After Su Lang came to the basket, he directly confronted O'Neal Jr. under the basket.

Then he threw the basketball to the basket with one hand.

At this time, Beasley, who had been waiting for a long time, rose directly into the air and flew Su Lang's layup out of the bottom line with a slap.


! I often walk by the river! This time I really got my shoes wet!

Su Lang was speechless for a while.

I didn't expect to contribute the first block of the game.

And it's the one who was blocked

!"Hey!kid!Do you remember me!


stared at Su Lang viciously.

When he was in the college league before, Beasley was bullied by Su Lang enough.

And when he met Su Lang for the first time after entering the NBA.

Beasley was also educated by Su Lang.

But that didn't discourage Beasley.

Beasley thinks it was just that he wasn't adjusting to the rhythm of the NBA.

Now Beasley thinks he's okay.

So it's time to take revenge on

Su Lang!

Su Lang glanced at Beasley

, if it weren't for this guy jumping out suddenly,

Su Lang would have almost forgotten about this person.

The main thing is that now Su Lang is no longer on the same level as him.

Su Lang's eyes are now more on Kobe, James, Anthony and other supergiants.

"What's the matter!kid!Are you scared!"

Beasley saw that Su Lang didn't say, and said provocatively again.

At this time, Wade saw the arrogant Beasley.

Then I saw Su Lang, who didn't speak, and couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

This rookie is really! I have to find some sense of existence from an honest person!

"Hey, calm down, don't do this!" Wade

said solemnly to Beasley.

After Beasley heard Wade's scolding, his whole body was numb

! I'm your teammate, isn't it good!

Wade looked at Su Lang,

looking like he was not afraid that I would cover you now.

Su Lang was also speechless for a while.

Now it's all right! The cheek raiser is now crippled on both legs.

Now Su Lang is a little afraid that Wade will know the truth.

When the time comes, it is estimated that the big cheek gang will fight with him

! Forget it! Let's talk about it then!

Then Su Lang's eyes looked at Beasley.

Boy! It's quite arrogant

! I haven't cleaned you up for this time, but you're dancing quite happily

! In this case, Uncle Su will give you another lesson today!

Su Lang looked at Beasley with a smile, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

It's still the Warriors' possession.

Gibson sends out a basketball at the baseline.

It was passed to Curry.

The moment Curry received the basketball, he threw it in the direction of the basket without the slightest hesitation.

Because he knows Su Lang too well.

Just been blocked by Beasley, and was taunted again. ,

according to Su Lang's grudgeful character, how could he let him go so easily!

Sure enough, when the basketball came near the hoop.

Su Lang's figure appeared under the basket at the same time.

Su Lang, who was in the air, grabbed the basketball with his big hand and smashed it into the basket.

Of course, in front of Su Lang is naturally Beasley.

Su Lang was blocked in the last round.

Haven't had a round of fun yet.

Turning his head, Su Lang came to a violent slap.

After a loud bang, Su Lang completed his revenge.

After landing, Su Lang glanced at Beasley playfully.

Didn't say much.

Sometimes one look is enough.

[Negative sentiment value from Beasley +5000]

Sure enough!Beasley exploded as expected!

Beasley glared at Su Lang fiercely.

What he didn't know was that his nightmare had just begun.

The score came to 2:4.

Turning his head, Wade found an offensive opportunity directly outside the three-point line with a pick-and-roll.

Hit a three-pointer.

The Heat took the lead by one point,

and Curry hit a difficult three-pointer directly from outside the three-point line.

Curry shook his shoulders again.

Compared with three-point shots, he really didn't fear anyone

! Even Su Lang was this guy! Curry was not afraid either!

Halfway through the first quarter.

The score came to 15:17.

The Warriors lead by two points.

The Heat's offensive round.

In this round, Beasley directly suppressed Gibson behind him.

Reach out to Alston on the outside for the ball.

It stands to reason that Beasley, a rookie in two years, will not have a very high tactical status in the team.

Not everyone is so lucky for Su Lang and Curry.

So this round of singles is naturally Beasley's own initiative.

After being detained by Su Lang, Beasley kept holding his breath in his heart.

But he never received the ball, so Beasley became more and more angry.

Alston looked after the defense was in place.

In the end, he chose to hand over the basketball to Beasley.

Sometimes it's okay to take care of the rookie's emotions.

After all, the Heat are interested in developing Beasley's.

After Beasley received the basketball, he turned his back directly to Gibson is a set of technical moves for low-post offense.

The continuous footsteps under the feet are tentatively shaking.

After a few rounds, Gibson's whole body was shaken and he couldn't find the north.

If it weren't for being in Su Lang's training camp in the summer, being educated by Su Lang and having adapted to this situation, Gibson would have fallen into the disadvantage in the first round.

Beasley's talent goes without saying, and he still has an advantage against Gibson.

After shaking off Gibson, Beasley threw a small throw directly at the board.

Not surprisingly, Beasley did this kind of shooting, if not 10,000 times, but thousands of times.

This kind of shooting is simply not difficult.

However, Beasley ignored the vengeful Su Yan.

Su Lang rushed to the inside line when Beasley shook off Gibson.

When Wade saw Su Lang's movements, he knew that something bad was going to happen.

But I haven't had time to remind Beasley yet.

Beasley's side has already made a move.

The basketball flew in the air and was directly slapped by Su Lang and flew out.

It's the same trick Beasley used to block Su Lang before.

Curry looked like that from beyond the three-point line, I knew it was going to be like this.

Whoever you don't like, you have to provoke Su Lang, this guy

!Alas~ Poor boy!

Curry glanced at Beasley sympathetically.

Beasley didn't seem to expect to be blocked by Su Lang either.

It was his first attack of the game.

If it weren't for Su Lang, this attack would have been secured,

but now everything has been ruined by Su Lang.


Beasley looked at Su Lang fiercely.

After Su Lang sealed the lid here, he glanced at Beasley with disdain, and he didn't even shake his fingers against Beasley.

This is obviously more contemptuous than shaking a finger.

Why do others shake their fingers when they cover it, and I don't shake my fingers when I cover it, and I don't even have trash talk.

Do you look down on me so

much!Am I so worthless in your heart

!This makes Beasley, who has always regarded Su Lang as an imaginary enemy, completely unacceptable

!!I'll make you regret it!


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