Rajon Rondo on the outside receives the ball after Garnett's pass.

There was simply no time to reorganize an offensive.

There was no way, Rondo had to brew directly outside the three-point line and then make a shot.

As expected, the basketball flew straight out.

happened to fly in the direction of Su Lang, and Su Lang took off the rebound effortlessly.

Jackson slowly approached Su Lang.

"I'm scared to death, how did you let go of your defense against him just now

" "An-la-a-la! he can't throw it in anyway, even if he lets him hit the big luck and get one, it's nothing"

Su Lang seemed to be talking to Jackson,

but he deliberately raised his voice.

is preparing to return to the defense of the pull piece Rondo, the back is obviously stunned.

[Negative sentiment value from Rajon Rondo +1000]

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly, and he directly exchanged a look with Jackson.

This is also a small routine that Jackson and Su Lang studied in the locker room.

The purpose is still to bomb the mentality of La Janelondo.

Now it seems that Rondo has taken the bait.

Back to the Warriors' offensive round.

Not surprisingly, the first round was definitely the tactic used by the tactical genius Su Lang against the Pistons.

After the game against the Pistons, Su Lang introduced this tactic and the subsequent extension to Don Nelson in detail.

In the past few days since Su Lang was banned, the players of the team have been practicing this tactic frantically.

So this time, it's much smoother than in the last game.

And the old fox Don Nelson also laid out some tricks for this tactic.

If Su Lang didn't start, no one would be able to see that this was still a prelude to the elevator door tactics.

Soon Su Lang easily passed between Andris and Brandon White.

Go straight to the three-point line and shoot outside.

Of course, Rajon Rondo was affectionately exchanged by the two strong men, Andris and Brandon White.

Celtics head coach Doug Reaves also frowned off the court.

Before the game, he was more worried about the Warriors' tactic.

Because after the previous game between the Warriors and the Pistons, Michael Curry, the head coach of the Pistons, vented his bitterness to the media.

Crazy complaining about how shameless the Warriors' tactics are.

This has also brought this tactic to the attention of many coaches in the league.

At one point, Dough Reaves even wanted to put this tactic on his team.

But it's obviously unrealistic.

Pierce, the core of the team, would certainly not agree.

In this way, it is obvious that Ray Allen is the offensive firepower point of the main force.

If the elevator door tactic is really used, the atmosphere of the team will definitely become tense.

Doug Reaves understands how important it is to have a stable team atmosphere.

So even if he had the league's top three-point shooter, he wouldn't have the means to use that tactic.

I can't use it myself, but Dougreaves is not happy to see the other party use it.

After all, he hadn't thought of a tactical solution until now.

Su Lang on the court had easily hit three points at this time.

With a smile on his face, he looked at Rondo.

"Hey, do you see it? This is a three-point shot, I guess you can't understand it in your life, the fun of three-point shots, hahaha"

Su Lang isn't this just mocking his poor outside shooting rate.

Rajon Rondo's face became even more gloomy.

"Hey, clean my mouth and order a rookie!" Su

Lang, who was taunting Rajan Rondo, was suddenly pushed.

This person is Garnett, who is very unhappy with Su Lang.

Garnett is notoriously bullying the weak and afraid of the hard, he thinks that Su Lang is a rookie, isn't he left it to himself.

So at this time, he stood up directly, on the one hand, he could bully Su Lang, and on the other hand, he could also pull a wave of presence in front of


maybe La Jian Rondo would pass the ball a few more times to him.

But this time Garnett was looking for the wrong person.

"Hey!, get out of here!" Before

Su Lang could say anything, the Martial Saint Jackson in the distance directly pushed Garnett away.

Martial Saint Jackson stood beside Su Lang, looking like a gold medal fighter.

Jackson would not watch Su Lang being bullied, and after this period of contact, Su Lang was a teammate who was very appetizing to him.

Jackson doesn't mind being a gold medal fighter.

Garnett was shocked when he saw Martial Saint Jackson stand up.

Then a look of disdain appeared on his face.

"Softie! people who will only hide behind others, I think you are more suitable to go to the nursery, where you must be absolutely gentle"

The trash talk king Garnett really lives up to his name.

Jackson was trying to help Su Lang fight back.

Su Lang patted Jackson on the shoulder and stepped forward.

"It's just a stray dog who can only hug his thighs to get the general manager's army, I think the name soft egg is more suitable for you"

After finishing speaking, Su Lang smiled and returned to the backcourt to defend.

Garnett froze in place.

I'm the wolf king! Not a stray dog!

The Minnesota fans have forgiven me.

I didn't abandon them! I wasn't wrong!' Garnett's

heart kept roaring.

[Negative sentiment value from Garnett +3000]

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

Compare trash talk with yourself, I'll squirt you with a sip of salt soda!Celtics'

offensive round.

Pierce's side singled Margety.

The offensive kaleidoscope is indeed not covered.

The continuous feints directly shook Margeti to the north.

A mid-shot shot completes the summary.

The score came to 2:3

The Warriors lead by one point.

Su Lang shook his head helplessly.

It's really hard to fight, when I'm entangled with Rajon Rondo and Garnett here.

Let Pierce take his chance.

Looking back, the Warriors are still an elevator door tactic.

This time, the Celtics simply gave up defending Jackson.

Ray Allen came directly to the defense.

This is also a matter of no choice, after all, Su Lang and Jackson must have one of them missing.

In comparison, Su Lang is much more dangerous than Jackson.

Su Lang passed the basketball to Jackson, and

Jackson adjusted it just like his usual shooting training.

Three-point shot.

The basketball hit, and the score on the court came to 6:2

Jackson was visibly happy after the score.

But the Celtics, on their part, don't think so.

Coming back, Pierce hit another mid-range shot.

Bite the score to the death.

The Warriors' offensive round.

The Celtics are still keeping an eye on Su Lang.

Su Lang passed the basketball to Jackson again.

But this time there was a guy who had his eye on him.

That's Garnett.

This time Garnett didn't want to defend the opponent at all.

Instead, he focused directly on Jackson.

So after Jackson received the ball, Garnett rushed out with a lunge.


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