In the end, the success of the “hacking and hogging tactic” and Howard’s suppressed gray yo-yo were replaced.

The Knicks’ home court at Madison Square Garden defeated the Magic 98-76.

It’s all because the Knicks’ bench can’t do it, otherwise it’s more than that.

Tang Ziwen played 26 minutes in the game, and his efficiency was amazing, with a total of 26 points, 12 rebounds, 9 blocks and 11 assists~

The battle for the first center.

It was as if Tang Ziwen had won!

Howard played 32 minutes in the game, scoring 14 points, 8 rebounds and 6 blocks, including 2 of 14 shooting, 2 dunks, and 14 free throws, and the fans suspected that the 6 free throws were successfully stunned-..

After the game, Comrade Lao De did not hesitate to praise in an interview: “Our core Tang Ziwen, Tang’s performance has been seen, he is the first center in the NBA.” ”

“As for Dwight Howard, his performance is not comparable to Tang Ziwen, his interior technique is disorganized, his technique is rough, his free throw percentage is amazing, and I think he is not a player at the same level as Tang Ziwen.”

In order to enhance Tang Ziwen’s popularity, Comrade Lao De openly bombarded the “Warcraft” Howard in front of media reporters and belittled Howard as worthless!

“May I ask Coach Mike, is Howard really that bad?”

D’Antoni smiled inwardly and responded with a serious face: “He is not bad as a center, but compared to Tang Ziwen, it is much worse, the data of this game will tell the fans, will tell you reporters and media, who is the current number one center.” ”

Tang Ziwen gurgled in his heart, a little embarrassed about what Comrade Lao De said.

In a game, you can’t see the true level of a player.


What Comrade Lao De said seems.

Also, nothing wrong with it?

To that end, the Knicks’ news media interviewed Magic coach Van Gundy.

Van Gundy heard D’Antoni despise his players so much, and said unhappy: “I think the loss of this game was a problem with my tactical arrangement, and Howard’s performance is still excellent in my eyes. ”

“As for the other party’s Tang Ziwen, it’s just luck!”

“But…” the New York reporter still looked at Tang Ziwen and asked provocatively: “But his free throws are really bad, and you can also use the “slashing Tang” tactic against the demon king.” ”

“It is normal for a dominant inside gate to have certain shortcomings.”

“But Tang Ziwen doesn’t, he is a perfect center in the eyes of fans, and the Magic are famous for defending and assisting defense, but Tang Ziwen only played 2 minutes, whether it is offensive efficiency or scoring efficiency, it is very high.”

Van Gundy was silenced by a group of journalists and the media.

He racked his brains to find fault with Tang Ziwen, but found that Tang Ziwen’s attack and defense turned out to be perfect.

No faults, no shortcomings?

Half an hour after the game, Madison Square Garden held another press conference.

The content of the press conference, D’Antoni continued to bombard Howard, and the reporters and media frantically assisted…….

To know that the All-Star voting is about to begin, who is Tang Ziwen and Howard is the first center in the East, suitable for the starter in the Eastern Region of the All-Star Game, and many fans in the Eastern Region have also begun to discuss to a certain extent.

Comrade Lao De frantically pushed the tide and created momentum for Tang Ziwen!

The exclusive media reporters of the Knicks frantically assisted in front of ESPN, as well as US and other reporters.

“WOW, Howard’s ball is really bad, Don, how do you practice your free throws? It’s amazing that a player like you, who is a huge threat to the inside, can make such accurate free throws! The Nix press officer asked with a smile.

Tang Ziwen smiled.

“I’ve already answered this question, I used to play as a defender”

Can you imagine a defender who is a defender if he is not making accurate free throws.

A group of media reporters remembered that Tang Ziwen used to be a defender player.

No wonder, the percentage of free throws is so high!

At the same time, a group of Nix media specifically found the former “celebrity” of Nix, Leon the gorilla.

“May I ask Mr. Patrick, as Howard’s assistant coach, do you think he is suitable to be an All-Star starter in the Eastern Conference?”


This question.

One blow is fatal!

Gorilla Ewing gurgled in his heart, his eyes suddenly widened, and his heart became nervous.

If he bragged about Howard, in case the voters were not as good as Tang Ziwen by then.

The point is that Howard’s technique, which he has taught for so long, is out of step, still rough, and is completely playing with physical talent.

He thinks in his heart that Howard is inferior to Tang Ziwendi~!

However, as Howard’s teacher, he had to support.

··· Ask for flowers…

“I don’t think a game can be decided, and who’s the right starting centre in the East, let the fans answer.”

Answer non-questions, prevarication…….

Gorilla Ewing was helpless.


On the morning of December 3, when Ziwen walked into the Knicks’ training arena, he suddenly saw an idol.

“Oh my God~!” Rao was very calm, and couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised: “Hello, Mr. Hakim!” ”

Olajuwang smiled and gave Tang Ziwen a big hug.

“WOW, legendary center” Stephen Curry was also shocked, this legendary figure actually came to the Knicks? Did he come specifically to see Tang Ziwen?

Kidd, Harrington and a group of substitutes also watched this scene in surprise.


D’Antoni smiled and introduced, “Don, Mr. Hakeem is a teaching assistant hired by the Knicks specifically for you for a total of six months!” ”

Oh, my God!

As soon as these words came out, Curry and others were dumbfounded.

What the?


Is Olajuwon Tang Ziwen’s teaching assistant?

Such a legendary center!

Olajuwon smiled and said: “Hello, Don, I have seen your important games, but you grab the rebound by jumping speed, although it is very successful, but it is very physically demanding, and Coach Mike hopes that I can teach you the card position technique under the basket, as well as some practical skills of the center.” ”

Mike D’Anthony spoke to him.

Tang Ziwen has the physical talent of a super center and also has certain skills.

But despite this, Tang Ziwen has only played the center position for a year, and he definitely lacks certain skills.

“What should I call it, you are my idol!” Tang Ziwen couldn’t help but touch his head, when facing the idol, he was a little less calm and domineering.

Olajuwon’s basketball skills are arguably the best of all time, with ever-changing offensive styles and unpredictable foot movements.

Especially good at confusing opponents with all kinds of gorgeous feints, most of his contemporaneous centers could not crack his fantastic attack, which gave Olajuwon the name “Big Dream”

“Your performance is so shocking~!” Olajuwon patted Tang Ziwen’s shoulder.

“Just call me Big Dream, many people call me that!”

“OK!” Tang Ziwen fiercely gave Olajuwang a hug and said, “Then I’ll call you Teacher Da Meng!” “_

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