NBA: I Really Have No Talent

Chapter 284 : The West is in turmoil, and the Jazz is as immovable as a mountain!

The Olympics is over. Except for the United States, athletes from all countries have no idea of ​​staying in the Olympic Village for a long time. They are all following the team leader to prepare to return to China to enjoy the return-like treatment of heroes, including everyone from the Long Country Men's Basketball Team. .

Of course, Wang Pan is not included. Because he still has some business matters to deal with, he can't leave Atlanta for the time being, so he has no chance to return to China to face the welcoming ceremony of the Chinese people and the national commendation activities.

However, he has always liked to be low-key, and he didn't have any interest in this kind of activity.

Together with Selena, they sent Dazhi all the way to the airport. During the passionate love period, the affection was very good in appearance and state, and all the teammates were cast with blank eyes and helplessness.

They asked Selena if she had a sister or something, and expressed that they wanted to be brothers with Wang Pan.

For this kind of non-simple request, Wang Pan naturally refused directly without hesitation. Even if he wanted to be a brother, he would be the other person.

Well, the premise is that the other party's girlfriend is beautiful enough, otherwise, forget it.

People, I still have to pursue a bit!

As the teammates entered the airport one after another and disappeared from sight, Wang Pan officially ended the national team tour of the Atlanta Olympics. Through the glass, he looked at the flying and departing planes, recalling The scenes and scenes of fighting alongside Dazhi and Dazhi at the Olympics, I don't know when it will be when we will meet and cooperate next time, and feel a little melancholy in my heart.

The taste of parting is always so bitter.

Feeling this emotion, Selena next to her slowly leaned her head on Wang Pan's shoulder, and whispered softly: "My dear, didn't you say you wanted to take me to your country last time" four Two or three "Let's take a look at the place where you grew up. After we are done with the next things, let's go to Longguo, okay?"

"Okay, in our words, you will soon be the daughter-in-law of the Dragon Kingdom. You should take you to the Dragon Kingdom. After all, there is my motherland."

"Then it's settled."

"Well, it's a deal."

Nodding, Wang Pan took Selena's shoulder with one hand, turned and walked towards the exit of the airport.

Next, he still has five commercials to be filmed. After finishing these, he is completely free and can start to enjoy the vacation formally. Well, it should be.

Thinking of the investment activities that need to be implemented in my mind next, it may take some time to establish the team.

At least one has to find a person in charge with sufficient ability to help him build a team and start the investment activities formally in accordance with the direction he has arranged.

So, after nearly two weeks, Wang Pan was shooting commercials, and with the help of Selena and his teammates, looking for and recruiting suitable investment managers in the United States, originally thought It may take more than a month or even longer to find a suitable candidate.

Who knew that as soon as the commercial was shot, a suitable candidate was successfully found.

Graduated from a prestigious school, with rich experience, excellent ability to build a management team, and outstanding execution ability. He has just been kicked out of the management team by his company and wants to prove his ability, but suffers from no opportunity to operate and display his talents with funds.

It can only be said that the first pot of gold in life does not know how many people are stumped.

It was still in the coffee shop next to the hotel. After successfully meeting with the forty-eight-year-old uncle named Frank, after a brief exchange, he intuitively told Wang Pan that he was in front of the person he wanted to find. I didn't shy away from anything, and immediately told the other party that I wanted to establish a personal investment and financial management company.

It was not because Wang Pan was slighted only after graduating from high school. Frank listened carefully to his demands and thoughts, and did not immediately respond. After thinking for a while, he solemnly gave his answer.

"Happy cooperation, boss. M" Happy cooperation, you will not regret today's decision. H Wang Pan shook hands with Frank, and immediately signed an employment contract without delay.

There is no salary column, even the basic salary. The salary conversion method given by Wang Pan is 5% of the annual profit. He can't do things that require a horse to run without feeding it grass.

According to this salary calculation method, the more the other party helps Wang Pan earn, the more he gets himself. This is a benign cycle. Of course, the premise is that the other party can control his own hopes when facing huge temptations in the future, otherwise the cooperation between the two may end at any time.

He was found by Frank through Lao Ma’s agent. Although the other party has repeatedly assured that there is no problem with this person and that his reputation and character are guaranteed, Wang Pan did not fully believe it, nor was he unprepared. The detailed investigation is clear.

In case something unpleasant happens in the future, you can also deal with it as soon as possible.

First villain, then gentleman, this is the attitude that a wise person should have towards people and things.

"Okay, the next team's affairs are all left to you. I have credited the first payment to this card. H passed the bank card in his hand, and Wang Pan smiled and said, "Hope." You will surprise me the next time you meet. "

"Boss, are you not afraid that I took the money and ran away? H Frank, who took the bank card, said jokingly, his eyes kept staring at Wang Pan.

His eyes were full of confidence. Wang Pan calmly responded: "You are a smart person. You shouldn't lose weight because of small things, and I believe that with my eyes and intuition, you are not that kind of person."

"Thank you for your trust." Frank didn't try any more, a sense of approval flashed in his eyes.

This feeling of full decentralization and trust is really good. It is much stronger than the guys in his previous service. With the bank card in his hand tightly, Frank is determined to seize this opportunity and use the facts. Telling the guys who gave up him because of his age, it was an extremely stupid decision to expel him!

The matter has been finalized, so there is no more talk. Wang Pan, who has completed all the advertising shooting, is ready to enjoy the vacation with Selena. Frank will start to form a team according to Wang Pan’s requirements and formulate the next step. Specific investment plans and investment activities.

He is not only making money for Wang Pan, but also working hard for his future, rectifying his name, and he is full of motivation!

Looking at the back of Frank's wind and fire, Wang Pan grinned at the corner of his mouth, and a look of expectation appeared in his eyes: "I hope you don't let me down. There are many talents in the United States. M is formulated from the perspective of a traveler. The general investment direction of the company, as long as it is not the other party’s own chaotic gao or arrogant opinions, 100% can make a lot of money.

They are all those brands and companies that have become giants in the past.

What Wang Pan needs is actually just an executor.

He shook his head slightly, threw these thoughts out of his mind, and stopped thinking about it. Finally, he was free from work. Wang Pan decided to go back to the hotel to meet Selena, and then have a good time to play. It's almost time to go back. I have gone to the country, the fallen leaves return to the stick, the wealth returns to my hometown, it is my generation who pretends to be BI...Oh no, it is my generation's worthy youth.

As soon as I returned to the hotel, I saw Selena sitting alone next to Chuang. She was dealing with some follow-up matters of advertising endorsements. She would frown her pretty eyebrows from time to time, as if she had encountered some problems. Seeing Wang Pan was very self-blame and distressed, and immediately walked forward...

"In the future, just leave the finishing touches to your subordinates. Don't always carry it all by yourself."

"Isn't this the assistants? They are all still in Salt Lake City. Before, there were two other teams that were not very suitable for our team. They were fired by me. I haven't found a suitable new person. This work is done." Selena's eyes were clearly looking forward to Wang Pan's eyes.

With Wang Pan’s understanding of her, I don’t know what she is thinking, and she immediately said a little speechless: "Don’t worry, since I promised to travel with you, I won’t regret it. I’ll have a rare experience during this period of time. Let’s put zong-down, no more practice, when you finish these things, we will start immediately."

"This is what you said."

"Well, I said."

"Then you do it with me, we can finish it quickly, and we can start quickly."

"Okay, let's do it together."

The craze of the U 99 Olympics has gradually disappeared. Before you know it, the NBA finals have been over for nearly two months. The summer league has also come to an end in the middle of last month. There is no bonus for any games. The popularity of the NBA should have also started to decline, but it is because the exposure of two blockbuster deals that are about to be completed has attracted great attention? ? 0 Shaquille, the leader of the new generation of centers who became free agents this summer? After the end of the season, O'Neal did not renew his contract with the Magic. It immediately caused a sensation in the entire league. Almost all the teams capable of eating this big shark are trying their best to get in touch with O'Neal and want it to join. Own team.

As long as which team can get O'Neal, the overall strength will be greatly improved, which is the consensus of everyone.

And in this process of scramble, the gossip broke that the Los Angeles Lakers were chasing Shaquille? O'Neal was at the forefront of the process, and if not surprising, O'Neal will wear a purple and gold jersey in the new season.

The Sharks Journey to the West, the pattern of the West is undergoing certain changes. The most violent response to this is the Rockets, which failed to impact Dynasty last season.

No inside player can help Olajuwon share the pressure, so that when he encounters a team with many inside players, he will often fall into a situation of being siege, unable to fully exert his strength, leading to the emergence of the team's core competitiveness. problem.

This is the case in the playoffs. The Jazz's defensive strategy is very simple, that is, double-teaming and encircling Olajuwon. After exhausting his body, they have an advantage. The tactical idea is very simple, but extremely effective.

It is an example for all other teams.

Such a fatal problem, the Rockets must find ways to solve it.

Seeking a reliable insider helper for Dameng has become a problem that Space City needs to solve urgently.

Their goal was determined very quickly, and it was clear after the end of the season. No one else, but Charles, the star of the Suns? Barkley, the Rockets have been communicating with their management and raising prices.

This time O'Neal joined the Lakers and made the Rockets feel tremendous pressure, directly putting all the chips he could put on the "shelf gas seems to have successfully moved the Suns, Charles Barkley joining the Rockets should just It's a matter of time.

As a result, the Rockets will form a terrifying Big Three lineup, inside Olajuwon + Barkley, outside Drexler, the combination of the three superstars is very bluffing.

As for the Lakers, own Shaquille? After O'Neal, with this super giant as the cornerstone, the team officially began to revive.

It's a pity that it's the magician Irwin? John News has retired again. He didn't continue to fight like Jordan, and he still cherishes feathers too much.

If there is no unexpected situation, the above two major transactions will be concluded soon.

The strong reinforcements of the Lakers and Rockets directly disrupted the situation in the West, making other teams also began to seek reinforcements.

As the defending champions, the reaction of the Jue 5.9 team has attracted a lot of attention. Everyone wants to see what kind of response they will have in the face of the turbulent West. I hope this championship team can do the same. Click the big news.

But what is disappointing is that, except for the trade with the Kings in the draft, I don’t know if Peja, the big shooter who can appear in the team's roster in the new season, is not known? Stojakovic, won Sandon in the second round? Anderson, an unknown rookie, has no reinforcements for the Jazz.

Oh no, they seem to have signed a short post player with a height of over two meters on the free market. He is just a failed rookie. The inside team is not scarce. How come they have another inside team, the Jazz’s This fucking zuo makes people very incomprehensible.

Can't it be reinforced? !

But when I think of the Jazz's strong and very strong lineup and Wang Pan, who will probably continue to improve in the new season, everyone feels astonished.

Because the Jazz does not need to make too many changes to the team’s lineup, as long as they can maintain the winning lineup of last season, the three veterans in the team will not experience a serious decline in their competitive state, coupled with their superior combat power and vitality. Unlimited Wang Pan, the Jazz is still the favorite to win the championship.

It can be said to be as immovable as a mountain, with the unchanging in response to ever-changing!

I didn't have the time and energy to pay attention to these for the time being. After completing the follow-up work, Wang Pan was finally completely free. He immediately left Atlanta with Selena and officially started his vacation life.

Sun, beach, beauty, I am coming!

Selena:? ? ? ?

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