of the post-Jordan era.

Before the addition of shark O'Neill.

Phil Jackson is arguably the biggest winner in the NBA league.

His team will always have the best players in the league.

Such a team with a dog on a leash is estimated to be able to play a good result.

The screen returns to the court.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Curry had the ball through the half.

The old fish Fisher stepped forward directly to confront Curry.

It's his signature defense.

Curry has never encountered such a reckless style of defense.

Mainly, this is also not a regular defense on the back line.

Duang! Duang!

Fisher constantly used his muscles to fight Curry and didn't give Curry a chance to be comfortable.

Curry stepped back, and Fisher stepped forward to chase after him.

Can't force it!

Curry's mind instantly made a judgment if it continued like this.

His physical energy is definitely going to be huge.

Maybe it will collapse in the second half.

Curry beckoned straight to the interior for a pick-and-roll cover.

Gibson appeared directly at the three-point line to help Curry create opportunities.

Curry's side was ready to shake off Fisher.

But Fisher completely ignored Gibson.

Squeezed directly from the position on the line, Gibson's blocking was instantly resolved.

Fisher is bullying two rookies with experience.

Gibson's block was only a little flawed, but it was still caught by the old fish Fisher.

Facing the crazy entanglement of Fisher, Curry had no choice but to dump the basketball to Gibson.

Gibson, as a relay, passed directly to Su Lang at a 45-degree angle on the other side.

Su Lang received the ball and then threw his crotch, and then instantly lowered his center of gravity and squeezed directly from Kobe's side.

As soon as he made contact, Kobe frowned.

The strength is a little stronger than last year!

When the two of them were in opposition last year, Su Lang's confrontation ability was just not falling behind.

But in the first confrontation this year, Kobe Bryant found that he had a feeling of being suppressed.

He's got stronger!

At this time, Su Lang had already squeezed over stubbornly.

Face Gasol and Bynum under the basket.

Turyaf stuck Bynum's position and didn't give Bynum room to move.

As for Gibson, he had already dodged it.

has met so many times, Gibson has long known Su Lang's plans,.

If you don't walk away, you can't hide from a backdrop.

As for Gasol's side, Gibson doesn't think he can have an impact on Su Lang at all.

Gasol looked at Su Lang, who rushed straight to the basket, and he was already scolding his mother in his heart.

Why is he the one who was injured again!

Last year's matchup is vivid, although the Lakers won that game, Gasol served Su Lang as a background board for the whole game.

There is only a backdrop pose that Gasol can't do.

I didn't expect that after a year, when I met Su Lang again, it was still like this.

When Gasol scolded his mother in his heart, Su Lang had already come to the basket.

Looking at Su Lang who rose into the sky, Gasol simply couldn't jump. Directly dodged away.

Su Lang easily completed a tomahawk split.

After dodging, Gasol secretly rejoiced that he finally didn't continue to be a background board.

Su Lang, who fell from the sky, had a regretful expression on his face.

Without Gasol as a backdrop, it always feels like something is missing.

He looked at Gasol, who looked on guard.

Su Lang also has a sore brain, and now these people are becoming more and more shrewd.

If you want to bully them again, it always feels like it's not as easy as before.

Alas~ Your uncle, I just earn some negative emotional points, why is it so difficult!


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