In the first quarter, the final score of the two sides was 26:33

The Warriors took a seven-point lead at home heading into the second quarter.

The reason for the score was simple, in the second half of the first quarter, Durant was defended by Su Lang without a single successful offense.

was completely dumbfounded, and Durant seemed to recall the fear of being dominated by Su Lang last year.


The intermission ended quickly.

Players from both sides returned to the pitch.

Curry's side directly took the lead, hitting a three-point shot in the first round, and he was caught off guard by Wei Shao.

On the Thunder's side, Harden was substituted at the end of the first quarter.

Durant's side is dumb, so Harden is needed on the court to relieve Durant's defensive pressure.

Harden, who came on the court at the end of the first quarter, just followed the team back and forth twice, and the game was over.

So it didn't show much, but in the second quarter of the game, Harden was going to make a difference.

In fact, in this year's draft, the two best rookies at the moment are Curry and Harden.

Harden naturally had to respond.

After Wei Shao controlled the ball after half court, he faced Curry's frantic defense.

, was cleaned by Wei Shao one step before,

and Curry was obviously a little unhappy.

So the follow-up defense is very hard.

Wei Shao kept adjusting his position, but Curry's defense was very tight, and Wei Shao did not find a chance to break through.

At this time, Harden's side got Jackson out.

After Wei Shao saw it, he passed the basketball directly to Harden.

After Harden receives the ball, he plays against Jackson's defense.

Start with a tentative step, then add a feint to shoot.

Jackson had no choice but to hurriedly stick forward to defend.

This plays right into Harden's hands.

Harden jumped up with a big wheel arm on the spot, with Jackson's right hand hanging from his arm.


Defensive fouls!

The referee blew for a defensive foul on Jackson.

Jackson is a little numb!

As long as he knew what had just happened, the thing in front of him was deliberately entangled with his arm.

Grandma's! He, an old bird who has been in the league for more than ten years, was fouled by a first-year rookie.

It's just a shame!

"Hey! You did it on purpose, didn't you!

Jackson looked at Harden with some dissatisfaction.

"Isn't it? Your arm is interfering with me! Why do you think I did it on purpose? Harden

looked at Jackson with an innocent expression. ,


Jackson scolded helplessly in his heart.

Harden happily stepped to the free-throw line.

Just now, Jackson's defensive foul was ruled as a shooting foul.

So Harden had two free throws.

Harden hit two free throws with a solid shot, cleanly.

On the free throw side, Harden has worked hard.

Ever since deciding to go foul-making, Harden has known that free throws are his weapon.

So Harden practiced the free throw basket early Xi to the top level.

Su Lang was also attracted to Harden.

Su Lang let Durant go for the time being, and looked at Harden with a little interest.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Sure enough, Harden has a strong talent for the field of rule understanding.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be the rule master of the future alliance.

How long has it been since I gave him advice last time. '

Harden's foul-making skills are just as good as that.

Harden also saw Su Lang's gaze, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help grinning.

He was sincerely grateful for Su Lang's help.

If it weren't for Su Lang's advice, he wouldn't have gained a firm foothold in the Thunder team so quickly.

And in the future, there is a chance to compete with Wei Shao for the position of the team's boss.

As for Durant, Harden is on the same page as Willis.

If Durant becomes the boss, they will definitely not be convinced.

The baseline ball is sent out, and the Warriors are on an offensive turn.

After Wei Shao looked at Curry here, he decided to exert his strength.

So as soon as Curry controlled the ball over half court, Wei Shao rushed straight up.

Curry, on his part, is very calm.

Those old fritters I encountered before were much more difficult than Wei Shao.

Curry's side turned directly to the side and stopped between Wei Shao and the basketball.

forcibly interrupted Wei Shao's defensive rhythm.

That's exactly what Curry learned from Fisher's old fox.

Walking on the verge of foul play, but it can make the basketball in your hand safer.

Wei Shao's side was helpless in the face of Curry's response, so he could only slow down the pace.

After Curry stabilized the rhythm, he found Su Lang, who suppressed Durant.

directly threw the basketball to Su Lang.

Seeing Su Lang receiving the basketball, Durant scolded his mother in his heart. ,

why give him the basketball!

"Hey! I'm going to break through from the right this round! Su

Lang looked at Durant defiantly.

In the next second, Su Lang directly rushed over from Durant's right side with an arrow step.

Durant stuck to the right position, and Su Lang said so.

Durant can't let Su Lang break through from the right no matter what.

However, the moment Su Lang and Durant made contact, Su Lang turned around directly and smashed from Durant's left side to the basket smoothly.

Only a hooded Durant remained. 、

Didn't you say to break through from the right side!

What the hell is this!

Is it fun to lie to people!

The city is full of routines, I want to go back to the countryside!

Durant could only watch Su Lang rush to the basket and complete a one-handed dunk.

After the dunk, Su Lang looked at Durant with disdain.

"Humph! Didn't you say a breakthrough from the right side! You coward! "

Durant's side finally found Su Lang's weakness.

"You believe what I say! What's more, I didn't say to break through from your right or mine! You are so naïve!

Su Lang looked at Durant and said.

[Negative sentiment value from Durant +3000]


Although Durant was very unhappy, he didn't know why, but he felt that what Su Lang said made sense.

Su Lang didn't seem to say that it was from his right side or his right side to break through.

Durant suddenly became discouraged.

has always wanted to get back from Su Lang's body.

But really compared to the words.

Su Lang's skills are stronger than him, and Su Lang is younger than him.

If you compare the position in the team. ,

Su Lang is a well-deserved boss of the Warriors.

And he is still competing with Wei Shao, but now it seems that there is another Harden who can compete with them for the boss position.

Durant feels anxious!

What's even more infuriating is that Su Lang's womanhood is even better than him.

Su Lang's girlfriend is so beautiful, and he is still a single dog on his side.

And for some reason, since last year's incident, Durant feels like he won't talk to girls anymore.

If you count it like this, you're really defeated!

In front of Su Lang, he is a complete loser.

Durant, who was hit, was sleepwalking for the next few rounds, completely unsure of what to do.

As a last resort, Brooks, the head coach of the Thunder, could only replace Durant off the court in an attempt to make Durant adjust.

After receiving the head coach's substitution instructions, Durant walked off the court as quickly as if he was running away.

Continuing to play against Su Lang on the court like this, Durant felt that he was going to die of depression.


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