The time came on November 6, 2008.

The Warriors ushered in their fifth game of the season.

He is also the strongest opponent they have faced since the start of the season.

The Warriors have basically faced fish belly teams before.

The strongest is the Grizzlies in the last game, but that is also the team that is outside the playoffs.

However, in this game, they will face the Denver Nuggets.

A playoff powerhouse in the truest sense of the word.

By the time the players entered, the Oracle Arena was already full.

This is indeed a bit incredible for the land of the Golden State.

You must know that in ordinary times the Warriors' home games, the attendance rate is basically around eighty percent.

But now the entire Oracle Arena is filled with fans.

Obviously, this is the effect brought by Su Lang.

Let the Warriors fully integrate into the land of Golden State.

After Su Lang entered the stadium, the fans in the audience erupted in crazy cheers.

In the last game, Su Lang played superbly, but because of the away situation, they were not able to cheer for Su Lang.

But this game is on their home turf and they naturally have to give a big cheer.

JR Smith, who looked like a gangster on the Nuggets' side, looked at the fans cheering for Su Lang.

I couldn't help but pout.

"Cameron, that's what I don't like away from home the least, these guys really should

shut up!"

"I'm not like you, I prefer this kind of away game, don't you think it's fun for us to shut up these fans step by step when the game starts"

Anthony turned around and looked at JR Smith with a smile after making a mid-range shot.

Smith shook his head, it was a black-bellied fellow.

However, it has to be said that Anthony does have the strength to beat the away fans to silence.

Then Anthony looked in Su Lang's direction.

During this time, the hottest rookie in the league.

Even if he is the champion of this year, the list is not as popular as Su Lang.

However, being able to score 70 points in a single game proves that Su Lang's ability is still very strong.

Anthony thinks he can do it if he fires it all the time.

However, this kind of thing is indispensable at the right time, in the right place.

I just lack a chance.

Su Lang was talking and laughing with his teammates while warming up.

After Montaelis on the field saw this scene, he became more and more uncomfortable.

Su Lang knew when he saw the notifications that the system kept beating that Monta Ellis's heart was very uneasy.

But as long as he didn't provoke himself, Su Lang was in no mood to worry about him.

The warm-up of players from both sides is over, and the game officially begins.

In this game, the Warriors still continued the previous lineup.

The lineup on the Nuggets' side.

Chaki Atkins at No. 1, IR Smith at No. 2, Carmelo Anthony at No. 3, Kenyon Martin at No. 4, and Nene at No. 5.

In addition to the fact that the No. 1 position is a little weak, the remaining four players do not have a simple role.

The difficulty of this game is indeed visible to the naked eye.

After the players from both sides entered, the referee threw the basketball into the air.

The Nuggets' interior was like a rocket rising into the air, straight up on the spot.

Before Andris could fly to the top, he slapped the basketball at Atkins.

Su Lang's tall body was directly shrouded in front of Atkins.

However, this will not have an impact on the Nuggets.

Originally, Atkins was a basketball porter on the team.

After halftime, the basketball went out, and basically nothing happened to him.

So as soon as halftime, Atkins passed the basketball to the team's core melon Anthony.

Interestingly, Anthony didn't choose to attack in the first round.

Although Anthony is in the third position, he has a big advantage over Margeti.

But Anthony passed the basketball to Nene anyway.

After receiving the pass in the low post on None's side, he turned around in a storm and crushed Andris towards the inside.

After the confrontation, Nene shot directly, but was still influenced by Andris.

The basketball misses off the basket.

However, Nene under the basket did not give up, and with a flick of his fingers on the second jump, the basketball flew to the basket again.

This time the basketball fell into the Nets.

The Nuggets took the lead.

The score on the field came to 2:0

The Warriors' offensive round.

After Atkins faced Su Lang on the opposite side, he instantly felt bad.

As a veteran who has been in the league for almost a decade.

This is the first time Atkins has come across such a No.1 position.

That's what Atkins thinks.

Atkins is one meter eight tall, but Su Langhe, who is opposite him, is more than two meters tall.

Is this still the height that a point guard should have!

Not to mention going up to defend, just standing in front of Su Lang has a huge oppressive force.

Su Lang glanced down at Atkins, who was waiting for him, and couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

Originally, the height gap between the two people was not small, and Atkins also lowered the center of gravity in order to prevent Su Lang from breaking through.

In this way, Atkins went directly to Su Lang's waist.

If Su Lang didn't bow his head, he wouldn't even notice the defender in front of him.

However, Su Lang did not take it lightly, after all, he was able to mix and play in the alliance for more than ten years.

It's an old fritter anyway, if you're careless, maybe you'll be disgusted by the other party.

Su Lang controlled the basketball past the halfcourt, and then looked at the position of the Warriors.

Obviously, except for Su Lang, there is no advantage in other positions.

Especially Margeti, who was opposite Antony, was forced to the bottom corner by Anthony at this time.

There is absolutely no room to catch the ball.

Martial Saint Jackson was also in some trouble here, and JR Smith stuck to his side like a cowhide plaster.

Don't give him a chance to run at all.

Jackson knew that going on like this would be a huge drain on his physical strength.

If this continues, he will definitely leave the field before JR.

But for a while, Jackson didn't have a good idea.

Su Lang frowned.

sighed in my heart that it deserved to be a strong team in the playoffs.

At the beginning of the game, the Warriors fell into an all-round disadvantageous situation.

However, Su Lang was not nervous, since his teammates had no chance, he would open the situation first.

Su Lang slowly controlled the basketball and came to the three-point line.

Atkins was afraid of Su Lang's three-point shot, so he didn't give Su Lang room to jump.

rushed up directly and quickly, stuck at Su Lang's side.

But how can the difference in height be so easily bridged.

Su Lang didn't hesitate at all, and directly raised his hand to make a three-point shot.

After Atkins saw Su Lang's shot, he had a sentence in his heart, Ma Maipi didn't know whether to say it or not,

how could he defend with such a high shooting point!

Su Lang's shot easily fell into the net.

The emotions of the fans at Oracle Stadium were instantly ignited.


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