The referee looked at the replay on the computer.

Da Luo's side made the first move

! Then pushed Su Lang away

! Xiao Luo swung his

fist! Da Luo was knocked to the ground!

Xiao Luo continued to swing his fist.

Lucas blocks and pushes Lo down.

The conflict escalated!

Players from both sides began to scuffle.


? Something seems to have been missed?

The referee looked at the flashing image and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The referee quickly rewinds the video to the position it had just taken.


until the referee sees the video.

I couldn't help but feel a cool breeze blowing through my neck.

That's right, what the referee saw was that Su Lang sneaked up on Collins, and then put him to the ground, locking Collins with a scissor kick.

Originally, the referee thought that this conflict was caused by Su Lang.

But Su Lang's performance in the conflict was very calm, and he didn't act excessively.

But when the referee saw this scene.

only then did he react, it turned out that the most yin in this was Su Lang.

In the whole conflict, Su Lang was just pushed by Da Luo.

The rest of the players who suffered were the players on the Crimson side.

Su Lang also took the opportunity to knock out the opponent's head coach.

Brother Lopez is in trouble with you.

You're looking for revenge on them, you've knocked out other people's head coaches!

What kind of thing is this!


referee swore that he had been in the industry for so many years, and he had never seen a player who knocked out the opposing head coach.


Soon the referee watched all the replays.

Walked to the front of the technical table and made a penalty.

On the Crimson team's side, except for the main point guard, the other four main players were all involved in the conflict.

Directly sentenced to leave the field.

Actually, it's not that the point guard of the Crimson team doesn't want to come forward, the main thing is that he is too small.

He was squeezed to the back of the pack at the beginning, and when he broke through all obstacles to get in front of the Wildcats.

The conflict between the two sides has come to an end.

Also sent off were three of the Crimson's substitutes.

The three substitutes were also involved in the brawl.

Finally, there was the penalty from the Wildcats' side.

The starting lineup, Curry's side was not punished.

Curry's problems are the same as the point guards of the Crimson.

There is absolutely no chance of getting involved in the conflict.

By the time the opportunity arises, the conflict is over.

Then, like the Crimson, the other four main players were all sent off.

When I heard that Su Lang was also sent off.

Head coach Bob was not satisfied.

Originally, Su Lang was treated by force from the side of the Crimson team.

Su Lang was not at fault, it was all the people from the Crimson team.

If the other main players were sent off, Bob also admitted it.

After all, they were all about to fall together with the opposing player.

But Su Lang didn't!

How did Bob know that Su Lang, who was honest in his heart, was the most negative player on the field.

He knocked out the opposing head coach Collins!

Head coach Bob complained to the referee in dissatisfaction.

The referee looked at the furious Bob in front of him with a calm expression.

In the end, Bob's complaint was fruitless, and the referee upheld his decision.

Su Lang was still expelled from the game.

However, the person concerned, Su Lang, had a relaxed face.

Su Lang was not surprised by this result.

After all, Su Lang knew what he had done.

"I'll leave the rest to you!" Su

Lang smiled easily and waved at Curry and Bob.

Walked to the players' tunnel in style.

But Su Lang overlooked one point, this is in the away game.

Stanford's home stadium, how could the home fans easily let go of these people who had just bullied their home team players.

"Get out of here, you butchers

!", "You bastards, you're not welcome here

!", "Damn! you should go to hell



You can't get out of Stanford!"


A curse came from the stands, and even some of the more emotional fans threatened them.

Su Lang, who was originally indifferently walking towards the player's tunnel. It's time to leave.

Su Lang made an amazing move.

I saw Su Lang turn around and make a gesture that was recognized by the world.

Raise your right hand high and extend your middle finger directly to the away fans.

After seeing this scene, the originally noisy stadium even had a moment of tranquility.

The away fans didn't expect that Su Lang would provoke them at all.

This is simply unforgivable.

"Damn!he's looking for death

!""Hey!"What do you want to do

!"Don't hold me!I'm going to settle accounts with him

!""How dare he be so arrogant on our home turf!"


In the next second, the audience erupted in even stronger cursing.

Su Lang now had a surprised expression on his face.

Because Su Lang only has one idea now.

That is, he seems to have made a fortune!

【Negative Sentiment from Andrew +100

】【Negative Sentiment from Karl +150】【Negative Sentiment from Sika +120】【Negative Sentiment from

Mills +160】


Su Lang was directly bombarded by the system's prompts.

Originally, Su Lang was just unhappy with the scolding of the fans on the field.

That's why I turned around and responded to them.

I didn't expect to insert willows unintentionally.

Directly let the fans in the stadium provide a wave of explosion of negative sentiment value.

Only then did Su Lang find that he seemed to have found a way to earn negative emotional value.

Originally, Su Lang had been on the field, trying his best to get negative emotions from his teammates or opponents.

But there are only a few people.

With the addition of his teammates, there are only twenty people at full play.

But how many fans are there on the field.

It can be as little as a few hundred, and sometimes even more than a thousand.

If it's March Madness, the fans are even more.

Half of these people provide negative emotional value for Su Lang, and Su Lang can get rich

in one wave, and this is the case now.

Su Lang looked at the messages that kept prompting in the system.

I almost laughed out loud.

Fortunately, the team's big forward Lucas looked back and found that Su Lang had not left yet.

hurriedly walked over and pulled Su Lang.

"Hey, man, we have to get out quickly, or the fans will tear us apart!"

At this time, Su Lang found that some angry fans in the away stadium already had the idea of rushing down the stands.

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Lang's mouth, and he quickly followed Lucas to turn around and leave the player's tunnel.

"Hey, don't go!"

"Coward, you're back!"


Behind Su Lang, there was the unwilling roar of the away fans.

Although it is said that the method of provoking away fans can provide Su Lang with a large amount of negative emotional value.

But it is also accompanied by a huge crisis.

A wave of careless operations could have the opportunity shredded by the away fans.

In fact, when Su Lang finally left, he wanted to continue to provoke another wave of away fans.

But in the end, I chose to give up.

Su Lang will definitely continue to provoke.

Maybe it really won't be without Stanford University.

After all, it's someone else's territory.

When you see it, you will accept it.

You can't be too greedy, can't you!

The corners of Su Lang's

mouth rose slightly.

Looking at the deposit in the system that is about to break through the 100,000 mark.

A wave of pride arises spontaneously!!

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