"It's coming!"

Anthony said in a deep voice.

JR Smith behind him instantly felt tight.

After the interview, Su Lang walked slowly in the players' tunnel.

After winning the game, Su Lang was obviously in a good mood.

Humming a little song as he walked.

Suddenly, an iron door opened next to the passageway, and two men in hoodies rushed out.

Su Lang's heart tightened instantly.

Damn!It can't really be that it was too prodigal on the Internet some time ago.

There are black fans who secretly come to fight the black gun!

The next second,

Su Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I didn't expect it! I'll be here! If you sincerely apologize to us now, we might let you go!"

Su Lang pondered, isn't this the fucking Carmelo Anthony's goods.

I didn't expect Anthony and J.R. Smith to block themselves here.

Su Lang thought that there were really fans who couldn't stand the ridicule and ran over to shoot the black gun.

Su Lang's original good mood disappeared in an instant.

It's impossible to apologize! It's impossible to apologize in this life.

Since his good mood is gone, let the two of them pay it back, Anthony

smiled smugly under the hoodie.

This kind of rookie, under the deterrence of his social melon, does not apologize obediently.

The next second, Anthony's smile froze on his face.

"Go here and solve it, when you came here just now, there shouldn't be anyone inside!" Su

Lang pointed to the iron door that Anthony and JR Smith had just walked out of.

Then he took the first step and walked straight in.

Anthony and JR froze straight in place.

Don't play cards according to the routine

! This is not the plot they think at all!

Seeing them appear, shouldn't Su Lang tremble and apologize.

Looking at Su Lang's meaning now, he has no idea of apologizing at all.

I completely want to have a battle between men with them!

Anthony looked at Su Lang's background, gritted his teeth and walked in.

On the court, he had already confessed to Su Lang once.

No matter what happens this time, we can't back down.

After the two men followed, JR closed the iron door with his hand.

"It's too late for you to apologize!" Anthony

said again.

"Don't want your mother-in-law's! Let's go together!" Su

Lang directly threw off the jersey on his body and said to Anthony.

"You brought it on yourself!" the

next second, Anthony rushed straight up.


Here, George Karl was preparing for the post-match press conference.

Suddenly, they found that Anthony, the core of their team, was lost.

Lost along with Anthony was JR Smith.

At this time, the entire coaching staff of the Nuggets team panicked.

After the game, the Nuggets were the first team to lose the core of their team.

After everything was fruitless on George Carr's side, he had to turn to the Warriors' side.

After all, this is the home court of the Warriors.

This call for help is good, and the Warriors are panicking.

Because head coach Don Nelson's heart Su Lang was also lost.

It doesn't matter if you attend the press conference after the game or not, the problem is that there are no people alive or dead now.

In broad daylight, a person disappeared directly.

So everyone on the Warriors' side began to look for Su Lang in the arena.

At this time, the staff who betrayed the information to Anthony was a little panicked.

He also thought of a casual piece of information that would lead to such a situation.

At this time, he didn't dare to talk about it.

But what he knew for sure in his heart was that the three people who disappeared now must be in the place where he betrayed them.


Su Lang and Anthony walked into the iron gate for a few minutes, and the iron gate slowly opened.

Su Lang's figure reappeared in the player's tunnel.

"Cut! There is no one who can fight!" Su

Lang turned his head and pursed his lips and glanced at the two people inside the iron gate.

If these two people could hear Su Lang's words, they would definitely shout too much to deceive people.

But these two people don't know anything now.

Because Anthony and J.R. Smith are now lying on the ground like dead pigs.

Su Lang touched his slightly tingling cheek.

I feel a lot more relaxed.

The wound on the top of his cheek was left by J.R. Smith.

Originally, Su Lang's skill was to be proficient in jiu-jitsu.

It's really strong to fight alone, but if you play against multiple people, it's really a bit stretched.

However, Su Lang was also ruthless, after the conflict began.

Su Lang directly grabbed Anthony and entered the ground.

Anthony didn't even have time to react, and was directly guillotined by Su Lang.

Anthony thought that the man fight was a punch from you and a punch from me.

Where did you think that Su Lang's uneasy routine played again.

Anthony didn't even punch Su Lang before he was strangled by Su Lang.

J.R. Smith seized the opportunity for Su Lang to lock Anthony and gave Su Lang two punches.

But after seeing Anthony faint, J.R. Smith wanted to run away.

How could Su Lang let him get his wish.

The family should lie neatly together.

So after a while, J.R. Smith followed in Anthony's footsteps.

The two and the other were lying neatly together.

Of course, Su Lang didn't forget to make up two punches for JR, this guy left a mark on himself.

The wound on Su Lang's cheek, it is estimated that with the blessing of the innate innocent body, it will recover tomorrow.

But the two people lying inside were not so lucky.

It is estimated that it will leave a psychological shadow in the heart.

Su Lang was about to leave humming a little song.

Suddenly, the figure of Martial Saint Jackson appeared in the passage.

"Su Lang is here!" Martial

Saint Jackson shouted directly at the top of his voice.

Then he quickly rushed over.

Su Lang's whole person was stunned.

What are you doing! Don't be so scary

!"Su, I've finally found you! Don't you know..."

After the martial saint Jackson came to Su Lang's side, he was really going to ask where Su Lang had gone.

But the scene in front of him made the words in his mouth choke directly in his throat.

If these two people in it are not mistaken, they should be the missing two goods of the Nuggets.

It turned out that Su Lang was directly knocked here.

No wonder no one could find the three of them.

It turns out that these three people are here to fight men.

And Su Lang also won the final victory.

A thousand words can't describe the shock in Jackson's heart right now.

After all, the most worthy of showing off in Martial Saint Jackson's life is the Auburn Hills Palace incident.

But compared to Su Lang, this is a fart! Su Lang

is called a ruthless person! Not to mention winning the game!

After the game, he knocked out others.

Just when Martial Saint Jackson was shocked, the people who were looking for Su Lang in the passage rushed over.

After Martial Saint Jackson saw this scene, he subconsciously walked behind Su Lang.

Then in Su Lang's shocked eyes, he closed the iron door with his hand.

"Listen to me!, don't tell anyone about it!"

Jackson whispered in Su Lang's ear.

Su Lang smiled and nodded.

After Don Nelson arrived, Jackson whispered a few words directly into Don Nelson's ear.

Don Nelson's expression was first shocked, then angry, and finally helpless.

"It's all gone!" Don

Nelson waved to disperse the crowd.

"You've really given me a big problem!" Don

Nelson glanced helplessly, leaving your innocent Su Lang.

Why is this kid so ruthless!


In the end, under Don Nelson's negotiation, the Nuggets quietly took their two gods back.

It's a shame for an adult

! After the game, he blocked people, and was knocked out by others!

When George Carr went to pick up two people, he could see Don Nelson's expression that couldn't hold back his laughter.

However, both sides had a tacit understanding and did not publicize this matter.

After all, it was known by the league, and the nature of this matter would not be justified if it was not forbidden.

Clearly, this is not a situation that both sides want to see.

The Nuggets had no choice but to suffer this loss.


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